Comments on: I’m Eating Humble Hair Pie This Morning The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:08:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Darrah Sun, 18 May 2008 09:02:47 +0000 I believe in personal responsibility too, like if someone commits a crime. Mostly violent crimes. But what about the girls brought into porn by someone? Even Jim South said Traci Lords’ stepfather brought her into his studio. And that’s when she was 14. You also have Linda Lovelace’s abusive husband. I look at it case by case. Every industry has victims, young and old. By not feeling sympathy for people who might have gotten a bad start, bad middle, or bad end is setting yourself up to being cold and apathetic.

By: stevelick Fri, 16 May 2008 16:55:40 +0000 I do not believe in the culture of victimhood Darrah. I believe in personal responsibility. Everyone has a choice whether or not they want to do drugs. Unless someone has physically restrained you and forced a drug into your body, you are not a victim.

I also do not feel sorry for people who enter into the adult industry as a result of “weakened Judgement” and make bad business decisions as a result. We live in the internet age. All the slimballs in this industry are well documented. If you do not take the time to research your business associates prior to entering into an agreement with them, you are just plain stupid. I don’t care if you’re selling real estate or selling vagina, you will get trampled in any industry if you do not have a fundamental common sense instinct for doing business.

By: Darrah Fri, 16 May 2008 03:17:47 +0000 No such thing as a porn victim? What about what happened to Belladonna when she first started? And didn’t she start doing drugs after she got into porn because of all the shit that first happened to her? And so many other girls that didn’t know that much about the business and so many other women with shitty agents who got screwed badly, in more ways than one.
