Is Chris Strokes really in jail? #RumorPatrol

The recent rumor going around is that male performer Chris Strokes is in prison. Some say jail, others say prison. We don’t have any confirmation of this, but we know he has long suffered from a drug problem. We’ve heard he was pretty hardcore into heroin.

We don’t know if this rumor of his arrest is true, but we have gotten multiple emails about it.

Chris Strokes - Alex Grey

His twitter has been disabled and the rumor is Tarzan had control of it. Again these are unconfirmed rumors at this time. I’m told Tarzan is Chris Stroke’s neighbor. He lives 3 doors down from him.



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Is Chris Strokes really in jail? #RumorPatrol

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7 Responses

  1. Stokes is pretty famous for “accidently” poking his costars in the ass. Does it in almost every scene he shoots.

  2. I bet if Chris is really in jail that some nameless porn director arranged through his jail guard friends to have him cuffed from behind, hanged from his handcuffed wrists and beaten to a pulp by five guards armed with nightsticks. 🙂

  3. he’s not in jail. I just saw a yt video at the avn red carpet and chris was there in a t-shirt and shorts.

  4. Maybe he got out of the can and went right to the AVNs? Nice to see he got dressed up for the event.

  5. He got arrested again in Las Vegas on March 3rd and looks set to do some considerable time behind bars. Burglary, Drug and stolen credit card charges. 10 grand bail. Probably the best thing for time. He looks like shit now and was on the road to overdosing. You might want to do a post reporting all of this. All the info is on the Clark County prison inmate and criminal cases website.

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