Back at Home with lots to ponder:

This years AVN Awards show left me with a lot to ponder. For once I can’t bitch about the quality of the food…there wasn’t any, non existant, didn’t happen. Everyone did get a bottle of IVD lube and a sex toy from Doc Johnson I think, somehow beffitting considering the price. I have an idea though, I think next year instead of the lube and the sex toy maybe Las Vegas Novelities can one up everyone and instead of a sex toy they could have Dominoes deliver a Pizza or Subway a sandwich and a liter of Coke for everyone. I bet my last dollar that would be remembered (not to mention appreciated) far more than a little vibrator and some some cheap lube. You listening Steve?

Moving on, now everyone will tell you that an AVN Award nomination by itself is a prestigious thing but it seems some nominations are more prestigious than others. See even the best video category has good nominations and BETTER nominations, all of them are good but the better ones get read at the awards show. My advice to AVN, if you ain’t got time to read em all, shorten the list.

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Back at Home with lots to ponder:

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Mike South

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