Best Movie, My Thoughts

I looked over the nominees for best movie, most of which I have seen. My guess is the most deserving is NOT the movie that will win, as is usually the case.

How anything on the list of nominees can even be considered in the same genre as “Black Worm” is way beyond me.

The first thing you say when you see “Black Worm” is Whoa…the production values here are WAY too good to be porn.  This movie made the best of the last 20 year, including, “Corruption” and “Pirates” look like rejects from “HBO Real Sex”.  My first reaction was hey…someone associated with these guys has REAL mainstream connections and talent.

The story stands by itself, not since “Dixie Ray, Hollywood Star” and “Cafe Flesh” have we seen a story that can stand on it’s own with no sex at all, and there are no cheap parlor tricks in this, no gaping assholes, no ass to mouth, no chopsticks or whatever, just good solid sex that is erotic without detracting too much from the story.

“Black Worm” got stellar reviews and everyone noted it’s slick, totally professional look, but my bet is that it will loose the awards that it most deserves (Best Movie, Best Director etc) to someone with little or no real talent but a much larger advertising and PR Budget.

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Best Movie, My Thoughts

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Mike South

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