Everything You Want to Know About The Squirting Orgasm

When watching porn, when the heroine reaches orgasm, in addition to her forgetful moans and flushed cheeks, some can also see a clear stream of fluid coming out from deep between her legs. This is called a squirting orgasm. Although it is common to see or hear about it, few people actually experience it. There is no professional data on the percentage of women who reach a squirting orgasm, but the mystery of it speaks for itself.

Are you curious about or would like to experience a squirting orgasm? Then let’s keep reading!

How Does It Happen?

This topic involves a critical tissue, the paraurethral glands. Although they are different in appearance and location, histologically and embryologically, it derives from the same embryonic tissue as the male prostate. During sexual arousal, the paraurethral glands secrete clear mucus, known as paraurethral fluid, which is a clear, watery fluid. The fluid secreted by the paraurethral glands accumulates in the urethra. It is almost identical to the sensation of wanting to pee, ejected from the body through the urethral opening when orgasm is reached, just like a man ejaculates.

Is It Urine?

Similarly, like ejaculation, the fluid emitted by a woman does not contain urine. The sphincter links the bladder and urethra contracts during arousal so that no urine comes out at all. The fluid emitted during ejaculation is somewhat similar in composition to semen, colorless and transparent, or a little bit whitish, but not yellow.

The Key To Reach A Squirting Orgasm

After unraveling the mystery, we can scientifically say that it does exist. It’s just not easily activated. According to a five-year study by Seymour Fisher of more than 300 women, only 20 percent of them always orgasm during sex. As an upgrade to the orgasmic experience, squirting orgasms are even less common. But that doesn’t stop us from the process, so follow these steps below to start your discovery journey.

With some tools

To have a squirting orgasm, first of all, you have to stimulate the G-spot to achieve a vaginal orgasm. Each person’s body structure is different, so the corresponding stimulation point is different. The best way out of this problem is to find the G-spot with the help of a sex toy, which is more flexible than a finger and can change direction at will.

There are a wide variety of sex toys you can choose from. Choose a best thrusting dildo, which needs a vibrating wand that stimulates the inside of the vagina very well, with an inflated end that can easily stimulate the G-spot, reducing the difficulty of your exploration. Or sex toys that meet your preferences, such as black dildos or huge dildos, as long as it can raise your sex drive and ignite your desire, will be helpful for the ultimate orgasm.

As we all know, the G-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina and requires intentional leaning in and careful sensation. A large part of the reason many women never experience an orgasm in their lifetime is that G-spot stimulation requires a specific length and angle, and it is difficult for a male partner’s penis to stimulate it very accurately. So we can use the sex toy to penetrate according to our feelings, which can stimulate it more accurately. After several uses, summing up your ways for using it, including the right angle and frequency. Each person’s sense of the frequency of use is also inconsistent, but most people reach orgasm through a faster frequency.

Change your mind

Since the female spurting orgasm comes out of the urethra, this feeling of a build-up in the paraurethral glands before orgasm is almost identical to the feeling of wanting to pee, so sometimes you get close to your destination, but due to habit, you hold it back. So if you want to have a squirting orgasm, sex toy is not the only thing you need to prepare. Change your mind and understand that this is a natural reaction, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Immerse yourself in a fiery mood

What is needed is a piece of soft music, a glass of wine, dim lighting, romantic aromas, a lingering movie clip, anything that can stir your desire is fine and puts you in a lustful mood, which makes it easier to follow the process.

The physical aspect of stimulation will hardly bring you to orgasm without the mind to go with it. So before the orgasm comes, you need to immerse yourself in a state of eroticism and desire first.

Be Patient

The squirting orgasm is mysterious, and to explore its secrets requires your patience. Especially when using a sex toy, don’t be shy, try more possibilities, boldly say what you feel and what you think, and gradually improve in practice.

For women, orgasm is not about reproduction but a way to seek the ultimate pleasure in psychological and physical. Start your journey of discovery. Your body may give you surprises.


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Everything You Want to Know About The Squirting Orgasm

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