This is your FSC Executive Director Diane Duke. Sometimes there are just no words to describe the stupidity of these people. Seriously. This is the Executive Director of a so called lobbying association who had no clue that AB332 was automatically going into suspense status, so she spent money to have people show up and testify at a hearing where testimony isnt allowed. She then proclaimed it a victory for the FSC that AB332 went into suspense status, a required status for a bill like this.
She makes fun of photos of Isadore Hall but Methinks she should consider her own conduct in public and stop worrying about Assemblyman Halls.
Hey Diane I will bet you TEN TIMES the amount in that photo that AB332 passes the Assembly….Wanna bet?
Porners is this REALLY the person you want representing your interests in Sacramento? Seriously? She does nothing but bring shame to this industry. It;’s time to defund the FSC and start over with something that has a chance to work.
Send Diane Duke back to whatever hole she crawled out of.
6 Responses
Sometimes There Are No Words For Breadth and Depth of Stupidity of Diane Duke
RT @MikeSouth1226: Sometimes There Are No Words For Breadth and Depth of Stupidity of Diane Duke: Sometimes there just aren’t words … htt…
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More cocaine parties in Canoga Park…
Did anyone notice that the wad of cash is two twenty dollar bills, two five dolllar billls, and a bunch of singles. That pretty much sums up the industry. Is this the carwash money from the Measure B fundraiser? Or better yet, is this the Performer Subsidy Fund for this month?
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