You Read It Here First

As I was compiling the year in review post last night, it became very apparent to me why this site has seen the massive increase in traffic and mainstream attention that it has.  Simply put, if it happened in porn and it was news, you read about it here first, you also got more accurate and up to date information here than anyplace else.

Believe it or not that actually saddens me. You would thank that it would be an endless source of shame for AVN and for XBiz and that it might cause them to say hey we need to do better.

But it doesn’t. they don’t think you are smart enough to notice, and that is the difference between them and me, I know you are smart enough to notice.

Thank you for noticing.

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You Read It Here First

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9 Responses

  1. You are the master at posting humblebrags about your site. “It really saddens me… to be the GREATEST EVER”… “thanks for noticing”. Seriously, you posted a lot of good stuff. Congrats.

  2. It probably seems that way I admit but honestly that is NOT what i set out to do here and if I were in charge at AVN and Xbiz i would be asking myself how that happened and I would be changing the way i do business to stop it. Comparatively speaking I have few resources, Im just one guy 3000 miles away and time and again I get stories that they can not. I I were theo or helmy i would be embarrassed….no shit

  3. @Mike –
    It’s simple really… people come to you with information because they trust you. Over the years, you’ve earned their trust.

    We all know trust is extremely hard to earn and you’ve accomplished that in record numbers at this point.
    Don’t be so hard on yourself. I think most would agree that you truly do care about the performers and maybe even a tiny bit about the industry. Hahaha… 😉

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Mike South

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