Shay Jordan DP’s New Contract Girl:

Shay Digital Playground

Yes I know it’s old news but she is painfully cute. And here’s the 411 the rest of the guys didn’t get:

She does guys on camera, she is American, she has a culinary degree and she likes BMWs. I can overlook the BMW fault, I mean if you are going to be into a foriegn luxury/sports car there’s way better choices than those rattle traps. But I guess it does prove one thing, she IS American.

Good luck to Shay.

Goddess Is Back On Track: (From her site today):

You know the thought of Mike South at that Dragon Con science fiction convention just makes me laugh and laugh.
All I can think of is the episode of the
Simpsons where they went to the bi-monthly science fiction convention called the “Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con”.
What I wouldn’t give to see South standing next to a couple Wookies.

MSN had an article entitled, “Seven Reasons Baby Cry And How To Soothe Them.” They were: hungry, poo filled diaper, too hot or cold,
want to be held, overstimulated, don’t feel good or none of those reasons.

Now here are the seven reasons women cry and how to soothe us: we’re hungry, we have to pee, we’re hot or cold, we want to be held,
we don’t feel good, we’re jealous, we’re jealous that you’re not jealous. In all instances, buy us something sparkly and expensive.
Annnnd here are the seven reasons men cry and what to do about it: no sex, no alcohol, their new plasma
screen tv was packed without a remote, no blowjobs, wife used his power tools to dig holes in the flower garden,
no sports on tv, no porn in the house. In all instances, it’s best to ignore him.

When she is good…she is good…when she is bad you get three paragraphs of drivel about cops….



19410cookie-checkShay Jordan DP’s New Contract Girl:

Shay Jordan DP’s New Contract Girl:

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