Comments on: It’s Weird How Often I Get Miscategorized The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 05 Jul 2023 15:00:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:10:42 +0000 In reply to jilted.

BTW I know PWL is up now. Donkey Long put it back up but the power he had before has slowly dissipated due to his info being old and everyone now knowing what a jerk he is ignores him and laughs at his posted delusions. I am sure his life is a living hell right now with no money and stuck in a country where there aren’t any social services to support him, likely forcing him to live and sleep on the streets. I have heard other things but I will leave those out of this post as it doesn’t really matter at this point. Just note that I expect Donkey to die from starvation or HIV within five years.

By: mharris127 Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:00:08 +0000 In reply to jilted.

I didn’t mean to imply that there couldn’t be trouble from the indemnity paperwork, especially for the attorney that drew them up and advised how to use them and maybe even the companies that signed them. However, the financial paperwork could be damning to whoever stole the money from AIM and was IMO probably the main reason the papers disappeared. Desi and Co. can’t get money out of a dead bankrupt horse (AIM) and the corporate veil in law for many years now protects Sharon Mitchell’s personal assets from seizure. The chances of getting more than peanuts from the producers is low. The attorney is more liable IMO. However the financial paperwork would probably have damned whoever stole the money that caused AIM to go under to at least ten years getting fucked up the ass by five bubbas/guards (commonly called a California prison).

BTW if you know who stole the money the statute of limitations is likely going to run out very soon. Some states have a three year statute of limitations on matters like this. Some have up to seven years. Either way if you really know who stole the money and brought AIM down, please talk to a friendly detective at the LA County Sheriff’s Office and get the case rolling. It is also your best chance at getting some of your $122K back through a criminal judgement that never goes away (unlike civil judgements that eventually do) even if the embezzler takes 30 years to pay. Good luck.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 01 Apr 2014 01:21:10 +0000 In reply to jilted.


Ya done it now….uncle peg is gonna give yer old party invitations to kazoo and kazoo is calling Kati to scratch yer name off her invite lists. 😉

By: jilted Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:37:00 +0000 Hey kazoo,,,I also wrote about 20 articles that appeared on you butt buddy gene ross’ site back when your little show was just getting started. hey, hows that UAWA thing working out?

By: jilted Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:30:37 +0000 Hey Kazoo,
youre just figuring out who I am. Shit, I had a sit down lunch with your attorney buyy Robert Starr a few months ago. Of course when I told him that he was listed as the secretary of UAWA his named disappeared the very next day as did the name of the other lawyer you had listed on their.. And for the record,,I had several meetings with Mitch before my contract with AHF,even had a few meetings with FSC lawyers to go over things that i could and could not say legally.

ps, what you know about testing could fit on the head of a pin.
LOL,,all this time I just assumed you knew who I was seeing as how I had meetings with your lawyers.

And the AIM bankruptcy documents can verify all the money that I got stiffed out of. They are publicly available but you have to pay TEN CENTS per page, so that probably puts them out of your reach.

By: RiccoMarin Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:40:07 +0000 Bye Nick East. And if you ever get fired because of The Devilman,
Knock the living shit out of him. He’s got one coming. Big time.

By: Nick East Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:09:52 +0000 For the record,,, I DO NOT POST UNDER FAKE NAMES, PERIOD! I was also the first performer to expose the rampant STD’s (the reason I quit performing) in the ‘business’ when EVERYONE else was talking about HIV! And vitriol? Hell yes!!! Skanks came in and started spreading disease because the losers couldn’t afford to go to the doctor and didn’t care about spreading them so they could buy their fucking crack cocaine! Fuck them (Brandon Irons with molluscum whipping his dick out comes to mind here) and the whore they rode in on! Ari Bass (uncle Peg because he likes a strap-on up his ass) and Sean Thompkins are being PAID by the FSC to attack me and anyone else who exposes the skankiness in the adult film industry (Mike is now on their list too!) and I just don’t care anymore! Hell, I doubt Mike will even let this post go public anyway, but lets see, eh? Just so ya’all know, though, I now have a REAL job (Ari Bass a/k/a Michael Whiteacre would try to get me fired if he could find out my employer) and make good money and have somewhat regained my anonymity (anonymity rocks!) and am ENJOYING IT immensely! So I am NOT trolling under ANY fake names and if you hear my words being repeated by others it is because I spoke the truth and the truth sticks to things whether you like it or not!!! Now, to the few commentors left on this blog, let me say “Good job!”!!! You have all been saying what I would be saying if I were still posting here (I’m only posting because of my name being mentioned and I HAVE NEVER POSTED UNDER A FAKE NAME)! I am done with all of this since I have already WON! Performer safety is NOW on the horizon and laws are being put in place to compell the fucking producers to protect their talent!!! Oh, and yes I like exclamation points too!!! So as a send-off (if Mike lets this be posted) let me just say that the companies could not care less about the talent and have knowingly allowed them to be exposed to STD’s claiming “that’s the risk they take!” Gay male prostitutes have taken over the straight side thanks to viagra and caverject which gives them the ability to get it up for ‘yucky girls’ and the whole thing makes me want to vomit. Goodbye to you all! Stop mentioning me because nobody of any real importance is reading this shit anyway!

By: LurkingReader Sun, 30 Mar 2014 06:42:02 +0000 In reply to rawalex.


For all the stuff we’re on the opposite side of the fence on…the we vs didn’t beat my tom tom of the week so you’re uninvited to my party kind of shit is a place we seem to see eye to eye on.

The collateral damage of we vs them is incredible…IG Being blasted as a hypocrite for not joining the party and beating someone up. WTF? so the only way to prove I haven’t changed my stance is to kick the guy you’re mad at?

Fuck that…I’m the fifth of six kids with over 100 cousins…if we beat every tom tom or added our kicks to every fray..that’s all we’d be doing and nothing that we really cared about would ever matter.

Early on I commented that boycotts aren’t my cup of tea…you won’t see me say..yeah boycott..but I’m behind you standing up for yourself and ideals…

By: rawalex Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:14:09 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Karl Rove is to me the master of creating the “us against them” mentality that runs rampant in the US. Essentially, it’s defining every issue as black and white and trying to remove every suggestion of grey, such that if someone doesn’t entirely agree with you, then they must oppose you.

While you would think that it would make “we” smaller by making everyone with an objection into an opponent, it in fact has the opposite effect. Basically, the logic is “you can’t be we unless you agree totally”, and that leads a lot of people to stop thinking and just nod their heads to be part of the group. People don’t want to risk being left out of being on the positive, “we” side of the argument, so they capitulate with the extreme view taken.

Moreover, it also creates the secondary effects of making “they” have to take fairly extreme positions of their own to be different. Since the grey is taken out of the discussion, the opposing side is often left defending the indefensible. It’s what happens to Mike, since he doesn’t entirely agree with X, he must be part of the really nasty group that entirely opposes it and eats babies for breakfast or something like that.

Karl Rove didn’t create the concept, but he mastered it, and used it to great effect. You can still hear it echoing in the words of crackpots like Rush Limbaugh (one of the few people who actually makes me scream at the radio!)

By: jilted Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:41:24 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

PWL is up and running today. They even have the article about Mike up there right now. It was actually just shut down for a very short time,,the whole thing is up right now and being updated everyday.

And Mitch was not the culprit at AIM. Of course I know exactly who was/is, and rest assured, what goes around comes around. As far as cans of worms,,I have tubs full of big huge nightcrawlers just waiting to open up. What I mentioned before about the PCR test not working in 2004, thats nothing. And all those public statements made on the internet back then, well, isnt the internet great,,you say something years ago and its still there to come back and bite ya.

And those indemnity agreements were exactly what the lawyers for desi and eli were looking for, after Mitch mentioned their existence in a pretrial deposition. They were also looking for the AIM insurance policies. Now seeing as how those agreements were to have access to the laboratory results who else do ya think might have copies of those? Paper gold!!!!

Same with emails,,a few years ago there was the big nonscandal of the leaked AHF emails, some of them between me and members of AHF. The best part is they didnt realease ALL of the emails, like the ones where we discuss all of the Hep C positive performers. There is no way those little douchebags were going to release all of them,,,maybe I should release them. Oh, did I ever mention that another one of my lab clients was a large county Hep C program, and wouldnt ya know it, some of those names and birthdays matched exactly with AIM paitients. HMMMM.

Lots of worms Mharris,,,lots of em.
