Alexa Rae Talks to Me:

When Alexa picked up the phone last night I fully expected to be cursed up one side and down the other. I wasn’t I could hear the tension in her voice as she spoke though, it wasn’t mad, it might have been a little scared. I have been told that on at least one occasion the mention of my name brought her to tears.

I will give her credit, it took guts.

I exchanged a few pleasantries and then asked her what she hoped to accomplish in speaking with me. She seemed very sincere when she said she just hoped to be able to apologize to the people whom she hurt, and that she accepted full responsibility for her actions. She could have blamed it on drugs but ultimately she took full responsibility. She told me she has cleaned her life up and that she is happy and doing well and that she just wants try and make ammends so that it can all be laid to rest.

I am big on personal responsibility and never once did Alexa attempt to blame anyone or anything else for what happened in her life in porn. She didn’t even hold a grudge against me. She struck me as being very sincere her voice was fragile but she was being strong.

I am not one to kick someone who is trying to pull herself up and I am not going to do it to Alexa, If she is sincere I applaud that and I am going to be interviewing her over the next few days and you will read it all here in her own words. I think it will make for an interesting story.

Alexa is a native of the Atlanta area and we ended the conversation by talking about where we went to high school and Atlanta eateries. I must admit I am pleasantly surprised by her candor and her intestinal fortitude that was required for her to talk with me in the first place, watch here for her story in her words.


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Alexa Rae Talks to Me:

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