Over the Rainbow: Exploring the Gay Agenda, Its Conduits and its Profiteers – Guest editorial

This is a guest editorial from a company owner who is also a reader. I always welcome well written viewpoints even if they differ from mine.

Over the Rainbow: Exploring the Gay Agenda, Its Conduits and its Profiteers
By Michael Payne

I. The Agenda

On April 2014, Treasure Island Media, an American gay porn production company, released a movie titled “Viral Loads”. The following is an excerpt from the studio’s description of the movie:
“The willing, hungry Blue Bailey gets gang banged by a roomful of studs. Most are poz [HIV positive], some are neg [HIV negative]. Who cares? Not Blue, that’s for sure.
To finish up his man worship initiation, we bring out a brimful jar full of more than 200 poz [HIV positive] loads [semen]. Blue’s good buddies Dayton O’Connor and Drew Sebastian carefully squirt every drop up Blue’s knocked-up ass. Max X slurps Blue’s jizz-leaking ass throughout, establishing himself as the new world’s felching-champion.”

Let’s put this into perspective: More than 200 men, most of them HIV positive, engage in unprotected gay sex on film, exchange bodily fluids and transmit HIV in front of the rolling camera. If this incident does not disturb you, then stop reading this article and go do something else, but if it does disturb you, then consider this: What these men are doing is a hazardous and outrageous exercise of the 21st century gay revolution. They not only see themselves entitled to the right to knowingly and willingly expose and inflict one another with HIV and spread the disease, but also they want to have the right to get married, adopt children, expose the children to HIV and encourage them to spread the disease from one generation to the next, and on top of all that, they want you and I to accept and respect them for who they are and what they do, and they have legions of attorneys, lobbyists, organizations, unions and watchdog groups that obsessively and compulsively control, manipulate and censor the media using Nazi Gestapo methods and make sure that no private comment and vague reference won’t go unnoticed and unpunished. Gay people have the right to spread HIV in front of the rolling camera, and if their behavior disturbs and terrifies you, then you’re a villainous bigot who deserves the harshest retribution.

Here are some examples of this persecution mania:

– In 2011, director/producer Brett Ratner was forced to steps down as Oscars producer amid controversy surrounding the use of an “an anti-gay slur”. During screening of his latest movie “Tower Heist”, Ratner was asked by a moderator about his rehearsal with his cast before shooting a scene, he jokingly replied: “Rehearsal is for fags.” In the days that followed gay lobbyists relentlessly attacked and harassed Ratner and forced him to publicly apologize and quit Oscars.

– In 2013, Alec Baldwin’s late night show at NBC got cancelled after he confronted a paparazzi who was harassing him in New York and called the paparazzi “fag”.

– In 2013, Phil Robertson, star of the reality TV series “Duck Dynasty”, criticized homosexuality during a magazine interview for which he came under heavy fire from gay lobbyists who demanded Robertson’s head on a platter for crime of exercising his constitutional right and expressing his personal opinion. Robertson was suspended by A & E Network which airs “Duck Dynasty” series, but he refused to apologize for his comments. Eventually, A & E gave up to Robertson and his supporters and reinstated him. Since then, gay lobbyists, most notably GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) have launched a vicious war against Phil Robertson and attack and harass him and his family on a continuing basis.

These are only a handful of examples of how quickly the tables are turning in the 21st century America and how homosexuality has become the new trend and the truth about this hazardous practice is being ignored and squashed, the truth which is in alarming numbers:

– According to a CDC (Center for Disease Control) report published on February 21, 2014, Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States.

– In 2010, young gay and bisexual men accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24. At the end of 2010, an estimated 489,121 (56%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay or bisexual.

– From 2008 to 2010, there has been a %22 increase in new HIV infections among young gay men in America.

The next statistical fact is the most horrifying:

– In 2014, %60 of HIV positive young Americans are unaware they’re infected which means they can and will expose and infect others, hence the infection rate will continue to increase exponentially.

These are some disturbing examples of how homosexuality is slowly and surely infecting and destroying the American society, and again, the shameful truth is that if you oppose this hazardous practice, you will be singled out as a villainous bigot and will become the public enemy number one. In a fair and rational society, the media has a responsibility to inform people of any and all dangers, including homosexuality, that threat their lives and livelihood, but America is neither a fair nor a rational society. America is a cesspool of crime, corruption and hypocrisy, marching on a self destructing fast track to oblivion.

II. The Conduits

Since the first American gay couple legally married in the state of Massachusetts on May 17, 2004, the corporate media and rotten to the core politicians have embraced the gay agenda and are fully supporting and promoting homosexuality. Just take a look at the list of TV series that have been aired since the turn of the century, almost all of them include gay characters, here are a few examples:

How I Met Your Mother, Glee, The L World, Looking, House M.D., Grey’s Anatomy Revenge, Heroes, Six Feet Under, True Blood.

The corporate media tirelessly campaigns to turn homosexuality into an acceptable social norm by blending favorable gay characters in popular books, movies, TV series and video games, and judging by the shift in public opinion, they have been successful. Since 2004, 16 states and the District of Columbia have legalized same sex marriage, and recent polls indicate that currently the majority of Americans support same sex marriage. In America, a country dominated by the power of the media, it’s hard to imagine such outcome without the heavy influence and support of the media.

However, if you look at the issue from a pragmatic point of view, you’ll realize why the corporate media and the politicians have supported the gay agenda to such an extreme extent: The media moguls present themselves as the champions of free speech and tolerance, their fan base gets stronger, their viewership increases, they get to charge sponsors and affiliates higher prices for their programs and deposit more money in their offshore bank accounts. Meanwhile, the ill-informed society pays the ultimate price and gay propaganda pushes HIV infections into stratosphere. Same as corrupt politicians who embrace, advocate and promote homosexuality in an attempt to gain support from gay voters and gay lobbyists whose influence spreads from the House of Representatives in Washington to Hollywood studios and the Vatican. On June 11, 2013, a Chilean Catholic Website reported that Pope Francis, in a private meeting with the presidency of CLAR (Latin American Confederation of Men and Women Religious), had referred to a “gay lobby” operating in the Vatican. He said:

“There is a current stream of corruption, there is one, it is true, there are words about a “gay lobby”, and it is true, it is there, we have to see what we can do about it.”

III. The Profiteers

We have established that the dramatic shift in public opinion in America towards homosexuality is the result of a tireless campaign orchestrated by the corporate media and corrupt politicians under the influence of gay lobby. The next logical step is to contemplate the ages old question “cui bono”, who benefits? Who profits the most from gay lobby’s activities? Is it homosexual teenagers, or married gay couples, or humanity in general? The disturbing and shocking answer is none of the above. The entities who profit mostly from the gay propaganda are pharmaceutical corporations that produce and distribute HIV/AIDS drugs, these corporations are the true puppet masters who pull the strings from behind the velvet curtain. Here is one example for your consideration:

In June 2008, in the midst of the debate over gay rights and same sex marriage, GlaxoSmithKline, the world’s largest supplier of AIDS drugs, sponsored Gay Pride Month guide. The company paid millions of dollars to endorse the homosexual practice which is the leading contributor to the spread of HIV.
Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition commented:

“GlaxoSmithKline are the producers of the very drugs people take to try to reduce the side effects of AIDS. In other words, GlaxoSmithKline are contributing to the AIDS epidemic and creating a larger market for their popular drugs. These pharmaceutical companies know there will forever be money to be made on the AIDS issue.”

Sadly, in the eyes of corporations, the lives, livelihood and values of humans, regardless of their race, gender and sexual orientation amounts to nothing. They view human beings as live stock, digital numbers and consumers. They have one goal and one goal only: Increasing their profit. Creating and perpetuating wars around the globe, poisoning the environment and spreading diseases are tools they use to achieve this goal. People of Main Street are trapped in a vicious cycle of confusion and propaganda and endless debates over who should have what kind of rights and how to unite and elevate the human race to a higher level. Meanwhile, corporations, their lobbyists and their lackey politicians laugh all the way to the bank.

IV. Closing Thoughts

The purpose of this article is to inform people, not to judge homosexuality, I don’t see myself in a position to pass judgment of any kind, but I believe that people of all races, genders and sexual orientations must be aware of potential dangers and consequences of their choices and their lifestyle, that society must be educated about the medical hazards of homosexuality, and this practice must be kept personal and private, not promoted, glorified and introduced to children. For instance, recently a number of YouTube film makers produced a video in which they described homosexuality to children as young as five and asked for their opinions on the subject. The film makers defended the video by stating that the raw opinions of children offer incredibly valuable insight on current social issues, but the youngest of these children didn’t even understand the subject until it was explained to them by the producers. Any fair, rational and responsible human being must be disturbed and shocked by the idea of educating sex to five year old children. This chilling trend of sexualization of children is similar to what Aldous Huxley depicted in his novel “Brave New World”. In the book, the global government encourages the populace to explore sex starting from early childhood. Later, in an article titled “Brave New World Revisited”, Huxley wrote:
“Children are highly suscepti­ble to propaganda, a fact that really highlights the danger of exposing young kids to sex. They are ignorant of the world and its ways, and therefore completely unsuspecting, their critical faculties are undeveloped. The youngest of them have not yet reached the age of reason and the older ones lack the experience on which their new-found rationality can effectively work.”

Promoting and rewarding homosexuality draws more people, especially the young and the impressionable, towards this practice, and as a result, HIV epidemic will continue to spread exponentially.

All in all, I’m just some guy, I’m not a social reformist, nor that I have the power to start a revolution. All I can do is to write an article and express my opinion for whoever that might be reading it, and my highest hope is to encourage and intrigue the reader to break away from delusions of propaganda and think freely, think outside the box. Knowledge is power, equip yourself with it.

105690cookie-checkOver the Rainbow: Exploring the Gay Agenda, Its Conduits and its Profiteers – Guest editorial

Over the Rainbow: Exploring the Gay Agenda, Its Conduits and its Profiteers – Guest editorial

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110 Responses

  1. Mike, this is the worst thing that you’ve ever published. Is it 1983??? An I realize it’s an op-ed. It’s shameful, it’s offensive, and that you considered giving it voice at all is oddly telling about you.

    “Promoting and rewarding homosexuality draws more people, especially the young and the impressionable, towards this practice, and as a result, HIV epidemic will continue to spread exponentially.” JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

  2. “These are some disturbing examples of how homosexuality is slowly and surely infecting and destroying the American society, and again, the shameful truth is that if you oppose this hazardous practice, you will be singled out as a villainous bigot and will become the public enemy number one.”

    UM, NO.

    If you oppose homosexuality, you don’t have have gay sex. If you tell me I’m a disease monster who is “destroying American Society”, yes — I’m quite comfortable in labelling you a villainous bigot.

  3. Id welcome your response and id run it.. I get what you are saying and I did consider it but Id prefer to run it and then run a well done counterpoint because he does have some valid points and if you think he is alone in his views you are sorely mistaken.

    Anyone wanna write the counterpoint go for it.

  4. No thanks, Mike. This piece is vile, and you’re tainted for running it. What’s next, a piece on why women deserve to be raped?

  5. Wow. This was drivel. I’m totally shocked that you decided to post this one Mike. Like, woah.

    “Promoting and rewarding homosexuality draws more people, especially the young and the impressionable, towards this practice, and as a result, HIV epidemic will continue to spread exponentially.”

    Promoting and rewarding? Drawing in more people? What about the children?

    Should we scold people for being gay? Yell at them? Shake our fists in disapproval?

    If people would stop having kids then one could totally end homosexuality in about 100 years. Seems like the writer was more focused on ridding the planet of homosexuals than HIV.

    “Endorse the homosexual practice…” Hahaha! Good one.

    Was this a serious post?

  6. As i pointed out I dont agree but just because a topic is unpopular doesnt mean it shouldnt be published if its well written. The point is that this isnt a fringe view, yes its controversial but my style is to confront things head on not hide from them.

    Personally I dont see a homosexual “agenda” I think someone who is homosexual is homosexual for the same reason i am heterosexual, i don’t think its a choice i think you are born that way and sociology and science I believe bear me out on that.

    I do believe that the bigger danger is NOT confronting these views.

  7. Censorship through intimidation is censorship. Attacking Mike for posting this almost proves the point the author was trying to make.

    For the record, I think alot of the opinion in this article is garbage, but alot of the facts are correct. I do not subscribe to the ‘gay agenda’ theory, but if you got problems with the message, attack the message, not the second hand messanger. The messanger has now been labeled “tainted” for voicing an unpopular opinion. Whatever happend to protecting speech that we dont agree with, the free flow of ideas, and the right to disagree.

    Free speech is turning over in its grave.

  8. @mikestabile

    With respect to TIM production I’m hoping this one of the places you expressed the flip side of the coin outrage we aren’t privy to.

    Re the article…may surprise folks but lots of Catholics support civil unions for reasons totally unrelated to what does or doesn’t happen in the bedroom and everything to do with defeating civil and legal barriers to basic human rights.

    Now for the rub on that…marriage isn’t an option for priests and nuns but they need the legal benefits that civil document confers upon couples.

    At my old parish we had a priest and two nuns who all came from the same neighborhood in County Cork, Ireland. The priest lived in rectory while the nuns pooled their income and shared a nearby home for over 40 years. When the priest’s advanced medical directive wasn’t specific enough the Church, hospital and courts all wound up with their hands tied when his only living relative said “I haven’t seen him for more than a casual visit in over 40 years and won’t try to guess what his wishes were” the nuns who knew best were barred from acting. They also shared their frustration that when one of them dies or worse wound up in a vocational nursing home the other would lose the shared resources and be forced to become a societal burden because their benefits die with their body.

    These smart folks also explained that Church marriages are religious and have no legal standing until the certificate is filed in the separate civil process. So I asked what about common law marriages …they smiled and said that’s exactly why we don’t oppose same sex civil unions. If anyone thinks these folks were advocating a gay agenda over a human rights agenda I’ll be the first to ask them to please ..oh please learn about the dogma you think you’re talking about.

  9. I am helping putting a rainbow parade here in my hometown
    San Antonio, Texas and Christianxxx will be the Grand Marshall
    riding in the backseat of the car with me on that day.

  10. @jilted
    It is only censorship when done by the government. What you saw above is different viewpoints by posters not being censored. That’s free speech on free speech. That’s usually how free speech winds up looking when done correctly. 😉

    That reads like it was written on stormfront.org.

    It is so over-the-top absurd that you question the intentions behind posting it. If Mike would have written, “Adult Director Michael Paynes’ Thoughts on Homosexuals and HIV” then I’m sure I just would have thought “This Payne guy is fucking whack.” Instead, I think that and try to comprehend the need to post it.

    Payne has a voice. Reposting makes his voice louder. Especially, when so little rebuttal is done to show that your view differs. That’s like saying “Here is a writing I thought I’d post that I don’t agree with.” Not very effective, is it? Why post it at all?

    Also, I took “well-written” as in the substance of the article was good. Not grammar.

    If all of the things on pornwikileaks against Jews had better grammar would they justify as a decent post? Of course not.


  11. Equally disturbing is your tweet(s)..I don’t agree with this article but have no issue with its presence and will stand for it being published as the authors point of view.

    His label of gay disease spreaders is no less offensive than your villainous bigot label…but just as valid and worthy of publication. Just because he makes sweeping stereotyping judgements doesn’t mean you’re required to embrace that POV or that either POV is destroying American Society the way quashing one or the other surely would.

  12. I didn’t call for him to take it down — I gave him my opinion on it. The first amendment doesn’t mean you can’t get angry and disagree, it means you can’t tell me I can’t speak. I can certainly call this hateful, as I don’t appreciate being called a moral leper by a pornographer (or anyone, really).

    For the record, Payne’s the one advocating that I be silenced: “this practice must be kept personal and private, not promoted, glorified and introduced to children.”

  13. @mikestabile

    Gotta ask…do you yell at the TV news and sports too?

    Tyvm for laugh of the day…”I suspect you did it for clicks” isn’t that what webmasters are supposed to do?

  14. No, but I do speak back to that Ancient Aliens program. As you know, I’m not fond of conspiracy theories. As far as clicks go, depends how responsible you are, and how ethical you are. I’m not an anything-for-a-buck guy. (Two bucks —now that’s a different story.) But people who do things just for the clicks are generally called trolls.

  15. “As far as clicks go, depends how responsible you are, and how ethical you are. I’m not an anything-for-a-buck guy. (Two bucks —now that’s a different story.) But people who do things just for the clicks are generally called trolls.”

    So posting palatable content for clicks isn’t an issue but posting content that offends your personal moral and ethical code du jour merits being called names aka labeled a troll?

    Trying to understand if you’re having a problem with the post contents or if having a problem with its contents evolved to include its mere existence not being hidden away or left off the road you frequent?

  16. You make very valid points Mikes,,,as you usually do. We can agree to disagree.
    But in MY opinion, saying Mike is ‘tainted’ for posting this is not an opinion on the content of the article, its a swipe at the second hand messanger, not the message.

  17. A troll is an internet term for someone who purposefully enrages people for the attention it brings. It’s more about cynicism than about honestly believing that this is pertinent subject to debate.

  18. It’s both. It’s the equivalent of someone saying “You know, I feel much differently, but Lurking Reader thinks you look fat in that dress.”

    Mike has a platform that reaches a wider audience, so if he’s publishing something that calls for people to stand-up to the virulent gay menace, he’s also partly indicted. Remember, he’s not reporting on some guy saying something, he’s giving him a large platform to say it. We also live in a world where, frankly, gay and trans people are still beaten and killed. So the idea that this is just some innocent publishing of an interesting topic doesn’t hold much water with me.

  19. regardng being tainted,,,,lets try this
    Every publication, news organization, etc, makes choices every day what to, and what not to report. There is only so much time in a news broadcast, and so much space in a newspaper, or time for a blogger to post everything.

    But the adult industry has its own little cirlce of journalism, led for the most part by the “Industry Bible” AVN. Not to long ago a MAJOR event took place that was certainly very pertinent news to the adult industry. XBIZ wrote about it,,,AVN did not. Every single performer medical record, credit card information,financial records and other AIM documents disappeared from a public storage locker after a subpoena was issued for the indemnity agreements that producers signed to get an AIM password. This has a direct impact on the privacy of every single performer, yet to this day AVN has not written one word about it.

    If Mike is “tainted” for printing this, then what do you call AVN for NOT printing anything about the AIM records gone missing? MikeS, you were pretty quick to put the label tainted on Mike, would you care to label AVN’s CHOICE to not run this story.

  20. @jilted
    “its a swipe at the second hand messanger, not the message.”

    What was the need for the messenger to deliver the message? That’s what I can’t figure out.

    Because it was grammatically-correct? That’s all I see.

  21. Even if that’s what Payne means…it’s his opinion. Opinions are like assholes everyone’s got one and despite frequent bathing they still stink.

    Seriously…I have no clue what he meant, or what motivated him to take the time to write this up…I’m glad he did and equally glad to have your take on it.

  22. So instead of debating the content we debate it’s existence? Not working for me…whether I think the subject matter is worthy of recognition other folks will and do.

    My favorite restaurant knows how much I despise lyonnaise potatoes …because I always request an extra side of vegis when they are the daily starch…ya know the chef purposely serves those fucking potatoes cuz lots of folks like em to the point they call and see if he’s serving them that day…he refuses to name a specific day to accommodate either side..cuz his style is random rotation. Ain’t life a bitch?

  23. @cpan,
    Who should decide what message is worth delivering? You, me, Dianne Duke, the man on the moon. How about just exercising your first ammendment rights, is that a good enough reason.

    In the same veing I could say I cant figure out why AVN didnt run the story about AIMs records disappearing, but I dont see you questioning them why they didnt run such a pertinant story, but you question Mike on why he did run this story.

    I just watched a story on channel 2 news about a guy fixing potholes and putting little paintings on them in the street,,,a purely frivilous story run on netwrk news,,,,,what was the need for the netword to deliver this message?

    This is Mikes site, he can print what he wants, he doesnt need to print, or not print anything he sees fit.

    There are alot of people who would read the LA Times articles about ab1576 or Disneys new attraction,,,would you question the nees for the messanger to deliver that message,,,,, When anyone decides what to write or not write, based on backlash from people who may disagree, then free speech is dead.

    Feel free to disagree with the message, which, for the record here, I do disagree with the OPINIONS in this article. What I dont agree with is attacking someone for exercising their rights. Yes, you have the right to attack the messanger,,,,it just doenst work that well,,,,kind of like the FSC’s attacks on AHF and weinstien personally,,,,those tactics, as is plain to see, more often than not lead to failure.

  24. lets try this, why are so many people who usually speak the industry standard line so reluctant to take their own industry mouth pieces to task when their bullshit is as plain as the nose on your face.

    And Mike, You NEVER answered the simple question,,Does Kink pay for POST exposure testing and treatment, as is required by law?
    Free speech allows me to change the subject any time I want,just like it allows you to remain silent and dodge the questions. You exercise your rights, and I will exercise mine.

    Simple questions. And I will answer one of them for you ,,,NO, Kink does not offer POST exposure testing and treatment, and this is a fact. Doesnt that kind of taint Kinks claims to be law abiding?(yes)

  25. @cpanzran

    Governments censor…people bully…same effect varied consequences.

    Writers look at their craft just like any other artist, genre isn’t nearly as significant as stylistic ability to get the point across.


    To tell you the truth, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who was exposed and what didn’t Kink pay? I love “facts”

  27. Ty for this…I hadn’t considered the malignant party whisperer aspect.

    Actually what I find interesting is that Payne is an adult film company owner expressing these views…which puts me in the same boat as cpanzram wondering who Paynes intended audience is.

    I think extreme attitudes like this are killing and causing too many deaths, but can’t see returning fire for fire as an appropriate way to open the door of tolerance.

  28. @jilted

    Those tactics only lead to failure where common sense rules 🙂 those using these tactics believe common cause aka popularity will trump common sense.

  29. @jilted
    I agree with you.

    “This is Mikes site, he can print what he wants, he doesnt need to print, or not print anything he sees fit.”

    For him to post this with very little commentary can lead me to believe other things. That is all. He can post whatever he wants. As a result, I may view him differently if he doesn’t clarify why a certain story needed to be posted. I mean, he said he didn’t agree. That was it though and he felt the need to post the story. Could he have a motive that I am unaware of? Yeah. That’s not my problem though. I’ll take it for what I see it. I can only take what Mike shows me. I don’t know him.

    He posted without elaborating. That can lead me to believe many different things. I honestly thought this was a joke or something.

  30. Every single performer that ever had a drop of semen from another individual was exposed to OPIM. You can clearly see this in the videos posted on Kink.com. Semen in the mouth, eyes, vagina, anus etc.
    THE LAW requires that AFTER someone is exposed to OPIM in the workplace, it is the duty of the EMPLOYER to test for, and treat if necessary any disease that may have been transmitted. The OSHA standards clearly call for this after EXPOSURE, not an infection. THe words infection are never used in the statute, it is about EXPOSURE.

    So to answer your question, a very very large percentage of Kink EMPLOYEES are EXPOSED to OPIM, and Kink does NOT do what is legally required. Why they are allowed to continue ignoring the law is another question, but the “FACT” remains that they do not do the required follow up testing. If you want to know individual names of those exposed all you have to do is look at your own website, you can see the OPIM violations with your own eyes. The performers names are right there on your own site.

    Are you saying that all those videos on Kink.com dont show exposure to OPIM in virtuall every scene? LOL This coming from the guy who thinks that PASS does the quarantine lists and tracks those exposed to HIV. ONLY IN PORN

  31. CPan,
    I think we agree that the content of this post is ridiculous.
    You question Mikes motive for posting it, so I will pose the same question to you that Mikes is dodging.

    Does AVN’s deciscion to NOT report on the AIM financial and medical records disappearing lead you to conclude any alterior motives on their part? I would think that this story would certainly qualify as a very important story directly related to the industry, and their decision NOT to report it can “lead me to believe many different things.”

  32. I think Jilted would like porn to test participants after each and every scene on the basis that he/she may have been exposed to something. I disagree with that stance but I think that may be where he is going with that comment. Frankly Kink is one hell of a lot better than many when it comes to talent and employee safety. The option to use a condom without reprecussion, paying for required testing for talent, a safeword to stop all action and check in with talent and allowing anyone on set to call for a break from filming if something looks like it might get out of line. Other than Cameron Bay’s popped and bruised tit (IIRC the bleeding penis incident took place in the same scene) I can’t really think of any unwarranted injury taking place on a Kink set. In retrospect I probably would not do another deflowering scene either because of the aftermath but that isn’t really Kink’s fault, they didn’t know her hymen was evidently made from cast iron. Two incidents in 15 years isn’t a bad track record for a BDSM porn producer. I dare someone to suggest the idiots at Treasure Island Media or Facial Abuse allow talent the rights that Kink does.

  33. Hey i take full responsibility for running this. I thought about it for two days and finally decided to do so for several reasons.

    I knew it would be controversial, I knew it would piss some people off, even some people I like but I have never ever shied away from controversy.

    By well written I mean he stated his case in a readable manner, he didnt advocate violence or imply that homosexuality was associated with criminal sexual behavior.

    Mostly It occurred to me that there are lots of people who agree with him and that this deserves to be read because often reading or seeing things that make you mad motivate people to advocate for change, if not black people might still have separate bathrooms here in Atlanta.

    I dont agree with him but he does have a right to his opinion and a right to voice it and I will defend that right to my last breath.

    Take me to task for running this…Im OK with that really and maybe I deserve it but you cant say I took the easy way out.

  34. and finally Im not dodging anything when I make a post like that I feel it is better to withold my opinion for the most part not because I dont have one but because I want YOU GUYS to discuss it. If I chime in and say thats right or wrong then everyone says my commenters are just my lapdogs. I know and you know that isnt true but when any news format does an opinion piece they usually offer someone to do a counter opinion…that someone wont be the editor in chief or the owner.

    For the record I have no issues with homosexuality, I have always supported gay marriage within the confines of the governments role in recognizing it. I dont think that any particular church should have to perform gay marriages if they do not want to but I do think that if the government confers rights to people who are married then any people regardless of gender should have those same rights period.

    I actually think straight people like Britney Spears do more to malign the institution of marriage than gay people do.

  35. @jilted

    NOT reporting doesn’t matter in this instance. AVN are flops. Since when did anyone care what they posted? 2009 or 10? If you do report, why? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Was Mike outing this guy as a bigot? If so, why not state that? This is a guy from Russia that came to America to fuck women and make money from it. (From what I gathered. I’ve never heard of him.)

    This is all it is:

    A guy who is in the industry posts some bigoted shit and Mike says he disagrees and puts it on his site.


    When someone in porn posts bigoted shit on the web we call that Tuesday or one of other six names.

    Does Mike believe in some of the shit this guy says? Could be. I don’t know. He said he didn’t, but I don’t know why. As someone who disagrees with the statements in the article I can say that without commentary on the subject displaying my disdain I wouldn’t want to post it.

  36. @harris,
    The LAW requires post exposure testing. Any rational adult would want to be tested after having unprotected sex with a sex worker, its common sense.

    Only in porn can you walk into a clinic, tell the clinician that you have had unprotected sex with 10 people in the last five days, and have the clinician tell you that your 15 day old test is still valid.

    Really, two incidents in 15 years, Another thing that Kink does that other porners dont is they carry Workers Comp insurance. Really Mharris, two incidents in 15 years. LO effing L.

    “THe employer shall ensure that all medical evaluations and procedures, including Hep b vaccinations and POST EXPOSURE EVALUATION and follow up, including prophylaxis,are: 1.Made availabe at no cost to the employee. 2 Made availabe to the employee at a reasonable time and place,<<<<>>>The employer shall identify the source individual, unless the employer can establish that identification is infeasible or prohibited by state or local law…….results of the source individuals testing shall be made available to the exposed employee>>>>>>

    Theres lots more,,,and believe me I have searched high and low, and there is NOTHING in this law that says porn is exempt.

    Sorry If you dont like the law. If the porn industry doesnt like the law, and wants laws better suited to their industry then they can do exactly what AHF did and get a legislator to introduce a bill of their own. NOTHING is stopping them from doing this. Instead of fighting Izzy why not get Gatto to intoduce his own bill for you guys?


  37. yer probably right but hindsight is 20 20…besides you guys know pretty well my stance on homosexual rights, i have never waffled on that. believe me this isnt going to be an ongoing topic…I would welcome a counter point to it then thats the end of it.

  38. Shining a light on the cockroaches is the quickest way to get rid of them. Kind of like exposing porn industry bullshit.
    Usually guys like this author preach to the choir, again, much like porn. But just like the porn industry is now seeing, once you get outside of the choir, your bullshit doesnt hold water.

  39. Another example of persecution mania….the RT and other sites using this post to justify personal vendettas…pot meet kettle.

  40. First, I’d like to thank Mike South for posting this article. Free Speech is a fundamental right that’s worth fighting for, and I will never deprive myself of such right. I exercise my right to Free Speech by expressing my opinion, and I don’t care if some people find my opinion offensive, and since I don’t work for the corporate media, I’m not afraid that I may lose my annual contract over expressing my opinion. I’m a free man, I won’t be persuaded by propaganda, and I won’t be intimidated by the lynch mob attacks, these usual methods that the conduits of gay agenda and their faithful followers devise won’t affect me.

    Second, I never imagined that after writing an extensive article, I still have to participate in a discussion and explain the main points of my article. Nevertheless, allow me to explain:

    FACT #1: According to a CDC (Center for Disease Control) report published on February 21, 2014, gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. This is a statistical fact. John Adams once said: “Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” I agree with Adams’ statement.

    FACT #2: From 2008 to 2010, in the midst of gay rights wars, there has been a %22 increase in new HIV infections among young gay men in America. This increase is a result of the constant gay propaganda and glorifying and rewarding homosexuality in society. Today, when somebody comes out of the closet and admits to being gay, everybody rushes to pad him on the back and congratulate him, without ever mentioning the potential health risk which this person exposes himself and others to via his life style and sexual orientation, and that is wrong, dangerous and short sighted.

    FACT #3: The entire media outlets in America are owned by 5 major corporations, and currently all of these corporations are producing and broadcasting programs that are in favor of homosexuality in an attempt to legitimatize it and make it socially acceptable. Judging from the %22 increase in new HIV infections among young gay men in America between 2008-2010, the propaganda is working, and children, who are more suscepti­ble to propaganda, have embraced homosexuality as “the new cool trend”.

    FACT #4: Pharmaceutical companies are the true profiteers of the gay agenda. Demand for their drugs is at an all time high, mainly because today there is a notion among the gay people that having HIV is something similar to being diabetic, a condition that can be controlled by taking drugs. In an interview with Vice, Paul Morris, director of “Viral Loads” said: “There is no reason or excuse for continuing to live in fear of a virus.” Mr. Morris is confident that as long as he and his HIV positive colleagues remain loyal customers to pharmaceutical corporations such as GlaxoSmithKline and take their manufactured drugs for the rest of their lives, it is perfectly humane and rational to spread HIV even in front of a rolling camera. Regardless of your gender and sexual orientation, if you agree with Paul Morris, then I have nothing more to say to you.

  41. I agree 100% with this article, and I don’t care if it makes me a biggot. I was born and raised in San Francisco which is like the gay capital of the USA. Their pride festival is not about pride at this point, but about flaunting and promoting homosexuality as a normal thing in society. While I am tolerant of homosexuality, I do not support it. I feel all bisexual men in straight porn should not be allowed to perform.

    I will conclude by saying if you want proof that the gay community could care less, look at that Viral Loads video. How the hell can OSHA fuckin bust up Porno Dan and others in LA, yet the Market Street Officers of Treasure Island Media remain open for business?

    Regardless of your personal agendas take that last bit into consideration. Why is Kink.com being busted when this place down the street just produced a video where 200 aids loads were dumped in some guys ass?

  42. Mike: While I disagree with the column, I have no problem with you publishing it. Heck, for those who find it vile, it represents the Republican Party platform in the state of Texas – a platform that all Republican candidates are expected to sign on to in its entirety. So, you’re correct: Anyone who thinks this is a fringe view is kidding themselves. It is the stated public view of folks who want to govern one of the biggest states and economies in the union – and wish to legislate accordingly. Remember: Some very prominent Republican elected officials make a direct link between homosexuality and pedophilia and bestiality, as if they’re all one and the same.

    Anyway, here’s what threw me: Am I reading correctly that this was penned by the owner of a porn production company? And, if so, how does that producer feel about girl-on-girl in his or her movies?

    I think one can be completely revolted by what Treasure Island is promoting, which not only sounds completely gross but ought to be a crime, without linking those kinds of practices with all homosexuals.

  43. This was an embarrassing post, and I think it’s going to give people pause about taking this site, and particularly some of the commentariat on this site, seriously. You brought out the crazy, and tacitly endorsed it. For any mainstream press who reads the site, it’s a black eye. I look forward to the inevitable follow up, a serial posting of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Pardon me if I skip that —I’m going to duck out for awhile to go spread AIDS to children.

  44. Any dipshit loser can run around yelling “faggot”, that doesn’t make them a martyr for free speech when they get called out on it. It doesn’t make them a “man” either. It’s laughable that the author want’s to play the victim card in light of the fact that it’s still legal in 29 states to fire someone for being gay, and in 34 states to fire someone for being transgender. When was the last time you heard of someone getting fired for being straight? Advocate published a piece last year highlighting some of the many people fired in 2013 alone for being gay, that perhaps the author should read (http://www.advocate.com/year-review/2013/12/18/meet-people-fired-being-lgbt-2013).

    When gay people spoke up about Phil Robertson, it’s “censorship”, but when Free Will Baptist Ministries cancelled an appearance from the Duck Dynasty crew just two months prior – citing that they weren’t inline with their beliefs – you didn’t hear jack shit about that, did you? A gay couple holding hands in public is “flaunting”, but bigots spouting off their self righteous fire and brimstone shit, damning gay people to hell is “free speech”. Double standards?

    A small group of HIV positive gay men engaging in unsafe sex on camera does not represent the entire gay population as the author is absurdly trying to insinuate. There’s a whole plethora of repulsive niches within straight porn too – from scat to pedophilia to rape fantasies. Does that mean all heterosexual people are inherently shit munching kiddie rapists too?

    His tin foil hat theory that the progress of gay civil rights in this country is really some nefarious “agenda” to profit off of HIV meds is ludicrous. What in the hell is he trying to suggest – that gay people are purposefully getting infected themselves and going around infecting everyone else with HIV to get some financial kickbacks from big pharma for the sales of HIV medications? Gay people are in cahoots with drug companies?

    Call me crazy, but perhaps if we stopped ostracizing gay people and treating them like shit and second class citizens – it would do a lot to combat the rates of depression, substance abuse and engagement in high risk behavior that some gay people fall victim to, which in turn contributes to the transmission of HIV. Gay couples in healthy monogamous relationships would certainly help reduce this.

    Guess what, as more and more gay people in our society stop living in closets, you are inherently going to see more of us. It’s not an “agenda”, it’s a reality, get over it. Are you disappointed that we no longer engage in burning gays alive on stakes like during the Roman Empire, or the public castrations during the Middle Ages, or tossing us in ovens like the Holocaust? Cry me a fucking river.

    When some privilegded white heterosexual male wants write an editorial whining about being “persecuted” by gays, you sound like an uneducated knuckle dragging moron.

  45. @mikestabile

    What’s embarrassing is the fact that the authors premise of a gay lynch mob is given more traction with all the malicious hateful vindictive site posts and tweets this article generated.

    I’m going to tell ya straight up that this behavior is costing you and the LBGT support from folks like me! If you think for one second it might make sense why people who want equal rights for everyone won’t add their name or face to orgs associated with this behavior.

    Maybe if he stuck to gay lunch mob without adding his preference that behavior shown in the TIM remain on the down low you wouldn’t have been as offended. Tough shit.

    Additionally…you and the LBGT can kiss my objective comments goodbye. I’m aware of the papal comments referenced but chose to present another side of that support and it’s similar goals but different motivation.

    Lastly…40 years ago Peter & Andrew bought the house next door to mine, we had gaybors for 15 years in Florida and surprise surprise when we moved to Ohio we were again blessed…James & Andrew put our landscaping to shame as proven by their County Golden Trowel Award. None of this mentions the more intimate relationship with my brother in law who has multiple myeloma and continues to fight Gay HIV hysteria…Those are the folks behind TIM reversing their position on that content…their gay consumers told them it was wrong! They said it was wrong to glorify and promote the practice of bug chasing because it endangered efforts to overcome gay HIV hysteria! So now ya know your shit really pissed me off…have a nice day.

  46. @MoonBeam

    “When was the last time you heard of someone getting fired for being straight?”

    Maybe you missed the damage control article CNET posted today…Mozilla…Brendan Eich.

    The party chatter at gay neighbors house…oh shit this is gonna be bad…wait till the spin starts that it wasn’t his prop 8 support …either way mozilla is screwed …his qualifications, then Mozilla doesn’t know how to vet and that’s gonna mess with stockholders.

    Sometimes it really does pay to think beyond vindictive anger.

  47. @moonbeam

    Let me tell ya about crazy…a school district that says…sorry your child missed gifted program by 2 IQ points but if any of these ethnic boxes apply she makes it by 8 points. So I asked do you have a box for kids whose test scores are affected by documented illness limiting ability to breathe to less than 70% of what her peers take for granted on her best day and reduces it to 50% on most days?

    Fuck your woe is me persecution bullshit and do what I told my daughter…it’s not fair now use your mad to do what you have to do to get what you want…she did and her next test qualified her with 22 points to spare…wouldn’t have happened if she wasted energy on woe is me persecution.

    I’m on board with changing those states where it’s still legal to deny equal rights to all people…not on board with being labeled part of the problem cuz I’m not gay.

  48. He didn’t get fired for being straight. He got fired for being a bigot. Just like Donald Sterling. You’ve spent the past few days defending his right to bigoted tirade, but somehow my tweeting displeasure is evidence of a gay lynch mob that’s costing me and the LGBT community your support. Maybe we should keep quiet, like the author says.

  49. Brendan Eich wasn’t fired, he resigned. It wasn’t even a free speech issue either, he actively supported and contributed to an unconstitutional ban on gay marriage, which in turn negatively affected many gay couples own personal lives. Holding an opinion about someone is one thing, explicitly doing something to restrict their rights and freedoms is another. Two of the people who initially complained about him were a gay couple, who ran an app development company called Rarebit. Eich’s support of Prop 8 prevented them from getting married for several years until it was overturned. Because one of the two men was in the US on a Visa, he couldn’t leave his current job to form Rarebit with his partner – you lose your job, you lose your Visa. It’s incredibly hypocritical for conservatives to argue for the government to stay out of their personal lives, when they turn around and push their religious dogma into laws that do just that. This was a shining example of it. The couple withdrew their development of Firefox apps, because they would have been supporting someone who helped pass prop 8, and thereby put their lives and livelihood on hold. Many companies these days are beginning to adopt specific policies ensuring that employees not be discriminated against based on sexual orientation. Putting a bigot at the head of a company with such policies did not make sense. That would be like making Pat Robertson the president of the ACLU. Brendan Eich simply saying “I don’t think gays should get married” is one thing, Brendan Eich actively financing and supporting efforts to explicitly prevent gay marriage is another thing. He was not entitled to be free from consequences for his actions.

  50. Roflmao moonbeam….just like politicians and too many corporate big wigs not to mention teachers and every other profession with a Union in place …a letter of resignation may make it look better historically and put a different face on the facts…but it won’t change reality no matter how you spin it…Eich was forced out which is tantamount to firing just like it was thirty years ago when too many folks with HIV were forced out of their place of employment.

    Ya know your arguments sound a lot like the ones my boss tried on me when a co-worker was let go thirty years ago when gossip spread that he got HIV as a result of frequenting a glory hole bar…didn’t sit right then and doesn’t sit right now. Would you be singing the same tune if Eich were criticized and forced to resign if those two $500 donations went to the no hate campaign? When you answer that yes…we can talk equal rights and what Free Speech really means.

  51. Lol …yer still singing the same hit and run tune they are…I’m allowed to toss rocks across the fence but they aren’t cuz….wah wah wah

  52. NoH8 isn’t trying to take away straight people’s right to marry, in the same way that Prop 8 was trying to take away gay people’s right to marry. NoH8 isn’t even a ballot proposition as Prop 8 was. They are not comparable in that regard.

    For every Eich, you can easily find 10 or more situations where people are being fired for either being gay or supporting gay rights. A teacher in Cincinnati just recently resigned because the Catholic school she was teaching at was trying to get her to sign a new contract which explicitly allowed them to fire her for public support of gay rights – her own son happens to be gay, so she refused to sign it. The Advocate article I linked to earlier lists many more of these situations.

    Firing someone for their biological makeup is much different than firing someone for their discriminatory views and actions.

  53. South,
    I can’t wait for your next “one”. Twenty reasons in support of the “final solution”.

  54. Did you also read the HIV lesbian contraction article?, or does that hurt sales of your “gay” porn.

  55. So…gay is okay but bigot isn’t? That’s some messed up shit!

    I’m defending equal rights, sorry you are expecting me to somehow place one or the other on a pedestal…I won’t. In case you haven’t noticed..one of the main reasons I have a problem with the FSC advocated STD protocols is because they treat gay production differently…condoms aren’t a fetish prop nor is gay production a fetish. Nor should straight porn be subjected to the expense of testing while exempting gay production.

    By making protocol that responds to the risk instead of separate protocols based on sexuality this industry does more to promote HIV hysteria than it does to promote the industry as a viable career. Want equal rights then stand up for equal not separate and demand standard protocols.

  56. You either missed my point entirely or wish to deflect….work is work and the qualifiers need to be limited to job performance and ability to do the job as defined by that employment role.

    That Cincinnati case is a direct result of the Citizens United v FEC that the FSC advocated via amicus brief. It allows politics and NGO NPO support to enter the workplace where it has no place…it pays to think beyond what you want to what you might get. Now company’s can solicit funds as well as hold a stick over people’s heads for supporting the wrong fund in the workplace.

  57. “Let’s put this into perspective: More than 200 men, most of them HIV positive, engage in unprotected gay sex on film, exchange bodily fluids and transmit HIV in front of the rolling camera.” This does not occur in the video the 200 loads (fake I suspect) were not collected on camera. Check your facts before posting stuff, otherwise the credibility of your posting is going to be suspect.

  58. Sadly the author did commingle his facts, referencing 200 vs the 50 associated with the TIM production his details led most to assume he was speaking about.

    Not sure how that error negates his opinion as expressed. Your comment might seem like it’s questioning his credibility but to the other side it adds credibility by backing up the one event he commingled with a second event. Raising the issue of fake props opens the door to add credibility to his opinion that the behavior is being glorified or intentionally promoted.

  59. Nobody is trying to take away your right to free speech, you are already trying to play the victim here. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism or consequences. I don’t work for corporate media, and I don’t participate in “lynch mobs”. Though I must say, your writing style reeks of those who do, government hating bigoted white supremacists.

    You say you won’t be persuaded by propaganda, then proceed to dish out vile, deeply biased, cherry picked and taken out of context propaganda of your own. You’re an asshole.

    FACT #1: There is no such thing as a fucking gay mafia, nor do gay people engage in “lynch mobs” – this is a gay person here explaining this to you directly. Gay people throughout the course of history have never engaged in the types of discrimination that have been inflicted on them. Stop referring to yourself as “persecuted” – you haven’t walked one inch in the shoes of someone who is gay. Quit acting like gay people are hanging you from trees, trying to burn you alive, stone you or behead you for your “beliefs”. These types of things actually have happened to people for being gay, not you, asshole. Your complete lack of empathy towards others and your selfish, paranoid world view is really repulsive.

    FACT #2: Correlation does not imply causation. Your logic in blaming TV shows and the media in general for a rise in HIV infections is moronic. Oh, so if NBC runs a Will & Grace marathon this afternoon, there’s going to be a spike in HIV infections today? Right. Making thinly veiled threats that supporting gay rights will result in you getting Aids is equally ridiculous. You are selectively picking statistics and contorting them. There are a myriad of moving parts that influence a rise or decrease in new infections. Support for gay rights has steadily increased consistently decade over decade for over 40 years now, while detected HIV infections have gone up and down (they decreased in the 90’s for example). Some other things that could be influencing these numbers – an overall rise in population, or the fact that more people are getting tested these days. We can never know the total number of people who have HIV, only the number of people who are tested and shown to have it. If more people are getting tested, it’s common sense the numbers may go up. Also, more people are living with hiv as it is becoming more manageable with medications. It’s not the death sentence it was in the 80’s – and in that same regard, people’s views towards those with hiv are evolving.

    FACT #3: The problem that 6 companies now control 90% of the media is not the fault of gay people, it’s thanks to greedy media executives & mergers. This goes back to what I said about your comments sounding like something from a white supremacist group – they have that whole “the jews control everything” mentality, which also spills over into their hatred of other minorities. You know god damn well, you could walk right on to Fox News or Pat Roberston’s show or The Drudge Report and a ton of other outlets and spew your shit.

    FACT #4: Pharmaceutical companies have always been greedy as fuck. Again, this is not because of the existence of gay people. They make plenty of money off of heterosexual men like you too, selling you drugs for your limp dick, testosterone treatments for your bitch tits, and medications for your receding hairline.

    Your assertions that all gay people behave like those depicted in Treasure Island Media videos is wrong, and deceitful. I and most other gay people wouldn’t touch those who engaged in such high risk acts with a ten foot pole. And yet if gay people are shown in a more accurate realistic manner in other forms of media, such as TV shows, you strangely have equal contempt for them as well. How is a happily committed monogamous gay couple threatening you?

    I’m a free man as well, and nor will I be persuaded by your bullshit propaganda. Fuck off.

  60. @moonbeam

    Please don’t let this be a full moon occurrence…for all I picked on ya I gotta say hats off to you for letting us know what you’re seeing.

  61. @lurking

    “Raising the issue of fake props opens the door to add credibility to his opinion that the behavior is being glorified or intentionally promoted.”

    If that’s the case then did Ted Levine glorify or promote the slaughter of women when he portrayed a killer in Silence of the Lambs? Are porn movies not movies?

    Just because someone watches the kind of porn TIM makes doesn’t mean they act out what they see. Ever notice how those who see a Public Disgrace scene instantly go out into the streets and start punching and hitting women? I’ve never seen that. That’s most-likely because people don’t see something on TV and then go out and do it.

    Ever think that people with HIV may have different fantasies than those who don’t? What about those that want to fantasize about being reckless because they don’t want to actually do it for the fear of getting HIV? Gays face different issues than us straights do when it comes to sex. I’m not about to rip on what they do so I can feel more comfortable about something that doesn’t involve me. Our backyards are dirty enough. No need to cover it with a tarp and complain about the neighbor’s yard.

  62. This rant first appeared on the personal blog of our fascinating, esteemed and supposedly worth-debating editorialist, Michael Payne. Payne claims, in other posts, that illuminati control the media, the earth was once run by a race of giants called Nephalim and that Stanley Kubrick staged the moon landing. That sad part is, none of these conspiracies — not even his psycho gay one — are at all original. So yes, I can see why it was so important to post this. He is obviously one of the world’s great thinkers. And to think I was joking when I compare this site to Ancient Aliens!

  63. Um, no. I have nothing to do with your school board or your weird race rant. We were talking about why you were taking sides with a bigot.

  64. How the HELL does someone extrapolate a “gay agenda” from a TIM porn film? Calling this post a pile of crap is an insult to piles of crap everywhere. If it’s going to be your practice to allow someone to post such a blatantly ignorant (albeit I guess you admire his writing skills, go figure), illogical mess of thinking which does nothing to enlighten or illuminate the very complex questions facing society today– including the interests of the LGBT community (99.999999 percent of whom are not partaking in TIM cum-orgies, nor do we support TIM’s “philosophy”), then this blog is a waste of my time. I don’t plan to read any further if this is the type of commentor you’re going to give a platform. There are plenty of like-minded weirdos on every street corner in any major city in America available for these folks to join in spreading their particular brand of ignorance. As a gay man I abhor TIM and their irresponsible approach to sex, and if I could I’d shut them down. And I’m sure if us gay folk did have an agenda, TIM would NOT represent any part of it.

  65. @cpnzram

    Please go back and check the two comments and keep them in context w/o tossing in the kitchen sink.

    The comment raised credibility about opinions stated because a fact was incorrect…he was correct that facts were commingled. I questioned how that negated the authors opinion and offered insight as to how someone who agreed with the post author might look at the critique he offered as further proof of authors opinion basis.

    No where in there did I support or disclaim either opinion.

    You’re absolutely correct …many monkeys see without doing yet many monkeys see and do…neither reality eliminates the other despite infinite examples on each side.

    Yes I’ve considered the fact that people with HIV not only have different fantasies, but hopes, dreams and realities too. No need to tell me gays face different issues…or that many revolve around seeking the same goals hopes and dreams heterosexuals take for granted as a right.

    Ever been to one of the old leper colonies or looked at the laws associated with them and considered how similar HIV and STD laws are?
    Ever considered how HIV specific protections have actually created HIV discrimination situations? Or the reality that each side ran full force forward pushing their agenda while they shielded themselves from the other sides offense …telling the world..they are throwing arrows at us…not again etc, maybe even showed up at the table to negotiate but did so in bad faith because their sole objective was pushing their plan through not putting their plan aside to consider merits of the other plan?

    Take the tarp off the back yards…so we can work together and mow them before breaking bread together to celebrate and embrace our differences.

  66. Fuck…this back & forth is so crazy that even the term “straight” is pissing me off right now…like WTF are LGBT crooked…wrong and heterosexual right and straight…must be years of torment as BIL dad tried to fix his moral deformity so he had a son he could be proud of…no secret where I see the moral deformity.

  67. Are we? Seems like we were talking about how you think I’m siding with a bigot because I refuse to stand against him making you just as much of a bigot.

    Lol I’ve ranted plenty but not about race…woe is me they’re persecuting me has been the underlying and oft repeated theme.

  68. I oppose his views. I don’t oppose his existence. That’s the difference, and why “oh, you’re as bad as him” doesn’t hold up. “Russians are ruining things” or “Russians are stupid bigots” or “I hate Russians,” it’s a lot different than “I hate what this one guy is saying.” He, on the other hand, hates me without knowing anything about me but one thing.

  69. I have to agree with your comment about affirmative action, Moonbeam. People should get into gifted programs and university by their merits, not because “my ancestors enslaved yours” (for the record mine did not, my family traces back from Canada but that is the attitude of way too many minorities). For the record I have asthma which was severe in my childhood before good medications were created to control it so I can emphasize with your daughter having limited breathing ability.

    As for gay marriage, marriage is a Christian sacrament so I cannot support forcing people to accept gay marriage. However I do support giving gays civil unions with the same government rights and obligations of married hetrosexual couples. I also support civil unions with the same rights for those hetrosexual couples that don’t believe in Christianity and do not want to participate in a Christian sacrament. I think my stance accomplishes the same thing without infringing on Christianity. Certainly gays should not be subject to discrimination in the workplace or society in general but Christians deserve those same rights (and so do Satinists, Wiccans, etc.) as long as all abide by a few simple rules necessary to keep society civil such as do not kill, steal, etc. and we should find solutions that don’t attempt to infringe on religious rights (including fringe religions and atheists rights). Civil unions accomplish that in regards to gay relationships.

  70. @lurking

    I’ve read the comments and it does come across to me and others that you are defending the original author at times. I’m sure if we analyze Himmler’s statements and actions we can find many flaws and then try to figure out his opinions on what he considered to be “undesirables”, but is the time spent worth it? No. It does not provide anything that we could say was constructive.

    Hansen’s disease is curable. If one could contract HIV through the nasal passages then you may be on point. Next time you may not want to equate those with HIV to lepers. Just a thought. 😉

    There is a giant leap that takes place when you tell people at risk or who have HIV to be safe to saying their kind is unwanted and we should try our best to do away with them. That’s what Michael Payne was saying in a nutshell. He basically made all gays out to be sexual deviants.

    A pornographer said that.

    That’s really funny. I’m sure he is a pillar of his community. He engages in reckless behavior like a small percentage of gays do, but it is fine for him because it isn’t gay sex. That’s logical, isn’t it? So much safer.

    What’s the point of trying to figure out what this guy was saying? Unless of course you somewhat sympathize with him. Could that be a factor? Otherwise, I fail to see the use of bandwidth.

    I mean no ill will towards you at all since I do not know you. However, this statement of yours bothered me the most:

    “I’m going to tell ya straight up that this behavior is costing you and the LBGT support from folks like me!”

    Ok. What support? You writing checks? That’s all that actually helps. (Everyone knows that.) What is your support? You marching in a parade with gay friends doesn’t do anything unless you are a celebrity or public figure. How are you supporting the gay community? Having neighbors that are gay and being OK with them isn’t support. That’s just to be expected.

    You denying support based on what some say shows you weren’t really supporting them at all. Are you going to ring the doorbell of your neighbors and say, “Hey guys. Some people of your kind on the internet are saying some things I don’t agree with so I’m not going to support your relationship anymore.” I’m sure they would tell you that your “support” wasn’t even needed.

    The unconscious bigot often does the most damage.

    For instance, ever hear “I have black friends”? Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t you have black friends?

    You can tell us one thing, but what you write can say something else.

  71. @mikestabile

    There’s no question that the OP and comments are littered with offensive derogatory stereotypes. They reflect the individual spewing them instead of the individual whose identity is defined by checking the box stereotyped. Haters are gonna hate and those who’ve experienced hate are gonna throw up their defenses vs expose their hurt vulnerability.

    For the record…IMO…accepting that so & so thinks this way and respecting their right to do so is not an endorsement of their POV.

  72. @mharris

    It’s my daughter…the point was life isn’t fair no matter how fair we try to make it. Having asthma you know the value of using limited resources wisely…our energy was well spent focusing keeping her well for a restest to accurately reflect her ability vs pursuing another checkbox, denying the validity or purpose of those present or trying to take them away.

    Marriage is a religious institution (not exclusive to Christians) that has been bestowed civil and legal benefits when that partnership is registered or acknowledged by the state. States confining those benefits to man/woman partnerships are endorsing religious definitions at the expense of civil/legal human rights.

  73. @cpanzram

    I can say something but there’s no way to prevent you from hearing something else.

    Criminal HIV laws are very similar to laws that forced lepers into colonies. Sorry you somehow read that as comparing medical conditions.

    “I’m going to tell ya straight up that this behavior is costing you and the LBGT support from folks like me!”

    Perhaps it would have been less offensive to say…this behavior is costing you and organizations that practice it support from folks like me, however I was speaking to and about this group as a whole…I’ve not only said it but acted on it with other organizations. Yes that includes my coveted cash too….want the name of the priest who cost his parish over five grand a year for using his pulpit to spew denigrating rhetoric? Or are you more interested in how much and what LBGT charities at risk of losing my cash? Email me…[email protected]

    As for withdrawing support because of what was said…again I said one thing and you heard another. BEHAVIOR means I’m not taking issue with what you’re saying, I’m taking issue with how you’re saying it. As for coming across more on one side than the other…it’s not my intention but I can see how the heated debate with MikeStabile could be taken that way.

    I’ve never marched in a gay parade, do the costumes I’ve sewn count? How about the hours/days in hospitals and hospice centers pre ART?

    Lol…I ring my neighbors door and say hey I think you can help me with this cuz it’s outside my experience. They welcome me and hide their pain as they remind me how cute my grandson was the day he matter of factly said…their doggies have two daddy’s, I don’t have a daddy, I love my mommy.

    Despite numerous loquacious rants I’m much more than what you see here. My niche is policy and as far as knew I wasn’t running for office or employment or I would have posted my CV. Don’t know and don’t care if this makes me a valuable LBGT supporter in your eyes or not…BTW how much and what have you done lately to support what you know about my life?

  74. This is like running a guest editorial from a Nazi because even though you don’t agree with it it does have some valid points and then asking for a response. The days of gay people having to defend our very existence are over. You say this represents a lot of people’s thinking but in fact it is becoming less and less socially acceptable to have these kind of views and that’s what driving this guy so crazy. As someone who totally opposes TIM and bareback porn, you are actually doing them a favor by associating homophobia with those who oppose them. You have managed to divide people who are on your side. If you really want a worthwhile debate there are plenty of other people on all sides of this issue who really do have some valid points to make. This is just a straight up hate piece full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  75. Mike your article is definitely controversial and people may not like to hear the truth as you speak it, as it maybe too ugly for some people to want to acknowledge. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that and express your opinion on such a delicate matter. Sexuality expressed in the public eye today is far from natural, Sex has gone from being a sacred union of love into a dehumanizing circus performance of greed, lust and usury, just look at the ways sexuality is expressed today. Women are over sexualized in the media conditioning impressionable minds with the whore archetype. After years of sexual oppression by the church, society etc women wanted rights, now women have equal rights they are free to have sex like men and many women now days do just that. The women’s rights movement not only led to the taxation of the other half of the populous that wasnt at that point, being taxed, but it was also a way to break up the family unit as the women went off to work leaving the children to be raised by the state. The gay rights movement reminds me a lot of women’s rights movement. And when you look at it you can see its a classic example of the Hegelian dialectic. This aint just happening in porn but the mainstream too, half of us are just too blind to see it or are afraid to see it for what it is. I watched a video today that reminded me of your article. The video is professor griff from public enemy talking about the homosexual agenda and the feminization of men in the main stream. Truth is the powers that be want both men and women to conflict by feeding unnatural views and beliefs on the opposite sex, they want over sexualization of the populous, they want the break down of the family unit and they want the population spreading as many “trendy” stds as possible. I believe HIV was created by man, can be cured also by man, but the cure is suppressed due to the pharmaceutical industry profits, not to mention population control. When questioning topics like this, just ask yourself, who profits from this? By the way before any one starts hounding me, I used to be in the porn industry, and am bisexual, and my brother is gay. So i have no problem with anyone being gay. But i do pay attention to what is happening around me and the brainwashing agendas that are being played out. Here is the video I watched on youtube, your not the only guy who has the courage to speak out on this topic, hat off to ya mike. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1-Lb-WZpcQ

  76. I’m just tellin’ folks that while many posters here believe this was beyond the pale, it is mainstream thinking in many quarters, including people seen as serious thinkers on the right. Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry, a past and potential future presidential candidate, likened homosexuality to alcoholism – its an addiction that can be cured. Ben Carson, a respected surgeon and potential Republican presidential candidate, likens homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia. The current Republican governor of Pennsylvania has compared gay marriage to incest. Before you dismiss this post as the work of a literate crack-pot, know that people we are putting into office or considering putting into office would feel very comfortable having a cup of coffee with the author and turning some of his ideas into legislation. If you don’t know what the other side is thinking, you’ll be caught unawares.

  77. @BT

    “Before you dismiss this post as the work of a literate crack-pot, know that people we are putting into office or considering putting into office would feel very comfortable having a cup of coffee with the author and turning some of his ideas into legislation. ”

    A stitch in time saves nine…much easier to prevent bad legislation than it is to overturn it later. Get informed and speak up.

  78. @leeloo
    Listen to Public Enemy, but don’t listen to Griff.
    Professor Griff goes on the hardcore anti-gay schtick calling out everyone from Will Smith to Dr Dre as being gay. It has gotten old. He’s said before that Tupac was shot because he didn’t want to have sex with Quincy Jones. Griff’s sexuality has been in question for years.

    Don’t believe the hype.

  79. Ive only just started listening to Griff’s perceptive and will continue to do so. Yeah i might not agree on certain details, but the main message is clear. Gays are coming out and are coming out strong and proud just like the women did when they wanted equal rights. The powers that be don’t let a crisis go to waste and will use that for there own means and agenda.

  80. When my bro came out he didn’t scream it from the roof tops, he didn’t feel the need to prove himself by celebrating his sexuality in a parade or anything, he did’nt even feel the need to sit down with his family members and explain it. He fell in love with a man and just got on with it, he knows he has a right to choose to be with who ever he wants to be with, so feels no need to fight for rights he already has. We are fed a contradictory message, gays should have rights(thesis) gays don’t have any rights(antithesis) when people are fighting over this, its exactly what the establishment wants. Divide and conquer tactics through sexuality, race, religion, or any other means. When we grow up and stop demanding to be who we already are, then maybe we can live in peace inwardly and outwardly. When you stop the war inside you are peace outside.

  81. @leeloo

    When your brother got married did he have to drive to a different state in order to do so? Those in at least 25 states still do and some won’t recognize marriages done in other states. I’ll be sure to tell all of my gay friends that get married to “just go on with it”. The last thing we want is for people to be bothered about them being together. Are you saying that gays that get married shouldn’t be proud and want to shout that out to everyone? There are some that don’t, but why shouldn’t some be able to? In the end, who cares?

    When the Kings won there were some that went crazy in celebration and others stayed totally quiet while still celebrating victory. Some gays quietly get married and others make it huge productions. Straight people do the same. Straight people were always accepted. Therefore, the need to scream heterosexuality from the roof tops sounds like a goofy concept which is why we probably see so few doing it. Everyone is the same, but different at times. That’s a thing of beauty.

    The “agenda” aspect is so humorous to me. If there is an agenda the only agenda is to try to get straight people to view gays as everyone else. It is happening too. As a result, a lot of people stop fighting being gay and that’s what people like the Minister of Information (Griff) don’t like.

    I’m sure Griff means well, but he is part of the problem. Whites in America have accepted homosexuality as a common practice more than the blacks in America have. Gay black men face huge social stigmas in their communities. That’s why a place like Washington DC is known for “the downlow”. That’s where people regularly have sex with men, but totally aren’t gay. Look at the HIV rates in DC too.

    Here is a quote from the CDC:
    “Stigma, fear, discrimination, homophobia, and negative perceptions about HIV testing can also place too many African Americans at higher risk. Many at risk for HIV fear discrimination and rejection more than infection and may choose not to seek testing”

    Griff is inadvertently increasing the fear that a lot of gay black males have. As a result, they act as straight as possible, marry, have kids, and fuck guys on the side that also fuck guys on the side. Guess what? Those guys being fucked on the side are fucking guys who are getting fucked (by guys) on the side.

    (Those people are simply called “swingers” in the straight population. It is a totally different thing. We’ll ignore swingers due to the total lack of risk they present. No need to worry about their children. They’ll turn out fine.)

    When the guy goes and gets HIV or Syph and brings it home to his wife and kids then we have a problem that most-likely could have been avoided. Getting rid of gays or asking them to keep quiet isn’t the way to avoid that. Acceptance will do a much better job.

    A gay man that can feel safe in a monogamous gay relationship is much less likely to get HIV. The CDC would agree with me.

    It may take a nation of millions to hold Griff back, but one disease can kill him and those whom he thinks he is protecting.


  82. @Cpanzram

    Where were you when my classmates had no options in the world to get a document? When they traveled internationally for a document that didn’t mean jack shit no matter what US state they lived in…when my classmates had to move to Sweden for years or Brazil and had to head to Mexico when they needed anything beyond basic medical treatment for a common cold? Where were you when my friends moms were dying because that was better than the abortionist (MD or not) going to jail? When an MD knew calling an ambulance wouldn’t matter because it would be too late …and if it wasn’t no doc at the local hospital was willing to patch her up.

    Did it ever occur to you that folks who lived through the routine 60’s-70’s US riots, marshal law, & curfews were comforted by those who lived through WWII, the depression, black out curtains, rations and more.

    When you assume I’m merely “okay” as in begrudgingly tolerant of my neighbors…I assume you can’t see past your agenda. When you tell lee loo he shouldn’t listen to griff, I see fear that he can’t be objective enough to overcome a perceived threat to your agenda.

    We are just two people among many that get told everyday we couldn’t possibly understand ….fine I don’t understand …does that mean our support and votes are tainted or won’t count. If you really believe money is the only help a heterosexual can give the gay cause then good luck getting that money.

    BTW in addition to those 25 states where no civil union is recognized many more grant man/woman unions more rights as in OHIO where I’m a voter.

  83. Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner? In my opinion we as a society put way too much faith in bureaucracy. My bro does not feel the need to have signed paperwork to feel secure in his relationship. If gays want to shout it out loud and proud yeah they can do that, but they should’nt feel pressured to do so just because they feel the need for equality amongst society. why on earth do you have to fight to be gay? Be gay or don’t be gay, its that simple. When it comes to HIV testing and safe sex, I do think they should educate all people of different race and sexuality. Yes i am aware that swingers present a risk, of course they do. Whether you are straight, gay, bi, swinger, you are either responsible or irresponsible. I’m sure HIV statistics have risen in straight people too, its all about whether you have sex responsibly or not. Chugging down HIV semen and celebrating it on camera in front of the world wide web is not responsible at all. When I used to be in porn I felt disgusted with myself when a fan emailed me to ask me “How do I make my girlfriend gape and have sex like you did in that scene?” I felt so sorry for his girlfriend because her boyfriend had obviously watched a movie and wanted to do this to his girlfriend, and she probably feels pressured to do these acts because her boyfriend thinks its hot. It dawned on me that I was responsible for that. Feeding the population with extreme acts of sex and violence, when guys see that they want to copy it by doing it to there partners. So if gays are watching this particular HIV spreading movie, its inevitable people will want to copy. Like attracts like. This particular movie is irresponsible and I think mike wanted to highlight that fact by writing this article. Its not a gay, anti gay issue. Its a responsibility and irresponsibility issue in both gay and straight population. By the way I am a woman not a man.

  84. When I was in porn I came up with a great idea. I wanted to open a stall at the AVN convention to raise money and awareness on HIV. “Win a date with a porn star to the AVN awards”. All the money would be donated to aids healthcare foundation. All I needed was sponsorship off Aids health care foundation and AIM. I went to Santa Monica and met with AIDS healthcare foundation and explained my experiences in the adult industry and my idea to raise money and awareness, to educate people in the industry to be more responsible. Aids healthcare was on board and willing to sponsor me, but AIM healthcare refused and shot down my idea, they didn’t care not one bit. I realized I was in an industry that really didn’t give a shit about its own health and well being. If the adult industry showed that it cared for the health of all workers then organizations like OSHA would stay out of it.

  85. @leeloo

    “Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner? In my opinion we as a society put way too much faith in bureaucracy.”

    YES the document is needed. The flip side to faith is fear and there is also a not so neutral middle ground of reality. Reality is that the document doesn’t prove love but it is necessary because we live in a hypocritical entitlement bureaucratic society…aka as long as I have mine who gives a shit if they have theirs.

    Many states that prohibit or limit civil unions also recognize man/woman common law marriages where no document or ceremony has taken place.

    In essence LGBT couples are forced to form legal corporate partnership entities that still limit protections routinely offered to man/woman couples. IG they aren’t “family” they are “buddies” or roommates and can legally be excluded from all the places a spouse is most wanted. Living quarters, hospital rooms, group health benefits, survivor benefits, auto insurance, etc. courts even grant the equivalent of a divorce process for common law man/woman marriages but refuse to mediate LGBT break ups. IG man/woman together for eight years is automatically granted the right to a dissolution process but LGBT couple together for over 10 years is told deal with it as a civil law suit for your stuff like their breakup is equivalent to getting scammed by a water softener salesman.

    Domestic violence laws …are moving forward but many states still have ‘spousal’ laws and take the attitude that LGBT ought to find a new roommate totally ignoring the complexity of that spousal relationship.

    As a woman I’ll just ask you too look at all the places you expect your spouse to be at your side as you hope, dream and fear about your future together….then consider the attitudes of those around you if that man…were a woman.

    In Florida lesbian friends of mine were each certified as foster parents…but couldn’t adopt the nephew they went through the process for. He remained in the system until he went away to the college they scrimped and saved for.

  86. Lol OSHA stays out …till someone complains then they come in. The old sweatshops aka garment factories thought they treated their people well by giving them a lunch/bathroom break cuz the guy down the street didn’t give that.

  87. @lurking

    Sounds to me like you are overly giving yourself a good position with gays based on your age and what you witnessed. Methinks she doth protest too much.

    Professor Griff was removed from Public Enemy for stating that “Jews are wicked” in the early 90’s. You can find the interview. Griff has a long history of not being the best source for information.

    If you want to believe that black gays have cults that kill other blacks for not fucking them then you can do that. I’m going to call you an “idiot” though. I don’t care if you think that. Please let me know if you think like Griff does. I will be sure to put you up there with the Juggalos. They are a ball of nonsense. Very funny too. They can’t comprehend magnets.

    I can say I am for the gays as much as I want and it won’t make a difference. I am totally for the women that get breast cancer too. Without a doubt. Buying a can of soup with a pink ribbon on it during a certain time of the year doesn’t make a difference. Simply writing checks to breast cancer organizations does much more. The soup companies know this and use breast cancer to further their agenda of selling their product. Writing a check always does more regardless of the cause. You can sew all of the dresses you want. Just cut a check. Let them give that money to a gay seamstress.

    Michael Payne is a nobody in this business. Read the lukeisback interview. The guy is an egomaniac and delusional. Why did this need to be posted aside from having an agenda behind it? I still can’t figure it out. We know people think like this. We’re not morons.

    I harbor no ill will towards you Lurker. I just don’t understand why this was posted. I want people to post whatever they feel they should. Given the anti-Semitic comments we often see what good would posting this do aside from enabling the true feelings of losers? When seeing this we don’t only question the views of Michael Payne, but we also question the views of someone else.


    “Do you really need a piece of paper from the state to prove your love to your partner?”

    Well, if you want healthcare and the ability to be present in the will of your deceased partner that you were with for 20 years, then yeah. Yeah you do. Should we just bus gays to different areas like blacks were when they simply wanted to attend a local school?

    If your bro does not need paperwork then send his info my way because I know some people that would love to take his house along with the rest of his assets.

    Who is chugging down AIDS loads and celebrating it on camera? TIM? They’re porn. WHO THE FUCK CARES? Not all gays do what happens in gay porn. Do all straight people take part in what happens in straight porn?

    Yeah, the gaper guy you mentioned was an idiot. It is obvious as to how to get the butthole to do that. No need to ask a porn performer on that. Hopefully, you ignored his question. The person that can’t figure that out shouldn’t be having sex.

    “Win a date with a pornstar” is a terrible idea for an award.

    That’s like a euphemism for “Get a nasty infection”.

  88. @cpanzram

    Not using my age for an ‘in’ with any group. Using my age to give you perspective of where my attitudes were formed.

    Frankly it doesn’t matter to me what fucking label you put on it, if it treats that population as less than merely for the label, it’s an issue for me.

    As for your money is THE solution…perhaps you haven’t spent enough time working with or volunteering at those NGO NPO to know that it takes a whole lot more than money and marketing to make change happen.

    1.getting a ballot initiative doesn’t mean jack shit if voters don’t vote for it.
    2. Setting up a NPO doesn’t mean jack shit without volunteers to support and supplement the orgs activities/goals as defined by the board and directed by paid employees.
    3. This list could go on all night.

    People are removed from jobs and organizations everyday for oppositional opinions expressed on the clock…as it should be to protect the group image. What you do off the clock is your own damn business.

    Where the fuck are you getting the crap you’re attributing to me…
    “If you want to believe that black gays have cults that kill other blacks for not fucking them then you can do that. I’m going to call you an “idiot” though. I don’t care if you think that. Please let me know if you think like Griff does. I will be sure to put you up there with the Juggalos. They are a ball of nonsense. Very funny too. They can’t comprehend magnets.”

    Talk about idiotodic…you got some crazy ass shit running through your head. As for Payne…he is the same to me as you…people using the internet to express their opinion. Frankly there’s a bigger world than what porn does or doesn’t think. As for griff..never heard him but wouldn’t dream of telling you who to or not to listen to, read or watch. Your statement to leeloo is as offensive to me as Lubben or Dines promoting their anti-porn agenda.

    “You can sew all of the dresses you want. Just cut a check. Let them give that money to a gay seamstress.”

    Not sure if I should ROFLMA or say FUCK YOU!!!! Sew all I want…what..for white privileged folks like me keeping gay seamstresses out of work cuz that’s exactly how that sounds. FYI I don’t have to be gay to be qualified.

    Lastly saying you bear me no ill will is negated by the denigrating crap you attributed to me.

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