The January AVN Magazine

I used to read AVN Magazine cover to cover but in recent years I have stopped opting only for the things that interest me.  I got the Jan issue, generally the largest of the year and decided to pay it a bit more attention.

The first thing that grabbed my eye was its about half the size that it was in Jan a couple years ago, no doubt due to declining revenues in the video side

The second thing I noticed is the wholesale proliferation of internet content flooding even the biggest video companies, content that has been out on the net for several years is finding new viability in the DVD market further diluting the already stressed video companies.

If anyone doubts that internet delivery is the near future of this biz they need look no further than the likes of DVD companies putting out what is essentially comps of internet product as new material.

18070cookie-checkThe January AVN Magazine

The January AVN Magazine

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2 Responses

  1. boo fucking hoo to the video side…this has been coming for 5+ years, anyone who didn’t see it coming and didn’t prepare doesn’t deserve to run their own business….and I will laugh my ass off when they go under

    the industry is changing WAY faster than a lot of people realize. within 5 years there will be changes in this industry like no one has ever seen.

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Mike South

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