Beware of Dan – The Skype Show Scammer!

Meet Dan or Dumb Ass Dan as we’ll call him from now on. He just got busted trying to scam a porn girl who stood up for her rights and made him look stupid with his bank.

One of the problems with doing private skype shows for fans are the men who sober up and realize they spent money they shouldn’t have and try and do a chargeback. Mistress Harley decided to fight back and publicly post his pictures after this dumb ass tried to scam her for $650, claiming it was fraud.

She wasn’t taking it and show these pics to his bank to prove he’s a liar.

483570cookie-checkBeware of Dan – The Skype Show Scammer!

Beware of Dan – The Skype Show Scammer!

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2 Responses

  1. Unfortunately this probably won’t do her any good (large banks like CitiBank tend to take their customer’s side on this issue) but this is an epic fail on his part. Now his bank knows he is a scammer and a pervert/ as some say “prevert” to boot. He probably still got his money back but he will think twice before pulling this scam again. As for Mistress Harley, I feel bad for her that she had to go through this shit and hope this puts “Dumb Ass Dan” on many sex worker NO FUCKING WAY lists! BTW, his last name should have been outed on here as well so this can put him on even more NO FUCKING WAY lists. What a fucking creep! It would be shitty if he used his wife’s card (as an authorized user) and she is the one that did the chargeback after he denied being a pervert, though.

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