I originally wrote this back in 2002 when it seemed that Bick had suffered a heart attack. It was a faux eyewitness account:
Buck Adams is kind of porns own Charles Bukowski, he is known to be a hard drinking, hard living kind of fellow. Adams, the brother of pornstar Amber Lynn was directing his latest project when he suffered what was apparently a heart attack. As one eyewitness told the story:
“I was standin roun’ en I seent da head white boy go down see. He jes hit da groun like he done got inta some bad T-Bird see. Somebody call’t a amb-U-Lance en dey drive up en out comes da Pair-O-Medics see. Now dey bringin’ wid em dey batt’ry en dey proceeds to hook white boy up see, dey be gwine ter jump start white boy. But I be shakin maw head see, on account a I b’lieve white boy be done gone down town.”
Well as it turns out Buck wasn’t dead and he was indeed revived. A stay in the hospital and an EKG revealed that Buck had not had a heart attack at all, several days in the hospital under surveillance they still had no idea what was wrong with Buck. Buck was released after diagnosis of a viral infection, possibly resulting from a bug bite.
Well this time it’s real, Buck Passed away yesterday at 52 from complications from heart failure.
Buck’s sister is adult film legend Amber Lynn.