Mike South

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It Has Dawned on Luke Ford:

It Has Dawned on Luke Ford: That there hasn’t been a DP Tonight show in three months. What hasn’t dawned on him is that he is the only one who

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Funny Story O The Day:

Everyone’s favorite head for animated GIFs sends me a press release yesterday for Jack’s Playground 18. and it quotes me saying “EVEN Mike South acknowledges, “Jack’s Playground is the first

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Richard Sends This:

Another graduate from the Mike South School of Porn Acting: (From The NY Post) CRUNKMASTER Lil Jon is expanding his resume. The rapper just started directing and acting in two

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Goddess Writes:

“Funniest Blog: www.theworldofgoddess.com takes simplyjimmyd out this year, JimmyD cut his hair and lost his edge, then he took up with a church and the result has been spotty at

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