Are good looks necessary for good sex?

There is no doubt that we all have our own definition of what looks good and what doesn’t, and this can go a long way into influencing what partner we decide to choose to be with. Whether we are looking for a lifelong partner or just to have a fling for a bit of fun; looks are often the first thing we look at. Take online dating, the first thing we want to see are the pictures of people, then we read their profile information. So if looks are so important, does that mean that we all want to go out with the next top model? How far do those high standards help us in our quest for good sex?

Whether we are looking for a lifelong partner or just to have a fling for a bit of fun; looks are often the first thing we look at. Take online dating, the first thing we want to see are the pictures of people, then we read their profile information. So if looks are so important, does that mean that we all want to go out with the next top model? How far do those high standards help us in our quest for good sex?

To answer this, we must first look into why some people are so obsessed with looks; and we don’t need to look further than the media around us to realize that it constitutes a major influence on how we perceive beauty. These days there is a crackdown on making sure models aren’t unhealthily skinny, but movies still portray those beautiful looking people. From the really hot and fit females to the six-pack ripped chisel-chin dudes, the people we have to look up to are unusually fit and it constitutes a major reason why we watch the movies and television shows they star in. In relation to dating, it becomes an objective to achieve, with people thinking they deserve nothing that the best looking partner and nothing else below those standards will do. Now it might sound very shallow to ignore a person character and personality against their looks, but unfortunately, a lot of people still have that ‘trophy’ mentality. It’s not just men that do this, women do it too.

But surely there are more influences than just the media, right? Well yes, very much so. In fact, the way we perceive beauty all stems from when we are a kid, all the way through our upbringing; from adolescence to adulthood. Our dads and mums, our school teachers and the people we have around us as we grow up all help to contribute towards our notion of beauty and what we fancy.

This is why not everyone is obsessed with the best looks, but ultimately it all very much depends on our life experience. If we have had normal looking people (aka. Not models) influencing us in a positive way, we see that there are values that are more important than superficial looks. We know there is more to someone than how their face and body appear, and this can definitely be said about being in bed with people.

The thing about sex is that it is a very primal thing that most people are easily able to do with each other. If you are too obsessed with good looks then your ‘quality control’ will actually make you miss on a ton of fun. Just because people are not like the ones you see in movies doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them. You will actually tend to find that those judged to have ‘lesser looks’ will need to develop more skills than those who have it all served on a silver platter because they look stunning. Again this really translates when it comes to sex. Someone might be gorgeous-looking but might not know many techniques. On the other side, a normal looking person will probably know how to do a few things that will forever haunt your wildest dreams. Heck, you can even try Granny Contacts USA if you’re not too fussed about looks but you’re interested in technique. Older people don’t have those youthful looks but they surely make up for it in experience.

So to answer our original question, we don’t believe that good looks are necessary for good sex. This article isn’t about any form of body-shaming, whether people are deemed to look good or not. We don’t think that every good-looking person is shallow; rather we are just observing the correlation between looks and sex. You shouldn’t be judged for your looks however they are, what you can bring to the table matters a whole lot more. So don’t let looks stop you from having a good time, we live in a world of diversity and there are a lot of people you can sleep with if you remove those barriers imposed by the media and the fashion world.

This article isn’t about any form of body-shaming, whether people are deemed to look good or not. We don’t think that every good-looking person is shallow; rather we are just observing the correlation between looks and sex. You shouldn’t be judged for your looks however they are, what you can bring to the table matters a whole lot more. So don’t let looks stop you from having a good time, we live in a world of diversity and there are a lot of people you can sleep with if you remove those barriers imposed by the media and the fashion world.

So don’t let looks stop you from having a good time, we live in a world of diversity and there are a lot of people you can sleep with if you remove those barriers imposed by the media and the fashion world.

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Are good looks necessary for good sex?

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