Theo at AVN called to notify me that AVN has no affiliation with Jenna Jameson at all and that she will NOT be a keynote speaker at Adult Expo (Thank God). I got that completely wrong..My Bad! She is the Hostess of the XBiz Awards, and Id say the rest still stands
My humblest apologies to Theo and AVN
10 Responses
Once Year i get It Wrong In 2013 It was Today
Mike? It’s OK. Everyone makes mistakes. You proved today that you’re a human being.. Congratulations!
Carry on! 🙂
Hey when I get it wrong I will own it with the same size headline and type font as the one I got wrong…I try not to have to do that but it happens…Im one guy….this one I shouldnt have gotten wrong though….
Don’t be so hard on yourself Mike. It’s no big deal. Meh..
Let’s not forget the LA Direct moving to Vegas. You were wrong about that as well. Word is that they have moved shop right out of the Vivid building as well. Get on it Mike.
Mike Gatto’s father was murdered Wednesday night! Shot in the stomach, eh? That must be news, right?
There goes perfect record being best fact checker in porn indusrty.LOL
I wonder who shot him and if he is connected to Michael Weinstein. If I were the cops and obvious evidence wasn’t present to the contrary he would be suspect number one and it would be investigated as a contract killing.
Come on… mharris!
I am POSITIVE that Michael Weinstein or anyone connected to him… had nothing to do with Mike Gatto’s father being murdered.. LOL.
Like not having Jenna will make anything more interesting or memorable at the AVN Expo.