John Stagliano and Katie Summers What Its About

Theres a lot of misinformation and incorrect conjecture going on about this.  It’s actually a fairly simple case with huge repercussions for the industry.

Katie is NOT making any claims that she has HIV or contracted it from John Stagliano.  Her claim is very simple…He didn’t notify her of his status prior to sexual contact as REQUIRED by California law.   At this time this is NOT a criminal case, it is a civil lawsuit and as such that means she must only convince a simple majority of the jury that this was indeed sexual contact.   If I were her lawyer this would seem simple to me.  If you are sitting on that jury and you put yourself in her place would you want to be notified?

Another thing that got my attention is Karens statement in the press release that “John has been undetectable for HIV for 15 years”  Both AVN and XBiz ran this statement.  It speaks volumes for those with the sense to understand what she said.

Combine that with Johns statement to idesigntimes

 “I have been non-detectable since a few weeks after I found out that I was positive. That’s because I went right on the drugs and have stayed on the drugs. They have had no adverse affects on me.

“Non-detectable means that you can’t detect it with the best DNA tests available. There is a tiny bit in my bloodstream. I still have it technically, but I have never suffered any ill effects other than the nausea from the drugs. That has been minor,” Stagliano said.

This backs up what I have said all along….If John came into porn today and tested APHSS would clear him for work.  This illustrates why we should do both the PCRDNA test and an antibody test (he would NOT pass the antibody test)


77110cookie-checkJohn Stagliano and Katie Summers What Its About

John Stagliano and Katie Summers What Its About

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23 Responses

  1. Christian XXX Says Katie Should Have Known

    I’m posting comments Christian XXX made on LukeisBack which apparently were re-posted by The Real Porn WikiLeaks. I get so confused over those chain of custody distinctions.

    Christian is basically saying that Katie Summers was in the industry for at least a year when she did Stretch Class and should have known that John Stagliano was HIV. Hey, I’ve been in the business 27 years and only met Summers last December so the point is, what? In fact I’ve never met Christian, only talked to him on the phone once or twice. So the point is, again, what?

    Noticing that Christian has taken a shot or two at moi, I’m just saying I’m like Mean Gene Okerlund of wrestling. In fact a couple of my email addresses go to Mean Gene. I’m the guy in the middle standing between two behemoths. I’m waving my mike, making provocative comments and allowing the big boys to go at it with challenges and counter-challenges. So whatever Christian XXX says is fine and dandy by me. Even the fact that, oh, Katie hung around Evil Angel so she must have known.

    Now, I’m no lawyer and have never driven a bus for Shane’s World, but I got a pretty good idea that when Summers goes to depo and says, like she said in her lawsuit, that had she known Stagliano was HIV, she would never have done the scene – I believe in depo you’re under oath, so Summers could face prison time. Maybe I’m wrong about that.

    What I like about lawsuits and the dialogue/speculation they prompt is it doesn’t mean shit what I, Rob Black or Christian have to say on this issue. This is a matter that will now be settled in the courts. Or with a settlement.

    Christian also goes on to say, “I know that saying all of this opens me up for the usual criticism of me, the scenes I do, blah, blah, blah but come on now. It might land on Gene Ross’s site, and I might get savaged by Rob Black on his super popular daily show.”

    Au contraire. Never having gotten erect at the site of man-ass, and, even more, erect enough to penetrate said man-ass, I truly marvel at a solid hetero man who can train his mind to meld with his penis under those exhausting combat conditions. And, truthfully, I’ve always liked that Michael Berryman-thing Christian has going.

    This is what Christian says: For someone who loves to point out when people are not too smart, I don’t understand how you fail to observe that Gene Ross & Rob Black call Katie “an intelligent young woman” but somehow she missed everyone and their dog knowing that Stagliano is positive…for THREE YEARS!

    She wasn’t brand new either, she had been on other EA sets and been in the biz for way over a year when she did that scene.

    Second, let’s not pretend that Katie Summers is a stranger to doing scenes outside the norm, she has performed in many scenes with transexual performers for both EA and Kink (and I loved her for it).

    Third, I wonder if Katie knows about the past history between Rob Black and Karen Stagliano and their personal relationship before she married John.

    Fourth, you guys are SEVERELY underestimating John Stagliano’s ability to fight the charges against him Remember he had no qualms spending lots of his own money to fight the US Government, so I doubt Rob Black’s attorney scares him.

    Fifth, lets call this lawsuit for what it is…a desperate attempt for a man to stay relevant in an industry that has grown tired of him not paying performers, make up artists, and other crew. His loyal wife/girlfriend Lizzie Borden, who went to jail for him, has now been thrown to the curb in favor of Katie Summers, who must enjoy being a pawn in Rob’s games. I feel bad for Katie, being manipulated by Rob Black is not going to turn out well for her.

    I know that saying all of this opens me up for the usual criticism of me, the scenes I do, blah, blah, blah but come on now. It might land on Gene Ross’s site, and I might get savaged by Rob Black on his super popular daily show. Whatever, I have been attacked before and I will get attacked again. Do & say your worst.

    I will say this though, John being in any scene at all on camera at all isn’t the greatest idea he ever had. But was it criminal? No fucking way.

    The picture Gene & Rob harp on shows him grabbing her ass, where is that sexual? Someone show me a still or a screen grab of sexual contact with bodily fluid exchange and then I will say I was wrong. And not from some other scene…the one with Katie Summers.

    One last time, I feel very bad for Katie Summers, she is an earnest, hard working performer, who is now webcamming her ass off daily for the honor of paying Rob’s Blacks rent. Man, that must be so fun!

  2. Christian XXX Says This Isn’t Sexual

    Happily to say, I’ve had my hand up a woman’s ass on many an occasion. But Christian pens an essay in which he states, “The picture Gene & Rob harp on shows him [John Stagliano] grabbing her [Katie Summers] ass, where is that sexual?”

    [Actually I think he’s probing, not grabbing.]

    Boy, was I fooled when a hooker charged me by the hour for the privilege of doing the same thing Christian claims isn’t sexual.

    In fact, I’m willing to test his theory by going on mass transit and doing what they do in Japanese porno- four-finger a woman in that manner. The Japanese call these groping videos, but Christian says it’s non-sexual, so I’m really at a loss. I always thought groping was the same as invited/uninvited sexual contact, but what do I know.

    In fact, if I get arrested for sticking my hands up a woman’s ass as in that picture, I know what my defense will be when the courts want to brand me a sex offender.

    Your, honor, it wasn’t sexual. Christian XXX said so…here’s the link…

  3. Actually richard I expect we agree more than not

    Im taking a more indifferent approach and just spelling it out from a legal perspective except for the part that our testing protocols are lacking.

    I realize that john passing HIV in this manner is HIGHLY unlikely but from a civil lawsuit perspective it isnt about whether or not it could be passed this way, it’s a matter of whether or not California’s notification law is applicable.

    at least thats the way I see it

  4. I would love to see John get 10 years and serve it up in Vacaville state Penertration.
    That would teach him not to work with HIV.
    Richard could go visit him and do a Las Vegas Reveiw interview for the paper.

  5. In Progress: Rob Black to Christian: Get Your Facts Straight You 6’4” Hulking Queen Blogger; You Opened the Gates of Hell

    Without once naming his name, Rob Black went off on Christian XXX during his Wednesday afternoon show. Black, as he always does, systematically went through the facts in the Katie Summers lawsuit and showed how Christian doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

    Christian posted this week that Summers was in the business over a year and should have known that John Stagliano was HIV positive.

    Screaming at Mach 4 intensity, Black pointed out that Summers was in the business a scant two weeks and that her scene with John Stagliano- which was shot in Miami, by the way, was her fourth scene in the business.

    So much for Christian’s facts and that Summers was wise to the ways of Porn Velley. Prior to her scene with Stagliano, Summers had moved from Texas where she was living with her parents, came to Miami and hooked up with Type 9 Modeling. Kevin O’Neil set her up with a meeting to talk to Stagliano and Joey Silvera who were in town.

    in progress

  6. This leads to another question. How many of the females that ever appeared in any of these scences with Stagliano were real newbies. Is that why OC models sent her, she’s new and doesnt know. Was there a pattern of sending newbies to these shoots? How many females who had been around a while were in any of these scenes?

    Someone needs to get a hold of all these Stretch movies and see how many ‘newbies’ were in the films. IF IF they were using almost all newbies that will make a good little piece of evidence that they were tryint to conceal, or get girls who didnt know.

  7. Actually, Jilted, you’re on to something. Lawsuits are supposed to be about a specific act in time. On this date, the defendant (Stagliano) did the following to the plaintiff (Summers). He should not have done that and as a result, the plaintiff should be compensated.

    What either party did before or after the event is supposed to be relevant. To that end, both the defendant and plaintiff are going to work like crazy to control the scope of the trial. Christian, and I’m sure others, are already saying: Hey, this is one crazy porn actress who will do anything with anyone if a producer will pay her. But, she draws the line at this. They’re going to want to show her getting DP’d, with trannies, and anything extreme she’s done with Kink. Her lawyer is going to want to limit the scope of footage involving her to the clip in question.

    On the other side, there is something called pattern of behavior. Summers lawyer is going to want to show every clip that Stagliano has filmed of himself fingering, licking, groping or interacting with talent since his diagnosis. They’re going to want to know every medical test he has or hasn’t taken and every test he has or hasn’t shared since that diagnosis to try to show a pattern of behavior. His lawyers are going to work like crazy to limit the scope of the plaintiff’s case to this one shoot.

    Meanwhile, I think Mike is absolutely correct that this should be simple. The state requires Stagliano to inform potential sexual partners about his HIV status. Did he do so, yes or no? If the shoot did take place in Florida, as Rob Black is indicating, was he still required by Florida law? If the shoot took place in Florida but the transaction between EA and Summers’ agent took place in California, did California law still require it.

    If the transaction took place in California, but Summers was a Florida resident at the time and the scene was shot in Florida, is it even appropriate for the case to be in California state courts? Where there is a question of jurisdiction, it goes to the Federal courts. Stagliano’s lawyer could try to get it tossed on procedural grounds – again if the scene was filmed in Florida and Summers was a Florida resident, as Rob Black contends.

    And, that’s what they pay judges to decide.

    This is going to be a tough one for a jury. Regardless of how simple the underlying facts, if Stagliano’s lawyers can get video of this seemingly naive chick doing anal, double cream pies, ATM – all of which are in her IAFD profile or show her hogtied on – she’s going to have a tough time convincing them she’s worried about AIDs.

    Mike’s suggestion that the case will be narrowly focused on California’s requirement to notify a partner is really important here.

    At the same time, if Summers’ lawyer has some funds to do depositions, Discovery could put the whole industry on trial and it could get ugly.

  8. Is This Picture Sexual Enough?

    more lawsuits coming

    Christian XXX didn’t think that John Stagliano’s four fingers up Katie Summers’ ass wasn’t sexual enough. How about this screen capture from the first volume of Buttman’s Stretch Class? Oh, it appears that HIV positive Stagliano has whipped his dick out. Oh my. Did Brazilian performer Monica Santhiago know that years ago Buttman took it up his Rio De Janeiro from a Brazilian tranny?

    Let’s not harp on the past. Let’s harp on the present, shall we. It appears that Allie Haze and Adam & Eve contract girl Alexis Texas appeared in the same Stretch Class as Katie Summers who’s filed a lawsuit against Buttman. Will they be subpoenaed? And what story will they have to tell under oath?

    Also, another performer has come forward. This girl wasn’t told about Stagliano’s condition, either, and she’s now in talks with Katie Summers’ attorney. If all comes to pass, look for LA Direct Models and Type 9 to get hit with lawsuits on the basis of the California Code forbidding agents sending their clients into harm’s way.

  9. Lookie Here, Lookie Here Buttman Has His Dick in Her Ass

    looks like felonious assault from this angle

    –Gene Ross

    I’m not an orgasmic professional like Christian XXX, so I wouldn’t know if four fingers up a woman’s ass, or my naked dick nestled against her rump constitutes something sexual or not.

    But I do know this. If I were sitting on a jury, and I was shown a photo of a known HIV positive porn performer with his dick up a woman’s ass, I might be inclined to convict him of a felony.

    I believe in California you can get something like eight years in prison for doing what John Stagliano is doing in this photograph to a Brazilian performer and not informing her of his status.

    But from what I understand this woman Monica Santhiago doesn’t speak English. So how do you convey such important information? El hombre got-o HIV-o? [Yeah, I know. They speak Portuguese in Brazil. I learned that much in grade school.]

  10. So, here’s what Stagliano’s lawyer may hang his hat on.

    In Florida, assuming the scene was filmed in Florida, an HIV positive person is required to notify a partner of his or her status prior to sexual intercourse.

    So, the question will undoubtedly be: what constitutes sexual intercourse, since that’s the specific term used in the law.

    I don’t know if the law is similar in California. But that prove to be important.

  11. BT, those are CRIMINAL statutes you are citing. This is a civil case on several different grounds, emothional distress etc. A civil case is often bolstered and made easier with a criminal prosecution, as is the case with Marcus, but it is by no means necessary.

    Here is what I think Stags lawyer will hang his hat on. First, he should tell Karen to STFU, and stop admitting that she was not informed, and that they thought the agent informed her. Then they will offer to settle, as there is no way they want to be put on the stand and tell a jury how they never informed this girl that he has HIV. A pornographer hiding his HIV from this girl who had only been in the business less than two weeks is not going to bet any sympathy from a jury, NONE.

  12. Final: Stagliano To Get Hit with a Second Lawsuit?; Rob Black: Hey, Trishie, Is This Sexual Contact?

    second girl: Stagliano never told me

    Rob Black reported Thursday afternoon that a second female performer has emerged and is in talks with Katie Summers’ attorney Robert Starr. Black suspects that a second lawsuit might be filed against John Stagliano as early as next week.

    Black explained that he was late for his show because he’s been in the middle of attorney meetings himself involving a lawsuit that’s going to come down on Frank Koretsky.

    “Shit’s happening, and things are unfolding,” he reports.

    “You guys get that? People are talking to lawyers, D.A.s and a myriad of things.”

    “I think everybody now listens to me when I tell you about the shit that’s coming down the pike,” he continued.

    “I told you three or four months ago- that to create the perfect business this industry has to be nuked like Japan. After we’re done nuking Stagliano and Steve Hirsch and Princess Donna this industry will be re-built like Japan into an economic juggernaut.

    “Our meeting this morning was about IVD and Frank Koretsky, Pure Play Media and Baci Lounge – our meeting was all about the criminal enterprises Frank Koretsky has. Robert Starr is the Erin Brokovich movie guy who fought for small town justice.”

    Black said it was funny watching the lawyers all milling around getting a hoot out of the Frank Koretsky clip he created; even more so, he was amazed at the feedback that gave him the impression that Koretsky and the industry-at-large is treading on very thin ice.

    “You watch these guys who have contingeny plans and back up plans for another contingency.” Basically Black was talking about a real firm and not a “boutique” run out of a bedroom overlooking a barbecue pit.

    Black said this firm is like all those class action firms that go after industry power houses for negligence.

    “Only in our industry can you justify wrong doing,” said Black. “These lawyers are getting more and more disgusted listening to the industry horror stories.”

    “How the fuck can somebody do that they’re asking.”

    Black then addressed the fact that another girl in the industry, either Friday or over the weekend will be talking about the lawsuit she plans to file.

    “I’m a matchmaker,” Black laughed. “I provide lawyer companionship to citizens who need lawyerly companionship. This girl I know for a fact reached out to Katie Summers Wednesday night.

    “She told Katie, ‘I didn’t know either about Stagliano. I was with LA Direct and the only thing Derek told me, was, it was solo anal. I was never told he was HIV psotive. Stagliano never told me.’

    “’Do you want the lawyer’s number? ‘Yup.’ She said to Katie, ‘I just never knew how to go about doing something like this – you get XYZ, I get XYZ. I quit the business and people have shit on me. Fuck, yeah, I’m in.’

    “I surmise Stagliano’s second lawsuit will be heading to him next week,” said Black.

    “Hey, Tricia, John T. Bone contract girl, you guys will be getting another lawsuit. The question is will the DA get involved?

    “Any of these girls who had agents that never informed them that Stagliano was HIV positive- as a bonded licensed agent – I don’t know, but I thought those pimp, er agency licenses, I didn’t know that allowed you to cross state lines.

    “I think in the paperwork it states you’re not allowed to send talent to unsafe working conditions. I’m not a lawyer, but Derek Hay, I know you got the soccer mom lawyer. Say to her, ‘Listen my dear, there are a lot of girls I sent to John Stagliano. I know I can get a couple to lie that they knew about Stagliano, but I don’t know if I can get all of them to lie. Is this going to be a problem?’

    “I got to figure this soccer mom lawyer will say this won’t be a problem because Stagliano has super blood and is undetectable for HIV.”

    Black said, typical of the business, no one will take action unless somewhat contracted HIV again. And even then that’s doubtful. [That’s me saying that.]

    “Can anyone justify Stagliano putting his bare penis in this girl Monica Santhaigo? [pictured]” Black asked.

    “If this doesn’t show you some serious, serious, serious deception. This isn’t from ten years ago. This is from Buttman’s Stretch Chass #1 [shot in 2008.

    “I never knew Allie Haze and Alexis Texas were in the same movie as Summers,” Black continued.

    “Were you two women told by Stagliano that he was HIV positive and were you fine working with him? Chris, you are a badass and like to beat people up – I would think you would want to defend your wife [Haze]. And if your wife was told, why did John Stagliano not tell Katie Summers?

    “If John Stagliano told Allie Haze he was HIV positive, then she agreed to work with an HIV performer, and my question would be why did she think it would be alright to break protocol and not tell others she worked with an HIV performer?

    “Mr. Pete [who’s married to Alexis Texas], I know you knew Stagliano is HIV positive, so my question regarding Alexis Texas is why did you let her work with him?”

    Black then addressed the photo of Stagliano inserting his unsheathed penis between Santhiago’s cheeks.

    “Karen Stagliano, would this qualify as sexual contact? He didn’t do that with Katie Summers. So you’re saying for an American girl people would be outraged, but it’s alright for a Brazilian girl who can’t defend herself.

    “Tom Byron who shot her said it’s a nightmare to shoot her because she doesn’t speak English. I guess this would explain how Stagliano works.

    “This is going to get laughed out, right? Agents sending girls? A giant dragnet is coming. If we can get a Spiegler girl, we can get the Trifecta of scumbags – the axis of evil. I’m sure somebody’s going to pop their head up because the girl who talked to Katie said another girl found out weeks later after working with Stagliano that he was HIV, and she was pissed. So I suspect there will be three lawsuits.

    “Now I love Allie Haze, and I’m infatuated with her,” Black explained.

    “Allie Haze was not with LA Direct right away. She didn’t emerge into the inner circle right away. There was a time when she wasn’t with an agent. So I got to think Allie Haze wasn’t with an agent at that time, but I got to think somebody brought her to Stagliano and he didn’t tell her his status.

    “This scene is pretty heavy and as hillbillyish as her and her boyfriend are, I can’t imagine a guy who would let his wife or girlfriend work under those conditions.”

    Black painted a picture of how Haze’s boyfriend Chris just randomly punches people in the face for little to no reason. “But you’d let Allie go do that?”

    “You and Allie sat down and said, ‘Hey baby, let’s put ourselves at risk because I loves money, baby. Who gives a shit? You get your sweet ass in there and make money for papa.’

    “But I don’t believe Chris would do that. I don’t believe a dude who beat up the OC Modeling guy, that he sat in a chair and him and Allie Haze sat there and said do it.

    “But if you did that, why? You’d put your wife at risk? You guys were doing New Sensations movies. I think I jerked off to Allie Haze a thousand times. If you contracted HIV and don’t have the millions John Stagliano has to get on meds, you’re going to eventually die of full blown AIDS.

    “And now you see John Stagliano taking his bare penis out and rubbing it in a girl. You’re telling me there’s no risk with him handling speculums and dildos?

    “All of you people are assuming that if Stagliano drew blood or had an accident on set he would stop proceedings and inform his talent of his condition.

    “But he didn’t. Here [in Stretch Class 1] he’s brazen and took his bare penis out and put it in the buttocks of a non-English speaking woman.”

    “Chanel Preston I have to ask – did he tell you he was HIV positive, or did you actually know? And that’s a Spiegler girl.

    “People seem to think the scene with Katie Summers was innocent touching, but in Stretch Class 1 he’s sticking out his penis and putting it into a girl’s bare buttocks.”

    Black said he twittered the photo to members of the adult press and got little or no response.

    “Why are you AVN guys not talking about this? AVN, you said you combed through the footage and didn’t see anything that was sexual contact. Take a look at what is happening. All you Stagliano supporters who want to bring up Katie Summers’ scenes, I guess they’ll have to examine all of Stagliano’s scenes.

    “This is some serious shit, man. And you people need to wake up and realize this is only the beginning. The next girl will come up, and I will challenge Allie Haze.

    “I want to know if John Stagliano told you he was HIV positive. I want someone to ask Chris her husband. He should have the right to know if the guy she’s working with is HIV positive. It’s perplexing what you people are harping on. And every day I’ll whip out more shit like Stagliano keeps whipping out his cock.

    “I want to be a fly on the wall at Evil Angel,” Black concluded.

    “I wish I could fucking be there, man. As Karen Stagliano so eloquently defended John that Katie’s this and that, here’s my question, ‘Hey Karen, Trishie, do you know your old man takes his bare cock out and puts it in chick’s asses?’

    “Is that fucking cool? Does this qualify as sexual contact? It’s fucking staggering. This is a pattern

  13. Jilted. Understood. I was responding to Mike’s post – “it’s a matter of whether or not California’s notification law is applicable.” I couldn’t find California’s notification law, so I don’t know what is the language. However, Rob Black has been saying the filming took place in Florida. In that case, there could be a jurisdictional issue – especially if Katie Summers was a Florida resident at the time and the shooting took place in Florida. In that case, I wanted to see what does the Florida notification law require. And, at least on its face, it requires that someone be notified before sexual intercourse.

    I’m not in the least bit sympathetic here; I think Stagliano’s actions are wreckless and irresponsible. If his fetish is such that he can’t control himself, he needs to be put out of business and pay. But in a civil case, the plaintiff has to prove damages actual damages.

    They are never as straight-forward as they seem.

    I think the bigger potential hit is to the industry if Summers has a lawyer with the time and resources to start deposing lots of folks about industry practices.

  14. Final: Stagliano To Get Hit with a Second Lawsuit?; Rob Black: Hey, Trishie, Is This Sexual Contact?

    second girl: Stagliano never told me

    Rob Black reported Thursday afternoon that a second female performer has emerged and is in talks with Katie Summers’ attorney Robert Starr. Black suspects that a second lawsuit might be filed against John Stagliano as early as next week.

    Black explained that he was late for his show because he’s been in the middle of attorney meetings himself involving a lawsuit that’s going to come down on Frank Koretsky.

    “Shit’s happening, and things are unfolding,” he reports.

    “You guys get that? People are talking to lawyers, D.A.s and a myriad of things.”

    “I think everybody now listens to me when I tell you about the shit that’s coming down the pike,” he continued.

    “I told you three or four months ago- that to create the perfect business this industry has to be nuked like Japan. After we’re done nuking Stagliano and Steve Hirsch and Princess Donna this industry will be re-built like Japan into an economic juggernaut.

    “Our meeting this morning was about IVD and Frank Koretsky, Pure Play Media and Baci Lounge – our meeting was all about the criminal enterprises Frank Koretsky has. Robert Starr is the Erin Brokovich movie guy who fought for small town justice.”

    Black said it was funny watching the lawyers all milling around getting a hoot out of the Frank Koretsky clip he created; even more so, he was amazed at the feedback that gave him the impression that Koretsky and the industry-at-large is treading on very thin ice.

    “You watch these guys who have contingeny plans and back up plans for another contingency.” Basically Black was talking about a real firm and not a “boutique” run out of a bedroom overlooking a barbecue pit.

    Black said this firm is like all those class action firms that go after industry power houses for negligence.

    “Only in our industry can you justify wrong doing,” said Black. “These lawyers are getting more and more disgusted listening to the industry horror stories.”

    “How the fuck can somebody do that they’re asking.”

    Black then addressed the fact that another girl in the industry, either Friday or over the weekend will be talking about the lawsuit she plans to file.

    “I’m a matchmaker,” Black laughed. “I provide lawyer companionship to citizens who need lawyerly companionship. This girl I know for a fact reached out to Katie Summers Wednesday night.

    “She told Katie, ‘I didn’t know either about Stagliano. I was with LA Direct and the only thing Derek told me, was, it was solo anal. I was never told he was HIV psotive. Stagliano never told me.’

    “’Do you want the lawyer’s number? ‘Yup.’ She said to Katie, ‘I just never knew how to go about doing something like this – you get XYZ, I get XYZ. I quit the business and people have shit on me. Fuck, yeah, I’m in.’

    “I surmise Stagliano’s second lawsuit will be heading to him next week,” said Black.

    “Hey, Tricia, John T. Bone contract girl, you guys will be getting another lawsuit. The question is will the DA get involved?

    “Any of these girls who had agents that never informed them that Stagliano was HIV positive- as a bonded licensed agent – I don’t know, but I thought those pimp, er agency licenses, I didn’t know that allowed you to cross state lines.

    “I think in the paperwork it states you’re not allowed to send talent to unsafe working conditions. I’m not a lawyer, but Derek Hay, I know you got the soccer mom lawyer. Say to her, ‘Listen my dear, there are a lot of girls I sent to John Stagliano. I know I can get a couple to lie that they knew about Stagliano, but I don’t know if I can get all of them to lie. Is this going to be a problem?’

    “I got to figure this soccer mom lawyer will say this won’t be a problem because Stagliano has super blood and is undetectable for HIV.”

    Black said, typical of the business, no one will take action unless somewhat contracted HIV again. And even then that’s doubtful. [That’s me saying that.]

    “Can anyone justify Stagliano putting his bare penis in this girl Monica Santhaigo? [pictured]” Black asked.

    “If this doesn’t show you some serious, serious, serious deception. This isn’t from ten years ago. This is from Buttman’s Stretch Chass #1 [shot in 2008.

    “I never knew Allie Haze and Alexis Texas were in the same movie as Summers,” Black continued.

    “Were you two women told by Stagliano that he was HIV positive and were you fine working with him? Chris, you are a badass and like to beat people up – I would think you would want to defend your wife [Haze]. And if your wife was told, why did John Stagliano not tell Katie Summers?

    “If John Stagliano told Allie Haze he was HIV positive, then she agreed to work with an HIV performer, and my question would be why did she think it would be alright to break protocol and not tell others she worked with an HIV performer?

    “Mr. Pete [who’s married to Alexis Texas], I know you knew Stagliano is HIV positive, so my question regarding Alexis Texas is why did you let her work with him?”

    Black then addressed the photo of Stagliano inserting his unsheathed penis between Santhiago’s cheeks.

    “Karen Stagliano, would this qualify as sexual contact? He didn’t do that with Katie Summers. So you’re saying for an American girl people would be outraged, but it’s alright for a Brazilian girl who can’t defend herself.

    “Tom Byron who shot her said it’s a nightmare to shoot her because she doesn’t speak English. I guess this would explain how Stagliano works.

    “This is going to get laughed out, right? Agents sending girls? A giant dragnet is coming. If we can get a Spiegler girl, we can get the Trifecta of scumbags – the axis of evil. I’m sure somebody’s going to pop their head up because the girl who talked to Katie said another girl found out weeks later after working with Stagliano that he was HIV, and she was pissed. So I suspect there will be three lawsuits.

    “Now I love Allie Haze, and I’m infatuated with her,” Black explained.

    “Allie Haze was not with LA Direct right away. She didn’t emerge into the inner circle right away. There was a time when she wasn’t with an agent. So I got to think Allie Haze wasn’t with an agent at that time, but I got to think somebody brought her to Stagliano and he didn’t tell her his status.

    “This scene is pretty heavy and as hillbillyish as her and her boyfriend are, I can’t imagine a guy who would let his wife or girlfriend work under those conditions.”

    Black painted a picture of how Haze’s boyfriend Chris just randomly punches people in the face for little to no reason. “But you’d let Allie go do that?”

    “You and Allie sat down and said, ‘Hey baby, let’s put ourselves at risk because I loves money, baby. Who gives a shit? You get your sweet ass in there and make money for papa.’

    “But I don’t believe Chris would do that. I don’t believe a dude who beat up the OC Modeling guy, that he sat in a chair and him and Allie Haze sat there and said do it.

    “But if you did that, why? You’d put your wife at risk? You guys were doing New Sensations movies. I think I jerked off to Allie Haze a thousand times. If you contracted HIV and don’t have the millions John Stagliano has to get on meds, you’re going to eventually die of full blown AIDS.

    “And now you see John Stagliano taking his bare penis out and rubbing it in a girl. You’re telling me there’s no risk with him handling speculums and dildos?

    “All of you people are assuming that if Stagliano drew blood or had an accident on set he would stop proceedings and inform his talent of his condition.

    “But he didn’t. Here [in Stretch Class 1] he’s brazen and took his bare penis out and put it in the buttocks of a non-English speaking woman.”

    “Chanel Preston I have to ask – did he tell you he was HIV positive, or did you actually know? And that’s a Spiegler girl.

    “People seem to think the scene with Katie Summers was innocent touching, but in Stretch Class 1 he’s sticking out his penis and putting it into a girl’s bare buttocks.”

    Black said he twittered the photo to members of the adult press and got little or no response.

    “Why are you AVN guys not talking about this? AVN, you said you combed through the footage and didn’t see anything that was sexual contact. Take a look at what is happening. All you Stagliano supporters who want to bring up Katie Summers’ scenes, I guess they’ll have to examine all of Stagliano’s scenes.

    “This is some serious shit, man. And you people need to wake up and realize this is only the beginning. The next girl will come up, and I will challenge Allie Haze.

    “I want to know if John Stagliano told you he was HIV positive. I want someone to ask Chris her husband. He should have the right to know if the guy she’s working with is HIV positive. It’s perplexing what you people are harping on. And every day I’ll whip out more shit like Stagliano keeps whipping out his cock.

    “I want to be a fly on the wall at Evil Angel,” Black concluded.

    “I wish I could fucking be there, man. As Karen Stagliano so eloquently defended John that Katie’s this and that, here’s my question, ‘Hey Karen, Trishie, do you know your old man takes his bare cock out and puts it in chick’s asses?’

    “Is that fucking cool? Does this qualify as sexual contact? It’s fucking staggering. This is a pattern.”

  15. Bt,
    Its the agents who need to be worried. They know something is coming. They dont know exactly what or when, but they know. And this aint hurting matters for those who are coming after the agents. And Florida law regarding talent agents are more strict than california. Left hook, right hook, body shot, uppercut, and a DIRECT hit to the jaw, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Ding ding ding, fight over! O did you C that.

  16. With biz being slow, do you think those husband’s give a shit?
    Where’s the rent money? And money for food?
    That porn industry sure SUCKS!

  17. Amazing on here you have a guy that performs and sucks cock and takes it up the ASS in bi films
    And defending John and the Industry. They are the reason diseases and condoms are being debated these days.

  18. Rob Black Unplugged- What You Missed If You Took a Dump at 3:01; Some Great Karen Stagliano Gossip

    everyone knew Karen tortured John says Rob

    Normally Rob Black signs off his daily show at 3PM, but today he and I continued a chat that began around 2:30 and ended up some 90 minutes later.

    Black was just getting into more commentary about Karen Stagliano who made comments years ago that he was an abusive boyfriend.

    Black asked this question, “How is it that somebody who is abused and tortured can come back and hang out with the people and the person that tortured them..I know for a fact you there when Karen was with us.”

    I then told Black I had this email from Nick East who used to date her.

    So fans, if they hung in there, were privy to some inside, inside information. Towards the end of the regularly scheduled programming, I brought up the email. East told me do with it what you may. So I may have read it aloud on the air.

    According to East, he dated Karen Stagliano after Black and her had called it quits.

    East took great exception to the whole tone of Black’s show the other day when Black re-traced the history of his relationship when Stagliano performed in the industry as Trisha Devereaux.
    East wrote the following: No no no no!

    I dated Karen after Rob did and before she caught HIV! We even shared a situation where if a post hadn’t been protruding from the ground at an intersection, we would have both died together in a horrific car accident!

    She was not on a downward spiral at all! In fact, she was one of the most ‘with it’ girls I have ever dated and I completely understand why John would snatch her up! She wasn’t on drugs, she really had her shit together! I don’t work for them, and I know I never will (I also dated Krist Lynn), but I will be damned if I will allow someone to slander her good name and say she got ‘revenge HIV’!

    Oh, my God!!! How egotistical do you have to be to think someone got HIV just to spite you? Oh, and Rob looks and acts like a tweeker to the ninth degree!

    Can someone say ‘Animal’ from the Muppets? Because that is exactly what Rob Black looks like nowadays! Animal on Meth!

    Do what you want with this letter, Gene, but he is wrong about the way Karen left HIM!


    Actually Black agreed with Nick’s assessment that in his present incarnation he looked like Animal from The Muppets.

    “He does have a point, I’ll give him that,” Black laughed.

    “So they all deny that article that AVN wrote?” Black asked. “I love these people. They all want to deny the facts. Can you explain to everybody this evil person that I was, how Karen hung out with us at XPW?”

    “When me and Karen broke up- that small period of time, she left [the business]. She was out. When she came back is when me and her made up. I felt responsible [for her getting HIV].

    “I used to tell everybody that. There was nothing to make up. She did an interview where she told somebody [Legs McNeil], this guy who was writing a book, I told him tell her to call me. She called me. She came to my office and we made up. The she hung out with us for about a year. During that time she said to me, John Stagliano’s calling me and he wants to date me. What should I do?

    “I said he’s got tons of money. He’ll get you on those meds. Because without those meds you’re going to die. She goes, okay. She got AIDS, got with John Stagliano and the rest is history. Tell Nick to get his facts straight. He’s a little drunk.”

    At this point we officially went off the air but continued the conversation about Trisha Devereaux. Black said he loved Nick East.

    “He was at the Freddie Lincoln Memorial drunk off his ass. Staggering around. Nick, get the fuck away from me, and he’s ‘aharhfgrgrrrr.’

    “He doesn’t know anything to be part of the conversation,” said Black.

    “What Nick is talking about isn’t the Karen we’re all talking about. After we broke up, and what Nick is talking about, there was a little period of time when she stayed in the business. I would talk to her from the edit bay at Elegant Angel. She was fine then to a degree but she was the wacky, nut job that she is. Whatever. That was the funny thing at Elegant them saying, ‘Karen’s completely nuts. Yeah, I know.’

    “Nick East dated her when we broke up. When I’m talking about is when she came back in the business- AVN ran an article- you can’t run from fact where she came back as the contract girl of John Bowen and Cream Entertainment. She joined the ranks with Zoe over there and she talked about how an abusive boyfriend- she didn’t say my name- held her back from being a star and that now she was going to be doing D.P.s, gangbangs and cream pies. Two months later, three months later she got the ‘HIV.’

    “That’s what I was talking about that she was doing the Zane Entertainment house gangbang. That’s the era.”

    I mentioned to Black that what a lot of people didn’t know in the business was Bowen was jealous of Rob.

    “And he was vocal about it and he used to call me names,” Black agreed.

    “He made it his business of picking up all your ex-contract girls,” I also mentioned to Black.

    “Exactly,” said Black. “Everybody out there, you tell me- Nick East, you big mouth drunk who doesn’t know the facts, when Karen got back into the business and Bowen did her press release and AVN reported it. She called me an abusive boyfriend that prevented her from being a star and she was now going to be a star with John T. Bone. John Bowen told everybody I was a douchebag; John used to work for my uncle, everybody!!! Karen strategically did all this!!!”

    “And John Stagliano is strategically doing what he’s doing and his partner, his wife, strategically did what she did. What she does is disparage my name.”

    As I told Black because I was around that whole vibe, that I had to believe the stuff coming out of her mouth was the stuff Bowen fed her brain.

    “The guy was a master,” I continued, “a Svengali at taking any girl and brainwashing them into saying and doing anything he wanted, from Kendra Jade where he got her to set up Jerry Springer in a sex scam. He was able to do it. If the word ‘abusive’ was coming out in that press release or that story, that word was coming from him, not so much her.”

    Black recalled at the time that Devereaux left the business not too many people in the business gave a shit about her.

    “Nobody reports about that. She came back in the business on a fluke because she was talking- that book The Other Side of Hollywood- she passed a message through Legs.

    “She said to Legs that she loved me and admitted she fucked up. Legs, whoever did the interview with her, told me that she admitted and said everything that happened was her fault.

    “Of course it was both of us, but I was painted as this monster. I passed the word back that I don’t hate her and she called me a day later. We got together and she hung out with us. She went to XPW wrestling.

    “I never forget the day she said to me that John Stagliano called her. I said there’s you’re fucking gravy train. She didn’t want to go. It sounds so horrible because she was holding out that I would get back with her and wear a rubber.”

    “She even flirted with Patrick Hernandez [the referee at XPW] to where the rumor was he fucked her with a rubber. I can’t prove any of that, but that was the rumor.”

    “When John was calling her, and she started dating John, and I was the one who would tell her this is your gravy train and you can help run the company.

    “I told her she needs to be put in the position that Lizzy’s in the position for me. I’m the one who put that in her brain, and, at the end of the day, when I would go into Art Attack- they would gossip about every one and tell everyone’s secrets. ‘We just talked to Stagliano today.’ I’d go how’s my buddy doing, and they’d tell me, ‘Your ex is torturing him. Waaaaagh.”

    “Why, what is she doing now?”

    “They’re going, oh she runs the DVD department and she’s firing everyone. I go that’s Karen, man. But I guess I was the bad guy, and they’re like we all know Karen but they don’t know Karen. I’m like, now they know Karen.”

  19. I have listened to Rob’s podcasts and I have seen many many scenes of Stretch Class. Rob Black seems to have good intentions, but he talks out of his ass a lot (fact basis) and is kind of a douche. I haven’t seen anything in the SC series I believe would have actually put performers at serious risk, but did John disclose to performers? None of us can discuss this based on that point, and Rob’s comments in podcasts assume John disclosed to NOBODY. If he didn’t he should have, and that is a problem for the courts to sort out. As a fan, I personally like the Stretch Class Series, and would be sad to see it gone.

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