I Don’t Get It Really or Maybe AVN and XBiz Don’t get It

Obviously I scooped them pretty good with the Story about Alan Gelbard Threatening LA Direct.  They have ignored the story and I expect most of you know why, had the story been given to them in the form of a press release with a check attached they’d have been all over it.

But my traffic over the weekend and my emails don’t lie, this was a hot story for people in the biz.  Directors, owners, performers all are watching this one closely, because it’s news, and it potentially has a huge impact across the industry.

Now had I been XBiz or AVN I’d have put one reporter on Gelbard and another one on Derek Hay and I’d have gotten a good editorial and news story out of it, but will either of them do that?  of course not.

And yet AVN wonders why their magazine has shrunk to about the size of comic book and XBiz wonders why people in the biz go to me to get hard news. while I was reporting on that story AVN and XBiz were busy with fluff peices about Tristan Taormino and Manuel Ferrara, respectively.

That’s OK though, I actually like it.  If yall wanna read about the latest glow in the dark dildos then thats the right place to go, if you want to read about the stuff that effects you and your business….I’m happy to have ya!

Am I taunting them…LOL Yep a little bit….

77820cookie-checkI Don’t Get It Really or Maybe AVN and XBiz Don’t get It

I Don’t Get It Really or Maybe AVN and XBiz Don’t get It

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4 Responses

  1. I don’t get it either. Why would AVN allow their namesake publication to go to hell. I remember when it was over 300 pages thick. Now I wonder if they will even have the money to put on their annual awards show next January.

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Mike South

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