Comments on: Hussie Models’ Riley Reynolds BLASTED in Daily Beast article (citing our articles) The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 13:18:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Gandolfo Tue, 02 Oct 2018 22:01:21 +0000 Unbelievable the media coverage yesterday on this unlicensed Florida agent. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, fuck it is a duck!

He has multiple ad placements still up advertising himself as a Florida Talent Agency.

This link on the Internet For Hussie Models, LLC says they bring in a half of a million dollars annually.…/Hussie…/11140007264591

By: mharris127 Tue, 02 Oct 2018 02:44:07 +0000 Someday, Riley Reynolds is going to run into some chick (or guy) strong enough to fend him off. I am surprised that Davina Davis didn’t at least attempt to do that to him during his short time repping her. Once that happens, he will regret being a low life, scamming prick. Hopefully someone will take video or pictures to post here on Video of Riley in handcuffs being led to jail would be almost as satisfying to the industry. Riley will learn in prison that the “big house” in Florida isn’t nearly as “comfortable” and “rape free” as the Hillsbourough County Jail. Some Crip, Blood or Latin King will make Riley Reynolds his “bitch” and he will be the one locked in a cage, only with the gangbanger making him his “fuck buddy” — not Charlotte Cross (who has problems of her own and is a known perjurer but I tend to believe her accusation about being held prisoner in a cage in Riley’s house of horrors after what else has come out about Riley)!

By: Karmafan Tue, 02 Oct 2018 01:06:51 +0000 Lili Rader and Louie Smalls are the only 2 I know, rest I never heard of so Riley is doing a shit job repping them.

By: Skeet Jizzle Mon, 01 Oct 2018 23:27:19 +0000 THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING
Right about now those on the Hussie Models web site should be rethinking representation by any other agent other than this diabolical red neck trailer park meat head especially those with a prior criminal history or fighting divorce or entanglements with child abuse.

Whats he getting at in that face book blurb anyways ? It look like threats of violence.
Who is he talking down to this time anyways ….Girls ?
I mean he beat the hell out of at least three that we know of, he prefers “teeny boppers” held captive a 18 year old boy with a serious and arguably a serious state of arrested development. Perfect for Riley who seems to be in the same state, just in Riley’s case the symptoms are form seemingly meth or heroin.
His public rants of threats is indicative of meth use coupled with coke and alcohol.

How did he come from being a dish washer at outbacks in Miami on the last night shift with felons and addicts to a heavy pimp hand strong arming girls and now boys.
