What Your Big Five Personality Traits Say About Your Sexual Fantasies

Some people have lots of different sexual fantasies while others maybe have one or two, or perhaps even none at all. Our sexual fantasies appear to reflect at least a part of who we are, according to studies. Research has found that the Big Five personality traits are linked to the different types of sexual fantasy that people report having, with each personality trait more likely to have a certain type of fantasy compared to others.

Openness to Experience

People who score high on this trait tend to have an active imagination and a lot of mental curiosity. They tend to be willing to try new things in general, and this often extends into the bedroom when it comes to the different types of Sexual Fantasies that they have. People who score high in openness tend to have a varied range of sexual fantasies that include pretty much everything from conventional and common fantasies to fantasies that are a little bit more out there.


Organization and paying attention to detail tend to be huge characteristics for people who score high on this personality trait. People who score high in conscientiousness also tend to be conformists who have more conventional attitudes towards life. However, while their sexual fantasies might not be anything too crazy, studies found that people who score high in this trait tend to go into much more detail about their fantasies, in particular focusing on the settings where they take place.


Scoring high on extraversion means that you’re probably somebody who is very outgoing and loves interacting with others. People who score high for extraversion in real life tend to also be extraverted when it comes to their sexual fantasies. They report having more fantasies about having group sex or practicing nonmonogamy in their relationships. On the other hand, people who scored low in extroversion typically have more taboo fantasies.


People who score high on agreeableness care about others a lot. They are considerate, kind people who go the extra mile to make others happy. When it comes to sexual fantasies, people who score high on this trait tend to have fantasies where consent is clear, everyone is safe, and everyone is getting pleasure. Agreeable people are less likely to have fantasies about things like infidelity or acting out non-consensual taboo acts.


Neuroticism is a trait that signifies difficulties handling stress and a lot of emotional instability. People who scored high on this trait appear to be less interested in trying new things or even finding new partners, perhaps due to the level of uncertainty and instability that it brings. They did not typically fantasize about novelty acts, nonmonogamy or group sex, but reported fantasies that were based on romance and passion.

It’s important to bear in mind that everyone’s different and everyone has a different combination of these personality traits, so scoring high in one or the other doesn’t mean you’ll have a certain sexual fantasy. Why not check out your results and see how accurate they are by taking the test for yourself?


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What Your Big Five Personality Traits Say About Your Sexual Fantasies

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