To Everyone In Porn, This Has GOT to Stop.


Diane Duke is a duplicitous, self serving, lying, scumbag.

Instead of being honest, she lied, and they weren’t even well thought out lies.  She told that there was only one confirmed positive.  That is a lie and she knows it is a lie.  She also told them that the performer did not fake his test, another lie that she knows is a lie.

Lying about it is not the way out of this, she is going to repeat these lies to talent and to the adult press you can bet on that.

Diane Duke needs to be gone from this industry  she has destroyed any credibility we may have ever gained and antics like this have opened the door for AHF, CalOSHA and L.A. County to take control.

Fire Diane Duke NOW!



64230cookie-checkTo Everyone In Porn, This Has GOT to Stop.

To Everyone In Porn, This Has GOT to Stop.

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6 Responses

  1. We have meet the enemy that enemy is are selfs. Diane Duke proving be enemy in porn indusrty did seem coming untill to late. Mike door been open enemy at gates they well go for the kill becuase FSC offer up porn inusdrty neck chopping block. After this next capital porn is gone be in USA if American female porn star better learn spanish russian turkish polish becuase that where new capitals porn gone be in Spain Russia Turcky Poland. Good news it well take some time move porn indusrty there but bad news look that where porn indusrty look like gone exile have after this mess over.

  2. FSC sucks… straight up. I still remember being scared into protection money, as an affiliate, back during the Y2K years and 2257 racket protection. I fell for it then but didn’t know who and what they were.

  3. FSC has been completely ineffective for well over a decade and they’ve now become an embarrassment to the adult industry. It’s not just Diane Duke that needs to go, but the entire board as well. If any of them had half-a-clue they’d have taken steps ages ago to get some leadership that could address the real issues facing the industry, not just the cause-du-jour that will bring in the next wave of funding.

    Just my 2¢, FWIW

  4. Most people fell for that. After that turned out to be a scam, I stopped being a member and supporting them.

  5. I was a newbie then so had no idea. I certainly did not have the money then, however, paid anyways for fear of the DOJ and being a secondary producer as I was told.

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