It’s still warm: Influencer mom Sarah Stevenson offers own breast milk to staff in bizarre video

A controversial influencer has divided social media after she offered her staff a chance to try her breast milk.

Sarah Stevenson, who goes by the handle ‘Sarah’s Day’ online, shared a clip showing two women sipping from a bottle of breast milk after she’d been pumping while on a boat with her team.

“Are they really true friends,” Sarah wrote on Instagram Dec. 15 alongside the video, “if they don’t try your freshly pumped breastmilk!?”

Full of vitamins

The 32-year-old—who shares sons Fox, 5, Malakai, 2, and Harlow, 2 months, with husband Kurt Tilse—joked, “Is it just me or is our work team a little tooooo close!?”

“Tag someone you’re convinced would try yours,” she added. “(Side note – it’s actually delicious!)”

Influencer mom Sarah Stevenson offers her own breast milk to her staff in bizarre video

Two members of her team took Sarah up on the offer to try the breast milk she pumped during a group outing on a boat. One took a sip and could be seen saying, “Oh my god,” as she howled with laughter. Another was seen taking a sip, before quickly chasing it with another drink.

807181cookie-checkIt’s still warm: Influencer mom Sarah Stevenson offers own breast milk to staff in bizarre video

It’s still warm: Influencer mom Sarah Stevenson offers own breast milk to staff in bizarre video

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