Hysterical calls yesterday indicating that performer Flower Tucci was dead from an overdose turned out to be wrong. The report was credited to a local radio station. Panic broke out amoung her friends who weren’t able to contact her at all and feared the worst.
She was finally contacted around 2AM and was fine. Her friends were all very happy to learn that it had all been some sort of weird mstake.
If I Ran The Free Speech Coalition:
AVN Writes on their site:
“The conservative National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families is marking this week as Pornography Awareness Week.
The group is urging citizens to participate by writing to their local mayors and governors and urging them to publicly declare Oct. 30 through Nov. 5 as Pornography Awareness Week and also host a breakfast or luncheon for officials to issue a proclamation about the week. Citizens were also urged to write to the U.S. Attorney General and urge him to enforce federal obscenity laws, as well as plan a series of activities like a rally, training session or public assembly to draw attention to the issue. ”
Now here’s what the FSC SHOULD have done…I know that by the time AVN ran the story it was Oct 31 and Pornography Awareness Week had started….
BUT…What if we had hi-jacked Pornography Awareness Week and done a few regional luncheons where we invited the mainstream press and we made them aware of the truths about our industry?
Truths like your child is statistically and in fact in far more danger of being sexually molested by ALL of the following than by being harmed in any way by anyone in porn:
Members of Congress
Family Members
Total Strangers
Members of the American Family Association
Baby Sitters
Daycare Providers
School Employees
Church Employees
to name a few…why is it we consistantly sit back and refuse to act on golden opportunities to get the truth out about our industry? The mainstream press would have eaten this up….
Dirty Bob Writes:
This Baldwin character is getting away with a lot ’cause people aren’t looking at the big picture.
He is going to porn shoots, porn shows, and hanging out with porn stars … and they are patting him on the back for doing so! Whatta racket! How else can a name celeb get away with doing all these things without being put down or chastised by his peers and fans or condemmed by the press!
Is XBiz Making Inroads Into The X Biz?:
I have heard it said for years, That AVN needs some serious competition. Many have tried and up to now all have failed.
But that seems to be chasnging. XBiz has slowly built an organization of top notch writers, web professionals and businessmen. One look at XBiz.com compared to AVN.com tells the story. AVN is a slow loading top heavy website that still uses pop up ads, something everyone else abandoned years ago.
But it doesn’t stop there. While both sites are without a doubt vehicles for press releases above all else XBiz tends to have a bit more substance, editorially speaking.
Not to detract from AVN, the print magazine is still the 800 lb gorilla in the room and through Paul Fishbein AVN has solid relationships with everyone of the industry’s biggest players, these guys aren’t going to abandon AVN for XBiz anytime soon.
But they are looking, they do see XBiz as a viable advertising outlet. XBiz is aggressive and nowhere is that more apparent than on XFanz the fan portal for XBiz. This is an area that AVN could never quite get its arms around. AVN has long wanted a viable print magazine aimed at retail outlets but it simply hasn’t been able to make any inroads to that effect. Indeed it is why Tim Connelly was hired in the first place, and subsequently probably a large part of why he was let go.
Theres is a marketing concept called “The Rule of Three” basically it means that untill there are 3 companies competing for the marketplace the consumer will suffer because of market control. Untill now AVN has had a defacto monopoly as the adult industry news and info publication.
That appears to be changing, and we will all be better for it, not because there is anything bad about AVN but because we benefit from competition. I believe both of these companies will survive each pushing the other to be better.
2036150cookie-checkFlower Tucci Not Dead:no
Flower Tucci Not Dead:
Hysterical calls yesterday indicating that performer Flower Tucci was dead from an overdose turned out to be wrong. The report was credited to a local radio station. Panic broke out amoung her friends who weren’t able to contact her at all and feared the worst.
She was finally contacted around 2AM and was fine. Her friends were all very happy to learn that it had all been some sort of weird mstake.
If I Ran The Free Speech Coalition:
AVN Writes on their site:
“The conservative National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families is marking this week as Pornography Awareness Week.
The group is urging citizens to participate by writing to their local mayors and governors and urging them to publicly declare Oct. 30 through Nov. 5 as Pornography Awareness Week and also host a breakfast or luncheon for officials to issue a proclamation about the week. Citizens were also urged to write to the U.S. Attorney General and urge him to enforce federal obscenity laws, as well as plan a series of activities like a rally, training session or public assembly to draw attention to the issue. ”
Now here’s what the FSC SHOULD have done…I know that by the time AVN ran the story it was Oct 31 and Pornography Awareness Week had started….
BUT…What if we had hi-jacked Pornography Awareness Week and done a few regional luncheons where we invited the mainstream press and we made them aware of the truths about our industry?
Truths like your child is statistically and in fact in far more danger of being sexually molested by ALL of the following than by being harmed in any way by anyone in porn:
Members of Congress
Family Members
Total Strangers
Members of the American Family Association
Baby Sitters
Daycare Providers
School Employees
Church Employees
to name a few…why is it we consistantly sit back and refuse to act on golden opportunities to get the truth out about our industry? The mainstream press would have eaten this up….
Dirty Bob Writes:
This Baldwin character is getting away with a lot ’cause people aren’t looking at the big picture.
He is going to porn shoots, porn shows, and hanging out with porn stars … and they are patting him on the back for doing so! Whatta racket! How else can a name celeb get away with doing all these things without being put down or chastised by his peers and fans or condemmed by the press!
Is XBiz Making Inroads Into The X Biz?:
I have heard it said for years, That AVN needs some serious competition. Many have tried and up to now all have failed.
But that seems to be chasnging. XBiz has slowly built an organization of top notch writers, web professionals and businessmen. One look at XBiz.com compared to AVN.com tells the story. AVN is a slow loading top heavy website that still uses pop up ads, something everyone else abandoned years ago.
But it doesn’t stop there. While both sites are without a doubt vehicles for press releases above all else XBiz tends to have a bit more substance, editorially speaking.
Not to detract from AVN, the print magazine is still the 800 lb gorilla in the room and through Paul Fishbein AVN has solid relationships with everyone of the industry’s biggest players, these guys aren’t going to abandon AVN for XBiz anytime soon.
But they are looking, they do see XBiz as a viable advertising outlet. XBiz is aggressive and nowhere is that more apparent than on XFanz the fan portal for XBiz. This is an area that AVN could never quite get its arms around. AVN has long wanted a viable print magazine aimed at retail outlets but it simply hasn’t been able to make any inroads to that effect. Indeed it is why Tim Connelly was hired in the first place, and subsequently probably a large part of why he was let go.
Theres is a marketing concept called “The Rule of Three” basically it means that untill there are 3 companies competing for the marketplace the consumer will suffer because of market control. Untill now AVN has had a defacto monopoly as the adult industry news and info publication.
That appears to be changing, and we will all be better for it, not because there is anything bad about AVN but because we benefit from competition. I believe both of these companies will survive each pushing the other to be better.
Flower Tucci Not Dead:
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Mike South
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