Digital Sin vs. Digital Playground Round 1:

According to an insider in L.A. area TV, the local Los Angeles FOX affiliate is riunning a special tonight (Friday) at 10PM PST on the new genre of entertainment called “Virtual”. Spawned by DVD the “Virtual Sex” series put out by Digital Playground has swept the AVN Awards for the last three years, so when FOX wanted to do a story on it they chose Digital Playground. The story is set to air tonight as noted.

Enter New Sensations and Digital Sin whose recent Jenna Jameson release is being touted as having broken all sales records (never mind those sales records don’t amount to what Blockbuster alone orders of a for shit hollywood B movie). A New Sensations exec calls the Fox affilliates producer today and demands that Fox open the story with Jenna’s new new DVD and the sales numbers. The Producer, reportedly is NOT changing the show.

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Digital Sin vs. Digital Playground Round 1:

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