Kayden Kross Doesn’t Have The Authority To Shoo A Homeless Can Collector Off The Arrangementfinders Property

OK one of the things about doing this site is that If I get anything wrong or even, as in this case, if I run with the “official story” I will get people who will set it straight.  I got a lot of these on the Kayden Kross and Arrangementfinders story.  In this case someone involved with the company and the negotiations set it straight.

“Kayden Kross Doesn’t Have The Authority To Shoo A Homeless Can Collector Off The Arrangementfinders Property”  That’s the title of the email I got.  the person went on to explain (as did others) that any idea that Kayden put any of her own money into the venture is pure PR Nonsense as is any implication that her “presidency” is anything more than just more of the same PR nonsense. “Ms Kross is no different than Bree Olson and Sidney Leathers who preceded her as spokesmodel except that Ms Kross apparently doesn’t openly escort.”

Now according to another source Kayden did indeed persuade Veronica Vain to do her project instead but in the end that project will be put out by Evil Angel Video anyway making it a rather moot point.  The movie will be put out by Manuels company (Im told shot without condoms) via Evil Angel and will essentially be a long soft ad for arrangementfinders who put up the money for the production.

The original main point of the story does still stand, this is not a low key operation flying under the radar and it does indeed have the attention of law enforcement but whether or not they choose to test the water is up to them.  If Kayden IS listed as President in the corporation paperwork she could finder herself a  defendant, no doubt about it.

Another reader pointed out how odd it was that they would hire her in the first place considering her stance on prostitution in the biz and her issues with Bree Olson along those lines back when they were both contracted to Adam and Eve.  While I can see that I could also see where a soft anti prostitution stance would be appealing to arrangementfinders who claim that they are not even close to prostitution.

So that pretty well wraps the story up and ends the free press that it will get here.

Have a great weekend y’all!


117000cookie-checkKayden Kross Doesn’t Have The Authority To Shoo A Homeless Can Collector Off The Arrangementfinders Property

Kayden Kross Doesn’t Have The Authority To Shoo A Homeless Can Collector Off The Arrangementfinders Property

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46 Responses

  1. Here’s an interview Kayden did in January. In it she talks about how she invested money in the company how she is their president and how she thinks what they do isn’t prostitution…

    I will not be surprised if it is proven she is a liar because that’s all most of the people associated with this industry are good for..having no credibility and lying..

  2. So is Veronica Vain under contract with Kayden Kross? I don’t get what all the hype is about, she was just an Intern. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole wall street angle is total BS, not like anyone is going to do any kind of background check on this girl. My google searches turn up that she was a stripper.

  3. My google searches turned up that Vain interned at Lazard’s Asset Management from June 2 until Jan. 9 before beginning her porn career.
    Mike, you should contact this place to confirm whether this is true or not.

    As for this girl making 6 figures? Lol! We know this is a lie because NO porn performer makes 6 figures.
    Oops.. Yes they do.. $1000.00 lol!

  4. And only some big name performers make that amount..the rest get a few hundred dollars and of course, no residuals. Pitiful. 🙁

  5. No gets that amount. Maybe in the Video Tape and early DVD days, but now? Not even sure Farrah Abraham got over $50k for her Vivid movie.

  6. what are you talking about? $1000.00 is a thousand dollars.. That’s why I said LOL! I was being sarcastic by adding the 2 zeros at the end…to make it a 6 figure number? Duh.

    big names like James Deen get that amount. Everyone else gets a few hundred.. In other words NO ONE is making shit because no one is working everyday.. There isn’t much work to go around. That is why performers escort.. Blah blah….

    As for Abraham.. She probably made regular salary.. A few hundred.. Maybe a thousand.

  7. Who cares what the hype is about? Like what do you mean by that? She got media attention and now will either be good at this job or won’t. Why would anyone do a background check? Literally who would be damaged if she wasn’t a Wall Streeter?

  8. Yes and David Beckham soccer contract wasn’t actually worth 2 bazzillion dollars, what exactly are you squabbling about? Porn press releases are embellishing things? Call someone, have them get on that. I’m sure Mike would investigate lol.

  9. As a marketing stunt, I could see a site like arrangementwhatever it is paying $100,000 – maybe tied to residuals or something – because it might generate revenue for the site. But let’s get real – no one is paying $100,000 to see this chick do girl girl with Kayden Kross.

    That said, they’re promoting this as her giving up a career in finance for porn when her career consisted of a six-month internship. You have to realize that most internships these days, especially at big name firms, are unpaid because the interns are hoping to turn them into a job offer. In some instances, the interns are actually paying for position, especially if they do them overseas. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/08/education/edlife/the-10000-unpaid-global-internship.html. In all likelihood, she did her six months and didn’t get a job offer.

  10. I actually met this Veronica Vain person during Avns. Let me see what I can find for you Mike.

    But I agree 100 percent. Not only is Kayden crazy for doing this, but why would anyone pay a girl 6 figures who has not ever even been seen nude before. Girls are doing dps and anal for far less so I think Evil Angel saved themselves a lot of money.

  11. Wait who said girl/girl? And why would anyone care about how big into Wall Street she was? It’s a marketing tool, not a report for the purpose of accuracy.

  12. When Veronica Vain posts a selfie holding the check for $100,000 + I’ll believe it. However, what I’ve seen on her Twitter page is something to the effect of: “I quit a job on Wall Street for a career in porn.” She did not have a job, or career, on Wall Street. She was an intern, my friends. That’s another way of saying: “I gave up an underpaid position making copies and getting coffee for investment bankers to suck dick.” You do not get an investment banking position, as she is implying, without an MBA from a major school. There is no indication that she’s a Harvard MBA.

    I am willing to bet $100,000 that her $100,000 payday is as real as Kayden’s $1 million investment. Or Farrah Abrams million dollar payday from Vivid. Or Belle’s scholarship to Duke.

  13. You are getting a bit caught up on a press release. What is going to be affected if she doesn’t make 100,000 or didn’t have a super impressive job? It’s such trivial stuff.

  14. @commonsense

    Honestly, you supported some of my posts sometime but i have to tell you that you sound like a hysterical parrot more often than not. I don’t know who you are, but i suspect what you are: you’ve got an issue with porn, whatever it is, and you should try and get over it one way or another: maybe letting it go. Some girls in porn do six figures and much more, believe it or not. I criticize this industry all the time, but i don’t hate it. To the contrary of you. Every time i read you, you sound like a loser who wanted to be involved with porn and failed at it miserably. I’m not trying to offend you (but hey…take it however you want, i’m used to it), but throwing shit over anything concerning porn on a porn blog it seriously makes you look like a Roxy Bar troll. My 2 cents.

  15. First I will say no way in hell is this Veronica chick getting $100K to lick Kayden’s clit. I Googled Veronica, she is only attractive if she is wearing makeup, even then she is only looks to be about an eight on a scale of ten (regarding looks Kayden is ten times the woman this chick is). This Lazard Asset Management is nothing big in the world of Wall Street, they sound like they mainly work behind the scenes with governments and banks. They certainly aren’t anything special here in the US — so Veronica won’t get $100K using her job there as a way to glide into porn. She wasn’t famous before entering porn that I can see so that angle won’t get her $100K without at least sucking on Manuel’s and fifty other dicks too and swallowing every last drop of cum she can while doing so. She may get that for promoting this thinly-veiled pimping agency but not likely.

    As far as Kayden getting herself into a lot more legal trouble and future brutality inflicted by “over-zealous” correctional officers in multiple state and federal prisons due to violations of the Mann Act as well as various pimping, pandering and prostitution laws in at least 49 states (she may be a glorified PR person but if she is actually listed on legal papers as president of this company she is likely going to do time at minimum in ten state prisons because of it and probably life in a MIchigan prison after that for violations of our CSC acts which include via sex law linkage in the acts to pimping and pandering). She will take down every other decision-maker at this company as well, they may have slipped under the radar if not for Kayden but with her and the resulting publicity they are now on the radar of 49 state police/CHP/state trooper agencies, thousands of city/county/parish police/sheriff’s departments and the FBI’s radars as well as thousands of county/parish district attorneys/prosecutors and all of them would love the publicity of putting her and her “friends” at this company away — especially in Michigan (where the state prosecutor has the ability — both legal and otherwise including law enforcement detectives with power of arrest employed by the prosecutor’s office directly — to perform independent investigations and charge without even involving outside police agencies until jail booking although once word gets around about this one every possible police agency in the state will be globbing on to this case for the publicity and the possible opportunity to forcibly “interact with” a high-profile, cute, nubile porn performer).

    Mike, I know she is your friend and I tried not to be overly gross about it but I have to say it as I see it — Kayden just fucked herself out of any life she could have had associating with this (essentially) pimp shop. Her biggest mistake is putting herself on Michigan’s law-enforcement radar. Here is what I mean by saying Kayden fucked herself royally: Michigan only has one (large) prison for women but it is the harshest prison for women in the country, it is routine for guards to be investigated for brutally torturing and sexually assaulting inmates — so much so that the state was sued federally several times for not taking further action preventing the assaults from continuing. Multple judges have ruled that only female guards may work at the prison but our governors have told the courts either come and run the prison themselves and pay for it or we would run it our way — so far the courts haven’t sent the National Guard in to run the prison and since these cases have been filed one after another since the mid 90’s, rulings against the state have been handed down with the female-only rule and the prison is still guarded by mainly male guards to this day I don’t expect any change (our state government has this attitude with any ruling they don’t like, it isn’t just women’s prisons, there is also a case where the facility and care at the prison hospital where men are surgically treated has been declared unconstitutional but our officials just thumb their nose up at the judges and nothing changes there either, there is a case just this week where the first appeal resulted in confirmation of a ruling where a judge ordered the state to pay for and give to a prisoner a pressure-relieving air mattress (about $500 or so) due to severe pain from two injuries but the state in order to torture this man more for his crimes has told that federal judge to either send the prisoner to a federal prison, pay for all of his care and give the medical mattress to him there or go fuck himself — the prisoner is still sleeping on a steel unpadded bunk at one of our state prisons like all other state prisoners as I type — this is what Kayden will be up against when she is convicted and sent to Michigan prison).

  16. @Sabrina: I don’t believe that any performer in this industry makes 6 figures.. Unless you provide the proof I will continue not to..

    I sound like a loser who wanted to be involved with porn and failed at it miserably? Lol! First off how does one fail at porn? Lol! Second of all ..If I ever considered becoming a porn performer. I would have myself committted to the nearest mental hospital because I would know there was something seriously wrong with me… Sorry if that offends..I am just being honest…

    Let me give you some advice….If you or anyone else doesn’t like what I have to say than don’t read it.. End of story.. Why get yourself all worked up?

    Am I offended? everyone should have figured out by now that nothing anyone says about me or my comments..or any names They call me does not offend me one bit… I could care less…
    Why would I get offended?
    That’s my 2 cents.

  17. Ps. and you are living in the land of delusions if you don’t think that most other people in the general public feel the same way I do… Believe it or not. I am being nice.. Most other people say far worse… And you also have to remember that most of the other people who anonymously comment on here are industry people who have an agenda.. So they say whatever fits into it..

  18. Oh and the 6 figure thing? I am talking about ..excluding escorting, selling products, producing, begging for money etc.. There is no way a porn performer makes 6 figures just shooting scenes… No way..

  19. Not being booked for jobs. Are you seriously asking how someone can fail at it or just being snarky? Cause it’s obviously easy to answer.

  20. Why is ‘most people do it’ even close to a good reasoning? I mean there’s a certain defense to be had there, but it is the most basic and least thought out defense ever.

  21. “I would have myself committted to the nearest mental hospital because I would know there was something seriously wrong with me”

    Now I am genuinely confused, this does make it sound like you have a genuine pretty blanket disdain so why in the world do you read porn gossip/news sites?

  22. So the ABC NEWS piece from 2 years ago that Mike cited was “under the radar”? This whole post masquerades as factual. The idea that you are talking about prisons in specific states like you even have evidence any case is being made is utterly insane. This site ranks about 2000th down the list of sites you could argue is doing anything near explicitly promoting prostitution. Like genuinely what are you talking about? It seems like you even imply that they will pursue a case just to have an opportunity to sexually assault her at one point at the end of paragraph 2.

  23. @common Sense
    Girls can make 6 figures shooting. It’s just the Veronica saying that she’s getting 100k for one project that is bull shit, but performers like Nikki Benz, Lisa Ann, Julia Ann, Kendra Lust, they easily make that a year. The top girls that work 10-15 times per month. This is just shooting scenes, they are pulling in about 10-20k per month. The top girls work all the time, and companies are shooting all the time. There is no slow down in shooting, we’re out here shooting every day.

  24. @commonsense. I haven’t said ANY performers. I have said SOME versus your NO ONE. This is a discussion forum: if i don’t like what you see or i disagree with it, i have all the right to point it out; you seem to be the one who is intolerant and worked up towards others’ views, if they don’t match yours. You hate porn and find it mentally sick and yet you spend your time discerning about porn: so, you HAVE and agenda and that’s why i brought up the Roxy Bar label whose meaning few seem to have understood (but i’m sure you have): you’re on a mission to catechize us about the vileness of porn; this is legit, if that’s your view; but it’s also legit that some of us contest some of your ignorant statements and your total inability to be purposeful about any topic discussed on this blog. Common sense is that not everybody working in porn is necessarily mentally ill and not everybody despising porn is necessarily mentally sane: however you put it, there is something wrong either with you or with your view about porn or with your nickname.

  25. I am hoping Mike can get Kayden talked out of her situation somehow before it turns into what I have described. Once the advertisements start her goose is cooked. In order to do that it takes knowing how things really work. Michigan plays into this more because of our life in prison sentences for sex offenses like this company’s. All it takes is this company having either a “sugar daddy” or prostitute based here and our laws apply.

    Regarding the ABC interview, yes that could affect the profile of this pimp shop but much less so than heavy advertising using a high-profile porn performer that actually is quite attractive to boot.

    As for Michigan prisons, I know people (mainly attorney-professors) that are involved in the lawsuits regarding the almost routine forced sex and torture of female prisoners in the women’s prison here. The evidence is actually pretty damning if you have a look at it. Our prison administrators evidently consider rape and torture as part of an inmate’s punishment from what I have seen. Unfortunately with the way this state is run the only way to stop it is a wholesale takeover by the federal government but that will never happen because Michigan would just refuse to pay any money toward running the prisons once this happened forcing all of the costs on the feds. Even the most bleeding-heart liberals in federal government won’t spend that kind of dough on this issue.

  26. “life in prison sentences for sex offenses like this company’s”??? So YOU have somehow already proved they did something criminal? Not even the leading articles from Mike went that far. You don’t even show that people are investigating let alone this idiocy about it leading to life in prison. This company has been around and known. It is no different than other sites besides the wording of the adverts and even the wording isn’t something new and crazy. This site is less explicit in promoting any sort of crime than 200 other dating sites. Your jump from Mike suggesting it’s bad to “life in prison” is so weird.

  27. @erik2690

    Where’s the proof to back up your rebuttals?

    I agree it’s no different than other sites. Since 2011 Mainstream media has been questioning the business model as equivalent to prostitution. Keep that 2011 in mind.

    June 25,2014 FBI seized myredbook sites indicting Annmarie Lanoco and Eric Omuro for use of mail & Internet to facilitate prostitution and tacked money laundering onto Eric Omuro.

    She plead guilty in November 2014 sentencing schedule March 19. He plead guilty a couple weeks later to running the sites from April 2010 thru June 2014, agreeing to the forfeiture of the sites and over $1.28 million in cash and property…no word on additional sentencing.

    The more prolific these sites have become the more pressure LE is getting to shut them down. Parents who were worried their kid might run amuck in a collegiate atmosphere changed their party lines to include stuff about US colleges becoming an entry to sex work vs gainful employment. Now consider the $1.28 million forefeiture on $5.4 million admitted with the fact that forfeiture amount is similar to taxes myredbook sites would have paid. Now consider the $5.4 million facilitated the generation of unknown untaxed millions and how that relates to sites putting up billboards offering their site as an alternative to prostition and summer jobs.

    Commenters are not accountable for resolving YOUR issues with their posts by offering proof to rebut your ‘say it ain’t so’ arguments that have grown tedious. These unsupported rebuttals equate to the obese asshole known for bringing an empty platter to pot luck meals alternately criticizing the fare and demanding his palate be appeased.

  28. Harris:

    Your long-winded diatribes really do you in and here’s why: The more you pontificate, the more you expose yourself as someone who knows very little.

  29. You just cited one case and did not explain in any way how it is an identical situation to this site being discussed. All you proved is that being charged with that crime has happened, you didn’t link it to the site being discussed. Your flat out wrong, it’s on the people claiming “life in prison” to prove the wrongdoing to be taken as sensible. Asking for facts is in fact the right thing to do. You don’t don’t prove non-criminal action, you prove the crimes.

    “MyRedBook was an extensive network of public and private forums offering escorts a place to advertise”.
    “MyRedbook.com, which hosted ads posted by prostitutes containing explicit photos, graphic descriptions of sexual services offered and rates. The ads were searchable by location.”

    Your job is to link that to the site being talked about, since that is what you are trying to vaguely show. That’s not a weird obfuscating demand, that’s what you should show for your whole point to make sense. The ads is the most important factor. It was explicit. Show that for this site and you’ll start to have a genuine comparison.

    “billboards offering their site as an alternative to prostition”??

  30. The one case I cited is one more than anything you offered and remains on point with my original question. What I found in the quest to satisfy my curiousity was the similar rationales behind charges in silkroad and myredbook cases.

    “Your job is to link that to the site being talked about, since that is what you are trying to vaguely show.”

    My job? Show me the money otherwise have a nice day and sastify your own fucking doubts aka go fuck yourself!

  31. Are you not implying they are the same? To do that you must show how or else you are just talking BS. Again, the reason you need the proof and not me is that you don’t work to prove something isn’t criminal. That’s insane logic. Just because we are having an 2 sided debate doesn’t mean burden of proof goes away. That rests with the side trying to prove wrongdoing. This whole turning to me for not citing a case of non-crime makes no sense. There are tons of sites with ‘sugar daddy’ language that aren’t charged, so you just want me to list some those.

    Here’s the important part that needs a response:
    “MyRedBook was an extensive network of public and private forums offering escorts a place to advertise”.
    “MyRedbook.com, which hosted ads posted by prostitutes containing explicit photos, graphic descriptions of sexual services offered and rates. The ads were searchable by location.”

    You tried to make it sound like they were taken down for running a dating site with some vague implications like arrangementfinders. The reality was they were running explicit prostitution adverts. How is that comparable, you showed yourself by trying to make it sound like an analogous site. Mike was the one who brought up SilkRoad, which is nothing like arrangementfinders. Why does it matter if SilkRoad is like myredbook in an article about arrangementfinders. We aren’t trying to link SilkRoad to anything, the subject is arrangementfinders.

  32. “My job? Show me the money otherwise have a nice day and sastify your own fucking doubts aka go fuck yourself!”

    Silly rational. You know I don’t mean job in any official sense. Are you not trying to prove a point? If not why are you arguing with me? And if you are, to do that effectively in this case requires you to link the site Mike is going on about with the site you are trying to analogize it to. That’s just logically the only effective way to show the similarity between the sites. Prostitution is a crime as is promoting/profiting knowingly from it, but that isn’t the debate. So showing that to be true doesn’t say anything. You have to show arrangementfinders doing that to make any effective argument.

  33. The logic behind getting upset and telling me to “go fuck yourself!” after you respond to my post which was a response to not you, but a totally different user is quite weird. Why respond to me just to get upset?

  34. “Are you not implying they are the same? To do that you must show how or else you are just talking BS.”

    I’m outright stating that when implying they are different it’s more effective to show how or you’re just talking BS.

  35. “The logic behind getting upset and telling me to “go fuck yourself!” after you respond to my post which was a response to not you, but a totally different user is quite weird.”

    Go fuck yourself! Relates to the absurdity of your demands and in no way reflects emotional involvement on my part. And just who were you addressing in this comment?

    “”You just cited one case and did not explain in any way how it is an identical situation to this site being discussed. All you proved is that being charged with that crime has happened, you didn’t link it to the site being discussed. Your flat out wrong”

    “Your job is to link that to the site being talked about, since that is what you are trying to vaguely show. That’s not a weird obfuscating demand, that’s what you should show for your whole point to make sense.””

    “Why respond to me just to get upset”
    Another assumption attributed as a factual basis to a faulty conclusion.

  36. “MyRedBook was an extensive network of public and private forums offering escorts a place to advertise”.
    “MyRedbook.com, which hosted ads posted by prostitutes containing explicit photos, graphic descriptions of sexual services offered and rates. The ads were searchable by location.”

    By not doing that they are different lol. I thought I made that pretty clear. Again, I don’t need proof to show non-crime, that’s silly. You in an argument trying to link arrangementfinders to the site that sold explicit prostitution adverts with rates need to show the similarity. That’s how burden of proof works, asking me to exonerate a site of every claim you are just pulling out of thin air is impossible. You tried to imply they were like myredbook, but showed no way as to how they were similar. You were trying to show precedent for charges, but unless the sites are very similar the idea of precedent doesn’t really apply.

  37. Well, yes of course after your initial response I engaged. I’m not saying no back and forth took place lol. You originated the debate though by responding to my comment which wasn’t directed at you. That was what I was referencing. I mean just look down the comments, it’s quite clear that I was having a back and forth with Mharris and you jumped in. That’s fine obviously, but that is how it went.

  38. I’ve got an idea. Since Eric is always demanding proof I suggest that until Ericc provides proof that he is not a total little asswipe we just ignore him. sound logical to me.

  39. Smart idea, sounds good. If you can’t engage in debate without calling names/being upset or understand basic concepts like which side has burden of proof then by all means ignore and don’t engage. I probably am an asswipe to you, considering that’s a subjective bit of name calling. So I agree, that’s me, so need to disprove it lol. Still ignore me though if you are frustrated.

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