You have heard it before….if yer a guy and you wanna be in porn what do you do? You ride in on the skirt of a hot little stripper with aspirations of being the next Jenna.
That’s exactly what Rob Rotten did, he had a little Betty Paige-esque number named Rachel, she was a hottie. Rob is a mohawk wearing over tattooed wanna be punk rocker. But hey the gig works because most people will shoot him to get to her.
Well wouldn’t ya know it..Rachel quits the biz….but Rob…he stays in…Just Damn.
Thus is the story for a website in Florida that combines outdoor sports and hardcore sex. Porners are all up in arms about em supposedly killing animals and having sex in the blood but guess what? In the less than two days since this story broke signups to that site are through the roof. Nice going assholes.
I guess the guys over at XPT don’t only wanna see pornchicks abused…abusing animals is worth paying to see too huh?
A handfull of porners are all bent out of shape because some twit said in an interview that she had killed a water buffalo and had sex next to it.
It’s unlikely that it happened to begin with but even if it did don’t we have more important things to cry about? And word is that Cytheria actually cried over this, and Tyler Faith (That would be Wankus Faith’s Husband) launched into a tirade as well.
Never mind that all over Porn Valley predators are physically abusing porn chicks on a daily basis…but hey that’s not important right? I mean at least someone of value to our industry like Kahn Tusion or Rob Black isn’t being harmed….why would anyone cry over some dumb porn slut? But I guess Dumb Porn Sluts don’t take out ads in AVN do they? Of course neither do water buffalo, but then AVN hasn’t condemned the torture and or killing of water buffalo either.
I hear they hired Pam Anderson. Ya got a good one Scott!
The Law of Unintended Consequences:
You have heard it before….if yer a guy and you wanna be in porn what do you do? You ride in on the skirt of a hot little stripper with aspirations of being the next Jenna.
That’s exactly what Rob Rotten did, he had a little Betty Paige-esque number named Rachel, she was a hottie. Rob is a mohawk wearing over tattooed wanna be punk rocker. But hey the gig works because most people will shoot him to get to her.
Well wouldn’t ya know it..Rachel quits the biz….but Rob…he stays in…Just Damn.
Thus is the story for a website in Florida that combines outdoor sports and hardcore sex. Porners are all up in arms about em supposedly killing animals and having sex in the blood but guess what? In the less than two days since this story broke signups to that site are through the roof. Nice going assholes.
I guess the guys over at XPT don’t only wanna see pornchicks abused…abusing animals is worth paying to see too huh?
Oh Good Lord Y’all:
A handfull of porners are all bent out of shape because some twit said in an interview that she had killed a water buffalo and had sex next to it.
It’s unlikely that it happened to begin with but even if it did don’t we have more important things to cry about? And word is that Cytheria actually cried over this, and Tyler Faith (That would be Wankus Faith’s Husband) launched into a tirade as well.
Never mind that all over Porn Valley predators are physically abusing porn chicks on a daily basis…but hey that’s not important right? I mean at least someone of value to our industry like Kahn Tusion or Rob Black isn’t being harmed….why would anyone cry over some dumb porn slut? But I guess Dumb Porn Sluts don’t take out ads in AVN do they? Of course neither do water buffalo, but then AVN hasn’t condemned the torture and or killing of water buffalo either.
Congrats To New Sensations:
I hear they hired Pam Anderson. Ya got a good one Scott!
The Law of Unintended Consequences:
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Mike South
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