Mark Kernes Responds Again…God Bless Him I was outta Ideas to write about:

Actually, Kernes is a libertarian who recognizes that when one country attacks another which hasn’t attacked it first, the country doing the attacking is the aggressor, the warmonger, the One Who Started It. And “It”, in this case, may wind up being, as one protest sign put it, “Dubya Dubya III.”

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the reason the Bush administration wants to attack Iraq doesn’t have anything to do with Hussein being a loathsome dictator; doesn’t have anything to do with wanting to establish a democracy in Iraq; doesn’t have anything to do with Iraq having weapons of mass destruction (which, oddly, the inspectors haven’t been able to find any trace of); doesn’t have anything to do with Iraq supplying arms or aid to al Qaeda (of which we have no evidence); and it doesn’t even have anything to do with fighting global terrorism…

It’s A) the oil, and B) the excuse to deep-six Americans’ constitutional rights in order to establish a right-wing Christian dictatorship in the U.S..

Shit, Mike, I thought even YOU would be able to figure THAT out…


PS: And my feet did get damned sore on that march on Saturday.

OK y’all have at it!

7450cookie-checkMark Kernes Responds Again…God Bless Him I was outta Ideas to write about:

Mark Kernes Responds Again…God Bless Him I was outta Ideas to write about:

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