Comments on: AHF Now Moving On Statewide Condom Law. The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 14 Jul 2023 09:50:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:52:17 +0000 In reply to Nick East.

Comparing Roman gladiators to 21st century porn performers is not exactly a good comparison. If my freshman history class professor and my memory of that class is correct (it was decades ago) one person died at every Roman gladiator match. The chances of a porn chickie dying from performing even without a condom are almost nil even if she were to get HIV on set which the chance of that with current testing protocol and policy are almost remote — even if all of the reported HIV cases from straight porn since 1998 were from on-set exposure — which is certainly not the case but for the sake of argument let’s assume otherwise — the chance of getting HIV would be about 15 cases in 250K plus scenes (.00006%). Even with my outlandish assumption above literally the town prude has a higher chance of getting HIV from sex than a porn performer. Coming back to reality and adjusting my assumption above down to the actual number which may be five or six the realistic chances of catching HIV on set are so low that it isn’t even worth talking about, certainly not legislating about. Nick, the AHF is using people like you to help them implement their real goal — to ban all porn production, first in CA then eventually country-wide. A condom mandate is just the first attempt. If they get what they want here and it does not completely stop the production of porn in first CA and then the country, next it will be a complete ban on all sexual contact for filming unless the performers are married to each other — using the excuse that condoms break and aren’t complete protection against HIV. Weinstein and Izzy are conservatives who believe sex is only for procreation and want to force their views on the country. Weinstein wants this because HIV in porn (it doesn’t matter that it likely wasn’t an on-set infection) costed his charity a million dollars that he would have liked to pocket for himself (which is really what AHF is all about, filling Weinstein’s pocket), he is also afraid it will cost him additional millions of dollars in the future. Izzy is a Baptist minister that wants to force Christian sexual values as he sees them on the country. Even the Pope and the Catholic Dioceases in CA don’t support this bill publicly and they certainly believe sex is only for procreation. Wake up and smell the cappuchino, everyone — or should I say the rotten fish and eggs coming from the direction of the nearest AHF office!

By: LurkingReader Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:32:30 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Want a spare commemorative cartoon popcorn bucket?

Mike may or may not still have an email I sent him saying 2013 is a GAME-CHANGER for porn. 2015 is a new season in the Bad News Bears vs ‘organized regulation’ with both sides gearing up for spring training 😉 btw commemorative bucket is reusable and very handy for unscripted drama….even has a lid to keep popcorn fresh for extra innings.

By: jilted Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:32:58 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Time to refill the soda and popcorn.

By: jilted Fri, 15 Feb 2013 20:13:09 +0000 In reply to richard373.

Looks like Mike had the scoop again. Any more info from this source Mike? This looks like it will get very interesting. I will need a large popcorn and cherry soda to watch this on unfold.

By: richard373 Sat, 02 Feb 2013 09:30:47 +0000 The battle over this issue was lost when major players in porn indusrty did nothing about issue at time they could have when frist came about. Porn indusrty old argument how go great lengths safe gaurd porn stars work in indusrty back fire on them over event took place with Mr Marcus Syphilis event. The way FSC handle matter one big reasons porn indusrty going find self in condoms. There all,s fact way state California been acting of late you could very well see condoms state wide.

By: brendachicago Fri, 01 Feb 2013 22:35:43 +0000 “80% of porn consumers won’t purchase condom only porn” Thats a guess, most of the huge sites have some condom scenes and it doesnt drive them out of business. If heath means nothing and it just consumer wants.So does that mean if the porn consumer want the girls legs broken after the cum shot well that’s what we got to do?

By: DWB Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:06:44 +0000 In reply to DWB.

Had a GOOD run. Not gun run.

By: DWB Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:05:49 +0000 In reply to Karmafan.

80% of porn consumers won’t purchase condom only porn, which really means condom porn shot in LA. Boo-freaking-hoo. Now for a reality check… Japan’s porn market is huge and they censor the kibbles and bits. France is condom only porn. Wicked is a condom only company. Everyone will be OK. And if they are not, they had a gun run. I hear PornHub is hiring.

By: BT Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:44:39 +0000 With regard to the industry going underground, that is a threat but it is not a legal argument. It’s a little like the NRA’s argument against mandatory background checks. What’s the point, since criminals won’t submit to them and will just find an illegal way to get guns. Which is a little like saying, why have a speed limit since some drivers will always go faster or why make drunk driving illegal, since some people will always drive while drunk. All of the above may be true, but they’re not legal arguments.

Mike is right on point when he says that OSHA will rule the day. There is no First Amendment Right to put your employees at risk of contracting a disease. The First Amendment does put limits on commercial speech and there are limits to artistic freedom. The producer and director of an action movie cannot require stunt people to work without some form of protective gear just so they can realize their vision. They can’t force an actor to get a broken arm just because the script calls for the fictional character to break his or her arm. Porn is real – there is no faking double anal, ATM, douple penetration etc. Those are real cocks going into real orifices. An actress can say, hey, I’m willing to do that to help you realize your artistic vision. However, like a stunt person, the director cannot force her to do it without protection against the possible harm that can result from the act – in this case, some kind of STD.

There is no First Amendment right to pass on an infectious disease.

By: Nick East Fri, 01 Feb 2013 05:31:15 +0000 In reply to Karmafan.

Profits over safety is not the answer, Karmafan. If they lose money, then they may just have to make a better product and stop blaming a piece of latex as the problem. And if the new group of male talent cannot perform with a condom, then they shouldn’t be doing the job anyway. This is the twenty-first century. Gladiators should not be allowed to fight to the death nowadays, eh?
