Comments on: Treasure island Media Trying To Be The Extreme Associates of Gay Porn The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:29:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: CPanzram Tue, 22 Apr 2014 00:52:06 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

It would take one slip-up for and the Rod and Cameron case shows how easily a slip-up could happen. We’ll never know if it was contracted on their set or in their private lives. We’ll never know if Rod gave it to Cameron or the other way around. They could have received it from a third or fourth party too. Bleeding penises do not help either. With that said, condoms or not it isn’t safe. TIM performers are not appearing in straight films. If they are then that isn’t the fault of TIM, but the fault of the straight companies for letting them appear.

Gay porn has two kinds of performers. Those that care about HIV and those that don’t. Those that care are going about not contracting it in a shitty fashion. They care about not getting it, but not that much. Or they are stupid. Testing and condoms are useless against stupidity.

Some of those that don’t care view appearing in a TIM film as a badge of honor. If someone doesn’t care about getting HIV on film then just think of what they are doing in their private lives. What TIM does is kept separate from “regular” gay porn. The off-screen activities of both are unknown though.

You do realize that there are male and female hookers that care about HIV and then those that don’t. It isn’t restricted to sexual orientation.

As fucked up as it may sound, the constant fear of HIV that gay people encounter has resulted in some people eroticising the idea of contracting the disease. TIM provides those people an outlet. However, others like it because it is the sex that they have. What can you do? It is no different than straight gloryhole scenes in actual jack shacks. Didn’t Cameron do one of those shoots? does not test their gay performers for a reason. Think of why that reason may be…

A straight male performer not doing crossover work means nothing. There is no way to tell if he hires TIM rentboys on the weekend. I mean, with the railing on internet forums towards crossover performers would you blame some for not engaging in it on film? Even if they test after every encounter it means nothing because HIV doesn’t show up right away.

Look at it this way: hires a straight performer to have a condomless scene in a straight shoot. He has never engaged in a gay porn shoot let alone a TIM shoot. Do you know if he had 3 guys cum in his ass the night before?


Testing helps out a lot, but in the end it means nothing. A straight performer only doing straight scenes doesn’t mean he is safer. He could be having tons of gay sex for free off film.

If you’re going to do porn then expect to get sick. That’s just how it goes. If you are cool with that then go for it. If not, then get an actual job and don’t whine when you get something.

By: mharris127 Mon, 21 Apr 2014 23:19:04 +0000 In reply to jilted.

I have trouble articulating my position sometimes but I think it is clear that people should be tested in porn whether it be gay or straight. I have said that numerous times over the years. I do think, however that a gay person with their vast experience with condoms (the rate of condom usage in gay society is much higher than in straight society) would be more likely to use them properly than in straight porn where many don’t know that they have to be changed religiously every 5-10 minutes and lubed up heavily to avoid breakage and having them stuck deep in a woman’s pussy requiring a visit to the ER. Yes, I know a condom stuck in a guy’s ass would also require a visit to the ER. Also, most of Kink’s gay performers also perform in straight scenes and are tested anyway. I really don’t know if condoms are safe in gay porn either (I tend to think especially without frequent testing they aren’t) but I think we both can agree that preferably gay performers would be on 14 day testing just like straight performers are. Remember, even if the gay division is nominally condom only without testing they still have to test for straight scenes and be HIV-. That is why I think Kink will be fine at least in the short term with their current policy even though I tend to disagree with it in part. If the performers are tested every 14 days anyway and are HIV- we are essentially saying we have six dicks/strap-ons in one scene and a half-dozen in the next one — the same thing IMO. I think you should forget about forcing condoms in porn and instead fight to require all porn performers (gay or straight) be tested frequently and possibly use serosorting where HIV+ performers may only work with other HIV+ performers because condoms will never work especially in the harsh straight scenes common today (I don’t honestly know how harsh gay scenes are as I can’t stand to view them).

By: jilted Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:14:41 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

“Kink does have a gay division(with condom use)

So which is it Harris,,,,you claim that condoms are ineffective in porn and cause rug burn and dont provide safety,,,,but its ok for kink to use guys who do gay porn because they use condoms when they perform gay scenes.

And for the record,,Daily aditted to knowingly working with up to 8 HIV+ performers(with condoms).

This is all to typical of porn apologists wanting it both ways. Kink is safe because the gay division uses condoms, but condoms on a straight set are not safe. ONLY IN PORN

By: mharris127 Mon, 21 Apr 2014 19:33:39 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

For the record what I read about Rod Daily fucking for pay on a gay set did not state what company. As that is I stated it was possible it was TIM but it was just as possible it was at another gay studio such as Falcon. It isn’t Peter’s (who is straight) or even Van’s (the gay division head director) job to view every TIM video in order to blacklist their performers (in fact Peter may never have even heard of TIM before, you will have to ask him that question directly). Maybe the gay studios have the employees, the ability to watch gay videos without puking and the time to do so but the straight studios do not. I know if I was asked to watch a gay video I would puke my lunch on the lap of whatever employer asked me to do so. Kink does have a gay division (with condom use) and some of their talent also works in the straight division (Wolf Hudson is an example, he also does both gay and straight videos for other companies). None of their gay division performers that also worked in their straight division have came up positive for HIV. For the record IIRC Rod never did a video for Kink’s gay division.

By: mharris127 Mon, 21 Apr 2014 17:42:48 +0000 In reply to Ari Bass.

Whoever is posting as Ari Bass, I hate to burst your bubble but I am straight, male and will only fuck a woman. I don’t know for sure what an anal “rubbing” is (I can probably guess but don’t feel the need) but I can say you won’t get that from me. Yes I post on both blogs from time to time and have some interesting thoughts but I am still straight and male.

I also do have to mention that the real Ari Bass may sue whoever is making these posts under his name if he sees them. An IP number is easy to get with a court order for obviously slanderous comments like these. Also, the rumors of liking strap-on sex (reported on earlier in the month) does not equate to homosexual unlike the comments under “Ari Bass” here the past couple of days.

Also, happy Easter to whoever is making the comments as well as to Mike, Ari and Sean.

By: CPanzram Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:43:45 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

“I just re-read my comment, I think my outrage is at the high risk of transmitting HIV on a TIM set, not necessarily actually doing so.”

What TIM does contains an entirely different mindset than that of the straight industry. The risk for average people to catch HIV on a TIM is different for those already on TIM sets. They have HIV so it is a free-for-all. There are no worries for them in their minds. It is like Pokemon. They gotta catch ’em all.

Complaining about TIM is useless unless they are filming in CA without condoms or other regulations required by the state. I feel a better message would be to show this as an example of what the straight industry can become if things don’t change.

“BTW I said Rod likely got HIV from a set for either TIM or another gay company with similar practices, not necessarily TIM.”

If Rod worked for TIM and the straight industry hired him then they are more reckless than the mainstream gay studios. Gay studios blacklist you if you work for TIM. (Unless of course you are another bareback-only studio.) If gay studios can do that then why can’t straight ones do so as well especially if they use their performers?

If what you say is correct about Rod possibly getting it on a TIM shoot would say a lot about then, wouldn’t it? That would mean is taking gay performers who perform with TIM and not testing them and just making them wear condoms for anal in gay shoots. Those performers can then crossover. That would make HIV transmission on a straight shoot very likely. The guys on TIM shoots are very unhealthy. TIM performers can have 3 or more unprotected partners in a day off camera.

If Rod got HIV on a TIM set then has the ability to transmit HIV on their sets considering TIM performers would be dating straight performers that uses without condoms.

By: Ari Bass Sat, 19 Apr 2014 22:29:08 +0000 Ohhh Mharris127 one of out favorite poster’s on Sean and mine
blog@ TRPWL. I love the fact that you post on our blog and then over here. I love your theories and so does Sean.

If you’re ever here in Vegas look me up. I need a good anal rubbing and you sound like the man who can do it for me.
Sean’s cock is getting to small or I’m getting too gaped and need different cock.
Happy Easter, MHarris127 . I wish Mike would post more articles about the bisexuality going on in straight porn. I love watching when I’m on the set a guy pounding a woman in the ass and make believing its me.

By: mharris127 Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:38:46 +0000 In reply to Ari Bass.

What the fuck? I suspect these posts supposedly by “Ari Bass” aren’t actually from him. Whoever these posts are from has one hell of a evil sense of humor. Funny but risky from a legal standpoint.

By: mharris127 Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:37:00 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

I just re-read my comment, I think my outrage is at the high risk of transmitting HIV on a TIM set, not necessarily actually doing so. As for Rod Daily, we know he got HIV somewhere, if I recall several sources said he did gay scenes right before finding out he had HIV so since the straight side of the biz tests regularly (greatly reducing the chance of HIV transmission there) and the gay side does not it is pretty obvious he got HIV either from the gay side or his private life. His private life sex was with Cameron Bay. Cameron did not come up positive until after Rod did so she likely got it from him.

BTW I said Rod likely got HIV from a set for either TIM or another gay company with similar practices, not necessarily TIM. I would like to know for sure where he got it as well.

By: CPanzram Thu, 17 Apr 2014 18:03:31 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

“If every person on a TIM gay 50 man cumfest set were HIV positive I would not have a problem with what they are doing. Unfortunately that isn’t the case, these known HIV positive performers are fucking HIV negative performers up the ass on TIM sets and cumming deep inside (the HIV negative performers at TIM are dumb as a whole semi truck full of hammers but they are still negative at least before their scene). At Kink performers (on the straight side of the biz) are required to prove HIV negative status before shooting. No one is getting HIV from a straight Kink set.”

Please show me the evidence of people being infected on a TIM set. I’d like to know where you got the info because I can’t find it. You can’t prove someone was infected on a TIM set just like you can’t prove didn’t infect anyone.
