Samantha Knoxx @SamanthaKn0xx Gets Deported on Way to AVN

The AVN Show isn’t for everyone. It’s a lot of stress and craziness and in some cases, it even means getting deported while attempting to attend the show. Oops!

This year Canadian blonde Samantha Knoxx learned that lesson the hard way upon her arrival to Las Vegas where she was detained by the Department of Homeland Security and interrogated for nearly 12 hours.

Samantha KnoxxShe will not be allowed back in the US for another five years and when she does (if she can get back in) she will be required to sign a waiver to do so.

She did get lucky though and was able to finally get a flight back to Canada after being informed that had their not been an available flight to Canada with the airline that same day, she would have been held in jail until there was one available.

determination of inadmissibility

She was also not permitted to use her phone either during all of that time. In fact, the actually took possession of her phone, and then her on the suspicion of “providing illicit sexual services”, aka escorting, which is something that isn’t illegal in her home country. However it is illegal to enter the US for purposes of prostitution, and that seems to be what they rejected her for.

On her phone, they found a message about a previous trip where she mentioned going on stage and another message where she said, “I don’t have sex much anymore unless it’s for content or compensation”, which was a reference to a paid scene she had done previously in Canada.

Samantha Knoxx is now safely back at home in Canada. You can follow her adventures on Twitter @SamanthaKn0xx.

546930cookie-checkSamantha Knoxx @SamanthaKn0xx Gets Deported on Way to AVN

Samantha Knoxx @SamanthaKn0xx Gets Deported on Way to AVN

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