Comments on: The FSC Does The Industry more Harm Than Good – Reader Mail The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:44:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:44:04 +0000 Rick, I think you mean Michael Whiteacre, not Whitacre. I know he is somewhat caustic at times (I am guilty of that offense myself quite often so I can’t knock the guy for that trait) but I believe he does truly care about the adult film industry and has good intentions whether you agree with him or not. Michael Whiteacre (along with Mike South, Sean from TRPWL, Mark Speigler and a few others) was also instrumental in beating Donny Long’s attempt to ruin the biz using his PWL forum to scare away and ridicule talent. You can probably see that I don’t agree with your assertion calling Michael Whiteacre an idiot whether I agree with him on something or not. I think Michael is a smart guy that just got mixed up in a couple of situations that he shouldn’t have recently. We all have to live and learn from life.

As far as Manfuck’s management, they can go suck a cock with the clap and syphilis. Better yet, hire John Stagliano, Rod Daily and TJ Cummings to ass fuck and anally cream pie everyone on the board and management of Manfuck/FuckGeek, hopefully at least some of them would get HIV. Tube sites were the second worst thing to happen to porn in a long time (the worst thing is the four HIV infections this year). The true majority owners of the porn tube sites deserve to die a long, painful death.

Say, isn’t it about time for Steve Hirsch to offer Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer $1 million to do porn? I can be male talent if Steve is willing to cover my expenses to get to LA and eat/sleep/get around while there. Marissa is cute and fuckable and certainly more marketable than the last batch of E list celebs (except maybe the tape with Pippi Longstocking which was not put out by Steve/Vivid). The hardest task for Vivid would be keeping the scene off of the tubes.

By: Walter Spohn Sun, 15 Dec 2013 03:28:09 +0000 Walter Spohn liked this on Facebook.

By: vmgsinclair Fri, 13 Dec 2013 22:23:58 +0000 Dayum did one of your readers just out the reason we see so much new bush in porn?
“@MikeSouth1226: Reader Mail”

By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:50:11 +0000 The FSC Does The Industry more Harm Than Good – Reader Mail
