Club Jenna Signs A New Contract Girl: ( You read it first here!)

Corina Cross (the Brunette) , I should have a pic or two of her soon. OK quick now, name 2 more ClubJenna Contract girls….

Best Wishes Got Out To Jesse Jane:

Whom despite my efforts to make the little tart the future ex Mrs South, is marrying someone else…Tomorrow In Las Vegas…Best wishes to em both….Kisses Jesse!

And To Mark Kernes:

Whom I would NEVER persuade to be the ex-Mrs South….Mark is recovering from surgery Hope yer up and about in no time so that I have a worthy opponent again whenever I decide to rattle Sharon Mitchell’s cage.

After More Than Three Years of This I Have Run Out Of Anything To Say:

But apparently I am not alone, Devan quit his site, JimmyD is in reruns and if not for the lesser site would have no articles at all.

I’m not saying ‘m quitting cuz I ain’t …porn needs me, if I quit then who would be around to point out the stupid and funny shit we do? so I’m still in

I just don’t know what to say


16800cookie-checkClub Jenna Signs A New Contract Girl: ( You read it first here!)

Club Jenna Signs A New Contract Girl: ( You read it first here!)

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