Comments on: The lifespan of the male porn star ** Reader Email The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:29:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: genericcommenter Fri, 17 Aug 2018 10:21:30 +0000 Since he’s been on the site so much recently I’m surprised no one has mentioned Rico Strong’s caverject incident that was in the news.

By: Common Nonsense Tue, 14 Aug 2018 16:14:28 +0000 Use of Caverject and other similar ‘medications’ for erectile dysfunction is clearly dangerous to the female actress in adult film. When used in a monogamous relationship where each others status is assured – it can be very helpful. But the injection site does leave droplets of blood and often takes a long time to close and cease and can start again after the man believes it to be stopped, just like pricking your finger can sometimes take a long time to cease bleeding and can occur without one noticing at times. Don’t forget an erection is achieved by engorging the veins of the penis with blood, so you are trying to close a wound made in a vein that is now very full of blood.
The risk to the female of blood being introduced to her internally is obvious and makes the adult industry rigorous testing regimen nonsensical if this is common place.
How can it be that this is routinely taking place on a daily basis in adult film today ?
If a male achieves an erection using Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or other pill method there is no risk at all to their scene partner,
There is tremendous risk with injections, – especially made shortly before the sex begins.

By: Mike South Tue, 14 Aug 2018 16:05:04 +0000 Caverject has been in porn forever…I first wrote about it here in July of 2002…over 16 years ago what I wrote then still holds true:

‘Viagra is playing a huge role in the industry these days. Many performers have been using it so often that they are now taking 10 times or more the normal dosage just to get an erection. Others inject their dicks with caverject to get and maintain wood. According to my sources Viagra does indeed work and it will give you a hard that lasts for hours provided you are doing something sexually stimulating the whole time. If you take Viagra and do your taxes you aren’t gonna get a woody unless you have a pretty weird fetish. The guys I know who have used say that it makes it more difficult to cum.
I think in it’s proper application Viagra is indeed a breakthrough, a great drug. I think it and caverject are being abused in porn (imagine that) If you have to take 500Mg of Viagra or inject your dick to get it hard, this is Gods way of telling you to get the fuck out of porn.”

By: Karmafan Tue, 14 Aug 2018 15:32:32 +0000 Didn’t Mark Wood have similar issues with his penis getting damaged?

By: No Name Tue, 14 Aug 2018 06:30:49 +0000 always thought justin hunt was a little creep looking so hearing this about him doesn’t surprise me

By: mharris127 Tue, 14 Aug 2018 05:06:56 +0000 A few years ago some Kink male performers were using a mix of injectable medications some San Francisco area doctor called Trimix. It gave one hell of a woody but the mix was so strong that at least one ruined his dick with it (and reading between the lines of one of Peter Acworth’s comments about not allowing directors to give prescription medication to performers at about the same time this came out) possibly one director was providing it on set.

By: joeschmoe Tue, 14 Aug 2018 03:31:37 +0000 caverject is more common in porn than this article seems to indicate.

Just to explain a bit why someone would do this….. ED pills (viagra, etc) still need you to be aroused to some degree in order to get you hard. If someone is not turned on or stressed out or whatever, it is possible to not be able to get an erection.

Caverject is an erection no matter what, there is no need for arousal or anything. You do the injection, you are hard. Period.

So, guys who are at a point where none of this turns them on (over load, too much, hatred, or they are straight for pay, etc) head to caverject so they know they will be hard no matter what. Guys who maybe had wood issues a few times worry about losing their work, so they head to it.

Caverject is the last resort for men who can’t get an erection no matter what, or for guys who are taking other medications that mean you can not take viagra or it’s bretheren. In porn, it is the way to make sure you can do a scene no matter what.

And yeah, the injection does open a wound for that day, a way to transmit HIV or Hepatitis for sure. It also builds up scar tissue over time with repeated needles going in there.

By: Justice Tue, 14 Aug 2018 02:58:42 +0000 JH as in Justin Hunt
lol everyone knows that
