Comments on: Sexy Talk Tuesday #SexTalkTuesday Welcomes @JaneEBoon Tomorrow at 8pm ET The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 11:42:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Tue, 22 Sep 2020 00:48:59 +0000 Dr. Speiser, welcome to Mike South. I hope the sex talk you are promoting goes well. I have one other question, though. Now that Kelly Holland is no longer with Penthouse, how are things going there? I know Kelly’s administration at Penthouse was a clusterfuck but hopefully this comment finds you and they doing well. Also, the wonderful thing about public relations is that you can (assuming you don’t agree to the contrary) legally and by the time you have work for more than one company at the same time (as you are here with both Penthouse and Sssh), protecting at least some of your income. Writing newspaper articles can accomplish the same thing although with California’s AB5 requiring almost all journalists to be employees of the newspaper or magazine you write for that may be going by the wayside (for now you can avoid that by working for east coast newspapers as you seem to be doing anyway by the list of magazine and newspaper clients). Good luck and I look forward to future articles from you.
