AVN Denies Passes To Transgendered Performers

Its all the buzz on twitter right now…seems counter productive and nobody at AVN has responded yet.

check out Nickey Milo’s twitter feed for the latest.

130970cookie-checkAVN Denies Passes To Transgendered Performers

AVN Denies Passes To Transgendered Performers

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2 Responses

  1. What a slap in the face. Transgenders good enough for hooking and porn but not to attend an awards show? The hell with that, it’s 2016 y’all.

  2. Huh? How about that?

    Meanwhile AVN is crying sour grapes cuz the review journal isn’t sending a feature reporter to their convention….wonder if Kernes ripping the paper’s new owners political ideologies sent a stay away message?

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