Paypal Now Processing For Adult Sites Again?

This came to my attention via a thread on GFY.  Funny I’d have it before AVN but hey…

At the beginning Paypal used to come to adult shows and beg us to process recurring memberships through them, Then they got bought by ebay and they just yanked that billing with no notice, claiming the no longer process for adult sites.

Last week webmasters in europe who use epoch for processing started noticing Paypal memberships showing up and sure enough Paypal is now listed as a payment option on Epochs join form.

Paypal now processing for adult


But this is NOT an option for US based customers, only in Europe (andorra, austria, belgium, cyprus, denmark, finland, france, germany, gibraltar, luxembourgh, greece, greenland, ireland, iceland, isle of man, israel, italy, liechstestein, malta, monaco, netherlands, norway, portugal, romania, san marino, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, united kingdom, vatican, This is all europe (includes Swiss, Norway, Romania) + Israel, Turkey.)

Iws Paypal going to start processing adult again in the USA?  Will they fuck us over again by suddenly pulling it out from under us like they did last time?   Stay tuned.

76700cookie-checkPaypal Now Processing For Adult Sites Again?

Paypal Now Processing For Adult Sites Again?

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7 Responses

  1. Just what porn needs Paypal worst billing customer service company in world come run billing on porn sites in US. They would Mike as soon as got caught fucking people over who complain to US Federal Trade Commission for useing there Paypal account with out asking permission be part porn web site they did not join. Which event happen many times with Paypal on other thing have do with Paypal. If Europe to stupid not use Paypal than can find out hard way why they suck. If US forgot why they try use them again than porn company use them deserve what happen to them when the use Paypal.

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