Are Porners Mathematically Challenged:

I saw the number again last week from AVN, 10 Billion dollars, thats NINE zeros AFER the 10, 11 if ya count the cents.


That’s a big number and that’s what everyone is saying our biz generates a year.

That got me to thinking. Lets assume that number is correct. According to AVN we realease about 10,000 videos a year, that’s probably about right too…considering that roughly half of them are compilations. But even if they aren’t…well let’s do the math.

Using nice round numbers we take ten billion dollars divided by 10 thousand releases per year, that equals one million.

That means that each of those ten thousand releases would have to generate 1 million dollars in sales on average.

Considering the paltry sum I get for an edited finished master somebody is gettin fucked, big time.

Ok lets knock that down to 100,000 per release…that makes the industry not a ten billion dollar biz but a one billion dollar biz…..and at 100K per release…ya you guessed it I’m still getting fucked.

Now lets be honest here, someone is fudging some numbers BIG time….If not then people like the big three letter distributors should have plenty of money to pay their bills on time…why would they go 90 or more days past due? Are they THAT chincy?

So next time you hear about this biz being a 10 billion dollar a year biz, whip out your trusty calculator and do the math…hell even a porn chick can divide 10,000,000,000 by 10,000….

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Are Porners Mathematically Challenged:

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Mike South

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