Guilty As Charged?:

I spent about 30 Minutes on the air as a call in guest Friday Night. The show reaches most of the east coast and midwest. The topic was the senate subcommittee hearings on pornography. I defended the industry and did a pretty darn good job of it. We all know that the four “experts” that they heard from were anti-porn but in doing some research I came across some interesting points that these experts made.

Dr. Mary Anne Layden had this to say:

“Those who now work in the porn industry were often little girls who got into their beds each night, rolled themselves into a fetal position and each night he came in [and] pealed [sic] her open. They work in the porn industry with its physical invasion and visual invasion because it feels like home. Once they are in the industry they have high rates of substance abuse, typically alcohol and cocaine, depression, borderline personality disorder which is a particularly serious disorder and dissociative identity disorder which used to be called multiple personality disorder. The experience I find most common among the performers is that they have to be drunk, high or dissociated in order to go to work. Their work environment is particularly toxic. One study on strippers indicated that they were likely to be punched, slapped, grabbed, called cunt and whore and to be followed home or stalked.”

ummm aside from the first two sentences it sounds a lot like the truth from what I have seen of the L.A. Porn crowd. I bet you guys reading this are shaking your heads knowingly too….I don’t think I have to name names here but there very upper echilons of porn chicks exhibit a lot if not all of this behavior.

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover Says:

“The manifest content of pornography has been extensively examined, for example, revealing that (1) pornography’s dominant theme is one of unrestrained human sexual promiscuity and (2) it’s devoid of coercion and violent action (Brosius, Weaver, & Staab, 1994).” And later, “Initial hesitations to enjoy the material are rapidly lost with repeated exposure and give way to unadulterated reactions of enjoyment.”

Devoid of violent action? He certainly hasn’t studied porn since 1994…Unadulterated reactions of enjoyment? Like crying? Throwing up? Assault and Battery? Gee we better hope Dr Satinover sticks to his Golden Age Porn…

Y’all see the problem here? Hell just might be coming to breakfast…..

13820cookie-checkGuilty As Charged?:

Guilty As Charged?:

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Mike South

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