Jane Doe in GirlsDoPorn Lawsuit Recounts Fallout From Porn Video Posted Online

Turning to alcohol to cope with being recognized by people in her small town after appearing in a porn video, Jane Doe 16 testified Tuesday about the fallout from the video she said was never supposed to be posted online.

Doe said she was a 19-year-old college sophomore in 2014 when she drank several rum and cokes before filming a porn video in a San Diego hotel room. She said she was told the video would go straight to DVD and be sold in New Zealand but found out the following year it had been posted to some of the most trafficked websites in the world.

“I felt shocked. I felt very confused. I never expected it to go online, it had happened eight to nine months earlier,” Doe said.

Doe is one of several anonymous women who have testified in a month-long bench trial in San Diego Superior Court Judge Kevin Enright’s courtroom. Twenty-two women accuse the owners and operators of GirlsDoPorn of duping them into filming porn videos with promises the videos would never go online and would be sold to a private collector or released on DVD overseas.

She said once the video went viral in spring 2015, people in her town found out about it. A person from her high school even made a website featuring only her video, prompting her to take action to get it removed, she testified.

Doe’s three sisters were emailed links to the video and a sister-in-law received a link in an email sent to her work at a middle school, Doe said.

Doe said she had never heard of GirlsDoPorn until she saw her video posted on the free website PornHub.

In an email exhibit shown in court, Doe wrote to the person who recruited her to appear in the film: “When I filmed with your company I was under the impression it would be paid for only, not posted on free websites.”

PornHub took the video down at the request of Doe’s boyfriend and sent the website a photo of her with the date to corroborate the video was posted without her consent. But the film was reposted to the website shortly after, Doe said.

After the video came out, Doe said she was ostracized by her friends and received harassing messages on social media.

When an elderly man who lived at an assisted living facility across the street from her work said he recognized her, Doe said she began to fear for her safety.

“I said, ‘That wasn’t me,’ but you could tell he knew it was me,” Doe said.

“I couldn’t take this wide variety of people who had seen me naked and I wanted to leave,” she added.

Doe said she became anxious, depressed and dependent on alcohol. She joined the military to try and get away from her town but was injured and discharged several months later.

She was arrested for a DUI after buying alcohol from a liquor store while driving home to calm an anxiety attack. Later, she was hospitalized for two weeks following an intentional overdose on prescription medication.

It took multiple stints in inpatient and outpatient treatment before she felt she could tell a psychiatrist in 2018 what had happened, Doe told her attorney Cara Van Dorn on re-direct examination.

“I had a hard time believing someone would sympathize with me and see my side of the story,” Doe said.

“It stayed inside and festered for years and I lost almost my life because I didn’t feel I could talk about it,” she added.

On cross-examination, GirlsDoPorn attorney Aaron Sadock showed a videotaped interview Doe did prior to filming the porn video and asked her to point out how she knew she was intoxicated from multiple drinks she’d been given by the makeup artist prior to filming.

Doe noted the way she was rocking back and forth, squeezing her leg with one of her hands, and said the fluctuation in her voice “is not how I normally talk,” and that her eyes looked glazed over.

“It felt like I was watching somebody else. It looked like me but didn’t act like me,” Doe said.

The trial is expected to continue for several more weeks.

Source: Courthouse News

514110cookie-checkJane Doe in GirlsDoPorn Lawsuit Recounts Fallout From Porn Video Posted Online

Jane Doe in GirlsDoPorn Lawsuit Recounts Fallout From Porn Video Posted Online

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6 Responses

  1. I feel sorry for this girl and others like her but at the same time this is 2019. We have had high speed internet for at least 10 years and social media for almost as long (id not longer).

    Only a fool would believe that it would only be in a small island country and not end up on the world wide web.

  2. My rents just got high speed in their community in 2017. Yet still you missing the point. It doesn’t matter if they were dumb enough to believe it or not they were lied too. and mislead. Some were not even told the were doing hardcore porn till they landed in SD. One was told on the way up to the room. Over 600 scenes and at least 120 of the models have eerily similar stories . lot of fools i guess.

  3. Think how many people fall for the Nigerian Prince scam. Or the latest, we have your password bitcoin scam. A sucker is born every minute and it’s clear GDP prayed on that type.

  4. Is she suing the other persons who posted her videos as well? it seems PH will be the downfall of GDP. Also, if you sue someone in public court, you should tell us their name. GDP’s lawyer should file to dismiss the case on that. Did the girls file 2257 violations with the FBI? It seems going the civil route would be easier for them.

  5. “Is she suing the other persons who posted her videos as well?” Why would she. They took down the video. Pornhub has safe harbor and I don’t think they got recruiters to lie to her, get her drunk and then charged people to see it. “it seems PH will be the downfall of GDP” PH will be the downfall of all porn. “f you sue someone in public court, you should tell us their name. GDP’s lawyer should file to dismiss the case on that. ” Saddock tried to have the girls name released right up to the trial. Judge didn’t agree Thing is GDP knows who all the Jane Does are. What they don’t know is who all the witnesses are. Their statements will be used here and in the criminal trial. “Did the girls file 2257 violations with the FBI?” Who knows and when has GDP record keeping been in question. “It seems going the civil route would be easier for them.” As it is for everyone. Way less burden to provide proof. Remember it only started with four. Those four didn’t have enough to convince a D.A. to prosecute but that has changed with additional girls who joined the suit. Pratt fled right after they let Moser’s and his convo be shown in court and Garcia has plead the 5th because he knows criminal charges are next. Dem boyzz r facked

  6. Matt, my brother can speak about not having high speed internet in his area (he lives 18 miles from the nearest town out on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere). He had to get satellite internet at $150 per month, what they pay for their internet every month would buy groceries for my household of three people for almost a fucking week! There is also no landline phone service out there so he ended up getting the satellite internet phone service from his satellite provider. I could see some innocent 18 year old girl from that area not knowing about porn on the internet and being convinced that some scene would only be available in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Sark or some shit like that (not my nieces and nephews, though — I taught them how to use internet and the pitfalls of it from nearly a baby, I have DSL and desktop computers in my home, one is for them to use while with me).

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