Forget The Rhetoric Here’s The Facts On Todays meeting

Talent turnout was higher than was expected but it was still very low with way less than 5% of performers attending. About 70 in all.

For years I have warned people in this biz that if we cannot control ourselves the government will do it for us and now the chickens are coming home to roost and the Ernest Greenes and so forth are yelling “It’s not fair” and they are right, it isn’t but where were they when they could have made a difference?

Cal-OSHA said that the studios should pay for testing,  by using their combined buying power to get deals with labs and doctors.  Testing should be done every two weeks and the cost should not be paid by the talent. This is something that studios should have been doing a long time ago.

They indicated that they would likely be OK with no condoms for oral, assuming that both partners have been vaccinated for Hep and that they have clean tests no more than two weeks old. AHF agreed with this position. You may hear otherwise about dental dams and all that nonsense but if you wanted propaganda you wouldn’t be reading this site.

Test results will only indicate if a performer is OK to work, nothing more.

They also indicated that cumshots on “intact skin” would be OK, but nothing near orifices or open sores.

Personally, this sucks I think consenting adults should be able to decide for themselves, but this is a small part of a much larger problem, in that since we couldn’t manage to look out for our most valuable resource, now the state is going to do it for us.  it’s mostly a win for performers but a real loss for civil liberty and that’s a damn shame.




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Forget The Rhetoric Here’s The Facts On Todays meeting

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3 Responses

  1. I’m not so sure that it’s mostly a win for performers. I suspect that the net result will be a substantial portion of production moving underground (with little or no outside oversight) or moving out of California. Performers will do what they have to do in order to work.

  2. I don’t disagree but the truth is a whole lot of production has moved out of LA anyway, or more accurately production in LA has slowed way down, the girls who work the most these days are doing it for the web, which is decentralized. Until porn valley can come up with a viable distribution model for this day and age production will continue to slip there.

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