Something Wicked This Way Comes….Speaking of over-inked hags, anal and Digtal Playground:

Alexa Rae is telling everyone that she is a the new Digital Playground Contract Girl. This is the same Alexa Rae who throughly ass fucked Wicked Pictures on her last contract. Personally I am not ready to believe this rumor and I feel quite sure Adella will set me straight here. Digital Playground should have far more sense than to sign Alexa…former Porn Flake of the Month. I for one refused to shoot Alexa when I had the opportunity, it’s a matter of ethics, Steve at Wicked Pictures has always been a good guy to me and after what this bimbo put him through I wouldn’t hire her to mop the floor of a bukkake set. By all rights she should have had to move back here with her suitcase pimp boyfriend, go back to house dancing and resume her miserable life in a trailer park someplace where the worthless little cunt belongs.

Say it ain’t so Adella, tell me you guys are not so hard up you signed this lowlife to a contract.

Robby D dating Alexa?

No sooner did I post this than I got word that Digital Playground director Robby D is actually dating Alexa Rae…wow that shines a whole new light on the subject huh….Now I guess, we know the REST of the story. I still Think Digital Playground will pass on Alexa but at least we know how all this came about.

Congrats to Mike McCormick aka Quazarman on his EDITORS CHOICE pick in AVN for America the Beautiful!

now if I could only break the 3.5 star barrier….

4580cookie-checkSomething Wicked This Way Comes….Speaking of over-inked hags, anal and Digtal Playground:

Something Wicked This Way Comes….Speaking of over-inked hags, anal and Digtal Playground:

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Mike South

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