Jenna Jameson Bitch Slaps AVN, The Industry

In her presentation of the eponymously named award that AVN bestowed on her. Jenna used the forum to display her obvious psychological issues. Amid talking about what a “force” Club Jenna is in the industry she bemoaned what a “rough” year she had in 2007 and closed promising ” I will never spread my legs in this industry again”.

What Jenna obviously forgot was how the industry stood by her over the years.

I remember meeting Jenna when she first came into the biz in Tampa, I remember when she missed all her personal appearances but one because she was locked in a hotel room on a three day drug binge with Randy West.

This would become a recurring theme with Jenna. Though Joy King was doing amazing work turning this little flake into a media sensation and making Jenna rich at the same time, Jenna was doing everything she could to destroy the work Joy was doing. I remember the days when she was a 50% likelihood to flake on a feature dance engagement. I remember club owners who refused to book her because she had burned them so many times.

Still the industry got behind Jenna and pushed and shored her up and made Jenna , well Jenna.

And maybe, just maybe there is a lesson for the industry in this. It goes to show what happens when you push success on someone who doesn’t have the brains to be able to handle it. Maybe we share some of the blame, we simply should have let her burn out and fade away like she would have and like so many before and since have done.

The AVN Awards Show, this year was set to be it’s finest hour. None other than Showtime has purchased the rights to rebroadcast the show now when they do, porns leading spokesperson will take the stage and confirm what our detractors have always said.

Lets face it, Jenna is a train wreck, she is no longer an asset to this industry, truth is she has become a liability. She did a suicide bombing last night at the AVN Awards, now let’s all allow her to stay dead.

Next up, Stormy Daniels and more from Th Adult Expo Show

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Jenna Jameson Bitch Slaps AVN, The Industry

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One Response

  1. Jenna is past history and has been for quite awhile.

    Stormy is the new Queen and is a very good representive for the industry.

    A long reign for Stormy!


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