BY: Dave Cummings—Porn Star/Producer/Director

This week, I have the honor of being a Plaintiff in Federal Court as the Free Speech Coalition seeks Adult Industry relief from newly published Department of Justice regulations concerning U.S.C. 2257. The recently fabricated DOJ rules might appease the right-wing radical groups who oppose adult entertainment, except of course when they themselves are using our films and/or adult Internet products to sexually pleasure themselves, or others. Hypocrites! But, these latest DOJ rules violate the privacy of American citizens and the right to freedom from government interference in their private lives.

Interestingly, last week while doing my (almost) daily 4-8 mile jog/brisk-walk on the beach, two college-age “Christian” guys approached me to supposedly participate in a survey they were conducting. While trying to keep up with my workout pace, they asked five structured questions, and looked puzzled about my answers whereupon they handed me very biased religious materials; bottom line is that they tried to “con” me, under the guise of a “survey” into accepting their slanted materials advocating their subjective religious beliefs. Instead, I gave them my business card and alerted them that it was an adult website, something I suggested might appeal to them. They smiled and headed off, possibly to find a computer! I can’t understand why these type hypocrites can’t accept sex between consenting adults as a gift was their God, and as part of life; instead, they want to forbid, badger, preach, whine, etc while they themselves are often enjoying the sex which they damn others for having. I worry that are Constitutional rights of separation of Church and State is being set up by some politicians for violating Americans!

I attended the recent Erotica-LA event at the Los Angeles Convention Center. It was huge! It grows every year in both attendees and exhibitors. I witnessed thousands of happy people seeing and meeting famous stars, and I noted lots and lots of couples and women in attendance. Surely, the so-called “Community Standards” continue their healthy adaptation into the 21st Century; all I can say to the dangerous and overbearing religious right is—open your eyes to present day life! Your out-dated condemnations and actions to restrict the sexual freedoms of Americans make you and your cause irrelevant and worthless. Grow up!

As a proud American, I reported for jury duty a couple of weeks ago; by random computer selection, I ended up in the Jury Box as a potential juror for an elder-abuse and church-theft case. After listing my name and occupation, the Defense Attorney voiced concern over my background as a now retired U.S. Army Lt Col. However, it was the Deputy DA who had me excused (possibly because of my affiliation with the Adult Entertainment Industry?). Interesting!

Last week, San Diego was the site of the Cybernet Expo, a gathering of folks involved in the Adult Internet Industry. Seminars, networking, and fun parties prevailed. Most talk centered around a couple of issues, including the 2257 matter that I mentioned in the first paragraph of this month’s column. I gotta tell you, these Internet people are 100% against child pornography. As in the past, I was again very impressed by their All-American respect for people, and the laws of our great Nation!

Enjoy your summer, be nice to everyone, and love yourselves!

Dave Cummings

I Hear That The New DP Girl Sophia Santi Has It Written In Her Contract:

That Every December she must have sex with a certain porn blogger from Georgia. That being, of course me. This clause is hereinafter referred to by me as the “Santi Clause”

Hey I should at LEAST get a BJ for that sharp wit.

OK I Know I’m A Little Late To The Game On The Freidland Thing:

But I don’t get these other guys. yes Freidland is stepping down, but Freidland is and always was JKP, no matter what the pink sheets or anyone else said. Manipulation of the stock prices yesterday were likely a move to avoid taxes or some such stunt. With Jill out and Freidland gone JKP is worthless….not that it had any value before. So wonder what “investors” like Koretsky end up with? The catalog might have limited value but thats about it.

If You Haven’t Given This Site A Look:

WWW.PORNOHS.COM is absolutely fucking hilarious. Whoever is writing that shit is GOOD, my hats off to ya, it is well written and funny. Kind of like porn meets National Lampoon.


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