Alicia Writes on why I haven’t been asked to write a column for AVNInsider:

It seems as if just about everyone and his/her mother
in porn has been selected to “write” a column for
AVNinsider. It is because you’re considered an
“outsider”(ie, you don’t live and work in Porn
Valley)? I’m sure that you would at least try to keep
your column updated, unlike most of the “columnists”
who “write” one article and drop off the face of the earth.

Well there’s one more reason they haven’t asked…I would want to be paid or swap for advertising or something. Or maybe they just don’t want the headache of me pissing people off…

5840cookie-checkAlicia Writes on why I haven’t been asked to write a column for AVNInsider:

Alicia Writes on why I haven’t been asked to write a column for AVNInsider:

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