Another Testing Sevice Jumps Into the Fray

 Apparently there’s yet another testing service in town:


We would like to introduce you to Pro-Health Community Care, a non-profit clinic system which provides a local solution of California-licensed physicians who supervise a local lab processing STI testing for the Adult Film Industry. A new 4th-generation HIV rapid screening test is now available for only $49 and our physicians recommend it every 15 days for maximum safety of all performers.

Our 4-test “Adult Wellness Panel” (HIV 1 & 2, GC/Chlamydia, and RPR) is only $89 – 179 and recommended every 30 days by Dr. Heidi Bauer, the Chief of the STD Section of the Calif. Department of Health, and our Medical Director, Dr. Jeffrey Olson. There is never a shipping fee, and ALL testing is provided by West Pacific Medical Labs in the Los Angeles area. They also have patient service centers in Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, and the Inland Empire.

Every test result is checked by one of our physicians licensed in California and/or Nevada. When a performer has a positive test result, their “status” is NOT CLEAR and will remain so until they have treatment and test negative. Then their “status” will change to CLEAR. Rather than having the performer with a positive test result have to seek out a physician, wait 3-4 days or more for an appointment, pay $150+ for the office visit and finally getting a prescription, our physicians can order the appropriate medication electronically through Pro-Health’s secure ePrescription system and the performer will have their medication in less than 24 hours from the time they received their results.

Please check out – Pro-Health’s 24/7 online verification system which is always FREE and protects each performer’s actual test results, enabling producers and talent managers to check their test STATUS easily. Our goal is to issue each performer a Pro-Health photo ID containing their photo, date of birth, and unique medical record number. Any company wishing to be able to check a performer’s status must be registered with to receive their unique username/password.

Please visit our websites and for details. Contact Carl Thomas 818-268-7397 to discuss our mobile specimen collection option for your talent. PLEASE HAVE YOUR TALENT CALL: 866-323-4273 to register. Our clinic hours at our Encino office Monday – Saturday 10am – 6pm.

Joyce L Thomas, MHA, CPM, CPC, CCC-Advanced

President & Founder

Pro-Health Community Care

16101 Ventura Blvd. Suite 343

Encino, CA 91436


73710cookie-checkAnother Testing Sevice Jumps Into the Fray

Another Testing Sevice Jumps Into the Fray

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5 Responses

  1. The website does not say which 4th generation test they use. There are two, one of which is approved by the FDA for HIV testing (Aptima). My understanding is that the adult industry is only accepting the Aptima test at the current time. As their site does not mention the adult industry but does mention MMA fighting I think their main focus is the MMA fighting industry and whatever business they get outside of that arena is coincidental to them. If they were looking for adult industry customers they would certainly say if they were using the Aptima test by name instead of just claiming a fourth generation test.

    As for Kelly’s comment about the AHF opening up a testing facility, that would not surprise me in the slightest. They already test using the standard Elisa/Western Blot series (I think free of charge), it would not take much for them to also offer Aptima HIV and Trep-Sure Syphilis along with RPR for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia for the adult industry. If they were to do this performers would be smart not to use AHF for their testing, the information they could get to use against the industry from offering such a service would only strengthen their case to run the industry out of California with their insane condom only requirement (which is their real goal, they don’t give a fuck about the performers or the industry in general — Weinfuck and Co. just have this moral bullshit opinion that adult films are bad and need to be eliminated by any means possible).

  2. A funny note in Mhariss’ post. “The information they could get…….would only strengthen heir case to run the industry out of California.” Harris, are you saying that if AHF was able to get actual, verifiable numbers about the stds in porn it would help them? Are you saying that the TRUTH about the std rate, not the FSC, industry bullshit, would damage the industry? LOL Of course the industry offers no stats or verifiable numbers to back their claims of low std rates. FSC will not even say how many performers are in the APHSS system. I wonder why? Well. i really dont wonder why, I know why, becuase the truth does not help the industry.

  3. I think even one case of VD in the biz would strengthen their case with some constituents. AHF has one goal in mind — to run porn out of California. Look at the mileage they got from Derrick Pierce and he got HIV from a gay porn scene. I don’t think I have ever said there isn’t any VD transmission in porn, with testing the rate is likely lower than the general population (I can’t prove it but it does make sense considering) but the risk and occasional VD case is there. Mr. Marcus is proof of that, we were fortunate that everyone in the industry didn’t get syphilis with as long as that creep fucked talent while hiding his test result. Unfortunately even with condoms it would be impossible to prevent 100 per cent of VD in the industry. Whether the FSC party line is bullshit or not I think there is enough VD in the biz that AHF would have plenty of fodder for their cannon even if the rate were one hundredth of the general population. I for one would be interested to know for sure the real rate of VD in the biz, all we have is conjecture at this point.

    My opinion is that talent knows the risk and performs voluntarily. AHF and the Condom Nazis need to keep their brown noses out of it. Weinfuck needs to be drawn and quartered in Chatsworth’s public square along with Mr. Marcus and Marc Wallice. I would gladly lend my rope skills to tying their arms and legs to cars that would pull their limbs out of their bodies.

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