Jenna Jameson Not Attending Adult Expo

From Jenna

Regretfully I will not be appearing at AVN this year for my normal signing. Playboy has decided not to have a booth this year, so there will be no appearance by me or any of the CJ girls. I am extremely bummed out, and I know this is going to upset so many of my fans. I wish I was able to be there, this is usually my favorite time of year. I will be at the awards, so I hope to see everyone there…. at least.


Speculation is rampant that her non appearance has more to do with her current appearance (way too thin say some, anorexic say others) than it does with Playboy not doing a Club Jenna Booth. 

Rumors are also rampant that Adult Expo wont have nearly as many exhibitors this year and even at that will be mostly internet companies. 

17520cookie-checkJenna Jameson Not Attending Adult Expo

Jenna Jameson Not Attending Adult Expo

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4 Responses

  1. South your sources need to step into reality. The floor was full of exhibitors… the FANS were what was missing.

  2. You guys realize this is an article from 2008, don’t you? Jenna Jameson has no reason to attend an AVN convention nowadays.

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