The AVN HIV+ Stigma Panel Video

We finally get a good copy of the video so you can see for yourself what’s going on. Thank you Chad White for providing a copy of the video do that everyone can see for themselves.

No more debating about what was or wasn’t said. Now see it for yourself. 


I think Jeff Mullen has a great point when he said “What a poor answer to my question if performers have a right to know they will be paired with an HIV positive zero viral load performer at 55:40. Answer: “You have to wonder why you need to know.

That was followed up by a panelist stating HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was. I understand human rights is an ongoing process, but there is not enough data to guarantee there will be no chance of transmission. Maybe in 20 years we will wonder what all the debate was about but we are not there yet.

342680cookie-checkThe AVN HIV+ Stigma Panel Video

The AVN HIV+ Stigma Panel Video

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