Porno Dan Advertising on PWL


Several sites have reported this but apparently none have actually gone there to see if it was true.

I did and it isn’t

The only advertiser left on that site that I could find is Adultdvd/Mallcom even DirtyD and Dirty Danza pulled out.

Mallcom has claimed that they have cancelled the affiliate account but I’m not so sure.  Their claims that PWL is still running ads even after being cancelled is easy to fix….block the referring URL.  Something they haven’t done.



50980cookie-checkPorno Dan Advertising on PWL

Porno Dan Advertising on PWL

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2 Responses

  1. Yep and interestingly someone from their camp has had the nerve to write me a comment (someone using the youtube account called pornstarville ) in regards to this situation on a video I made about this issue.

    Yea you can receive traffic from PWL (a site which is beyond wrong in more ways to count) but you don’t want anyone to discuss this fact – sure Aharony…sure.

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