Mark kernes Displays His Ignorance

Now reading his post about “it’s a bird, it’s a plane it’s superbug…Not” on AVN would lead one to believe that Gonorrhea is not becoming antibiotic resistant.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Now that particular strain claimed to have been found in Hawaii is a hoax  BUT Gonorrhea has been increasingly anti-biotic resistant for years and  a superbug like the one found in Japan that was reported to have jumped to Hawaii that is resistant to current treatments is very much coming.

I would strongly suggest Mister Kernes to stick to writing what he knows about….Oh wait  that would leave him unemployable.  Mark, it’s one thing to  be stupid, it’s quite another to expand that to recklessness. Bottom line I wouldn’t publish you on if you paid me….

From the CDC:


Gonorrhea is the second-most commonly reported STD in the U.S., according to the CDC. It is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium, and has been treated with antibiotics like penicillin since the 1940s. But over time, genetic mutations have increased the bacteria’s resistance to penicillin, necessitating higher doses until the 1980s when several strains of gonorrhea resistant to penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics became widespread in the U.S.

Doctors then moved to using fluoroquinolone antibiotics to treat gonorrhea in the 1990s and early 2000s, but resistant strains popped up in East Asia and the United States. By 2007, about 5 percent of U.S. cases resisted the antibiotics, leading the CDC to no longer recommend them. This left cephalosporins as the only remaining antibiotic recommended for treating gonorrhea.

Following the pattern, strains resistant to cephalosporins began appearing in East Asia in the early 2000s, and eventually strains resistant to the cephalosporin Ceftriaxone made their way to Japan, France and Spain by the end of the decade. In a 2011 issue of MMWR, the CDC warned doctors to look for cephalosporin-resistant strains and report any cases to health officials.

Now in the latest report, CDC researchers said cephalosporin-resistant strains of gonorrhea might be emerging in the United States, with increasing rates being seen especially in men who have sex with other men (MSM) living in the western United States.

“The development and spread of cephalosporin resistance in N. gonorrhoeae, particularly ceftriaxone resistance, would greatly complicate treatment of gonorrhea,” wrote the CDC researchers, who added the previously recommended treatments can’t be routinely prescribed either.

That’s why they’re calling on doctors to “prevent a return to the era of untreatable gonorrhea.” Doctors should ask patients for their sexual histories, screen sexually active MSM and high-risk women for gonorrhea at least once a year, if they have it, treat them with a newly-recommended treatments which include cephalosporins and different antibiotics like azithromycin and doxycycline.

“Experience and current data suggest that public health actions outlined in this report provide the best chance of averting the unfavorable outcome of multidrug-resistant gonorrhea,” they wrote.


75370cookie-checkMark kernes Displays His Ignorance

Mark kernes Displays His Ignorance

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12 Responses

  1. Next thing you know, the CDC will be recommending the use of condoms to prevent the transmission of STD’s. Oh, wait, they already urge people who are not abstinent or mutually monogomous to “use a condom every time you have anal, vaginal, or oral sex.”

  2. We have drug resistant Gonorrhea here in Thailand, where more and more LA porn guys are coming to work and whore monger. It will eventually find its way back to Porn Valley, count on it. It is not easy to get rid of.

  3. I bet you Kernes knows where every in and out Burger stand is in the Valley.

  4. No amount of government regulation will rid the industry of of it’s demons. The adult industry has to do that itself, which it has shown no desire or ability to do. Hell, a significant portion of the industry is still in denial about things that have been going on right in front of their own eyes for years. For many of them the denial is the only way they can continue to do what they do. If they acknowledge the reality to themselves they’ll have to then deal with what they been exposing themselves to, or exposing others to, in the name of making a buck.

  5. Mark Kernes is At It Again with the Marc Wallice Canard

    –Gene Ross

    I’ve always said the story put out by Mark Kernes that Marc Wallice’s HIV test was a forgery is dead wrong. I saw those tests. They weren’t forgeries. Today on AVN, Kernes is at it again. He wrote the following piece, Analysis: AHF Files Motion to Dismiss Vivid’s Measure B Lawsuit.

    Somewhere in there Kernes states, “HIV-positive performer, Marc Wallice, infected several adult actresses thanks to a forged HIV test.”

    That is absolutely incorrect. I’m not saying that Wallice wasn’t HIV.

    Kernes and Eli Cross both covered the HIV story when it broke and both got facts wrong in their individual ways. I’ve been in contact with a person who was actually there when Kernes and Cross did their fact gathering. I’ll give you what he tells me:

    “I am going to give you a tidbit of information, not the whole story, and it is going to pretty much rock your world.

    On LIB a few days ago Fat boy Kernes made a reference to the old Marc
    Wallice scandal, and the alleged positive test with the 49 year old female
    written on it. I know the 49 year old female. I met her personally twice. And that test result is NOT a forgery in any way. It contains incorrect information, but it is not a forgery, fake, or manipulated duplicate of any kind, and I can prove it….

    “There were two tests. The test did NOT always say 49 year old female. And the other test that supposedly had the address of clinic that had been closed for a few months, is also not a forgery. Fat boy Kernes is such a fucking tool he doesn’t even know that 1600 San Fernando road was not a clinic. Those old AVN articles, about going to NEVCC (is that
    acronym correct, I know its close) and seeing the results there are

    “Hilarious in that the AVN person, I don’t think it was Fat boy, it was Eli Cross, asked the doctor all these questions and he didn’t have a clue what the doctor was talking about. And it is obvious that the AVN guy didn’t even understand what the doc was saying, and didn’t even understand the true nature of the question he was trying to ask.

    “Literally, I laugh when I read those articles from back then, In all the years of crap that has come out of AVN, those Marc Wallice articles are so far from the truth it is funny. The complete ineptitude of the entire AVN at that time was hilarious. It is like watching a bunch of children trying to say “we got you we got you” when they actually did not have a clue.

    “I really do feel sorry for Wallice, that dude got so railroaded, and his own viral count showed it, just that nobody back then knew what the fuck was happening, not even Sharon Mitchell, who by the way, got railroaded in ways that you have no clue about either….

    “Poor Eli, he was trying so hard to find a “got ya” situation, but he had no idea what questions to ask, and the doctor, who had a weird name, I always referred to him as Dr. Bro, was almost, and at one time I think he actually did, laugh in Eli’s face. Of course Eli never put that in his article, and he never put many of the things the doctor said to him in the article, and the doctor spent most of the time basically calling the guy an idiot, and said to him several times, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’

    “Eli at one point raised his voice, and the doc told him to take a hike, of
    course Eli never reported that either. I had actually left the building
    about 5 minutes before Eli arrived.(there’s a clue for ya)”


    The fact that Eli Cross would raise his voice in any social situation is mystifying to me. I say this, of course, with tongue planted firmly in cheek because it was Cross who was one of the industry reps that created all the havoc at the Cal/OSHA meeting where the industry lost any say in the condom regulations.

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